Thursday, November 1, 2012

Cozy Fireplace & Glittery Tree

Happy November! Wow, do you realize that we're less than 2 months away from Christmas? Sometime I really feel like time flies and I wonder where it went.

To start off November, I have another holiday card made with Avocado Arts November set called "Very Merry Season". And, I am loving American Crafts glitter tape, so I am using them to make the tree for this card.

I love the coziness of this fireplace design. And top it off with glittery Christmas  tree... yum. Oh, not to mention plenty of white space. I love white space. Yummy CAS-ness, I dare say. ;)

Please check out what the Pit Crew has created using this fab set. And, tomorrow, please join me for Caring Hearts Blog Hop. Many fantastic ideas and lots of prizes!! See you tomorrow.


Annette Allen said...

awesome card..i love how you did that tree..looks amazing.

chillin with Quillin said...

very nice card, love the tree !!!

Thank You Pineapple

Hi friends. Happy May! Sorry that I haven't been blogging as much. I currently have my mom visiting all the way from Indonesia and am f...