Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Hope Your Day Is Just Ducky!

Hi peeps. How's it going? Can you believe it's already mid of March. I am loving the nice weather here on my neck of the wood and the spring forward?? Love it! I love that it's still bright at 6pm in the afternoon. It just energized me more. And, I am actually been inspired to create. 

For today's post I am making this card for SugarPea Designs mix it up challenge. I am following the sketch and just tweak it a bit. :) Instead of square I used circles.

I used the Quacker set, oldie but a goodie set that I still adore to this day. I love these cute duckies!! Aren't they just adorable? SugarPea sure knows how to make cute critters stamp.

Peeps, I hope you will join us and play along. You can check out the challenge detail and enter your project HERE. That's all for me today. May your day be a fantastic one. 


Fikreta said...

so cute!

ellyscard creatief said...

Very sweet card.

Unknown said...

Vera, I love your design for the SugarPea card sketch challenge. I missed this particular sketch due to my illness but I had thought of some great ideas. I love that SugarPea have such a lot of great critter stamp sets. I am not in the position financially to get any stamp sets at present but when I am then I will be looking at SugarPea for some cute critters for my craft stash. :O)

Winter Garden Collection

 Hi friends. Today I am sharing a couple projects I made using  the new sets from Spellbinders Winter Grace's Garden collection. First u...