Thursday, February 25, 2010

PTI Blog Hop

I am super duper excited to join PaperTrey Ink blog hop for this month. I am pretty new to PTI stamps, but I can tell you that I LOVED PTI stamps! After waiting for a long time (hey a week wait is long when you're waiting for new stamps, especially if you've been drooling for it during the sneak peak), my 2nd order from PTI arrived  yesterday. I loved it that they took the time to wrap each set in tissue paper. It's like unwrapping a present. Even their small labels that wrapped around the set makes me happy. :)

This month blog we're supposed to make cards that inspired by PTI design team. I love Maile Belles style. Her cards have that clean look that just simply gorgeous. I made this card, inspired by her technique here (the 2nd card). The french knot on the flowers from Asian Fusion set really make the card unique. I usually use my needle to unplug my Diamond Glaze, LOL, now I am glad that I actually get to put my needle to other use.

Here's the close up of the flowers with the french knot.

I am soo in love with my PTI stamps that I actually made 3 cards for the blog hop. I love the simplicity of Dawn's card here. Her row of flowers inspired me to make this row of butterflies on my card.

I like browsing for inspirations and see what I can come up with. I know I could use the bigger butterfly to make it look more similar to Dawn's card, but I love this tiny butterfly. It just look so gentle and breezy.

Hope you enjoy the cards. Thank you so much for stopping by and please leave comments if you stop by here. Would love to know what you think. Have a super duper great evening, Vera.


Laural-Lee said...

Fantastic french knots! I too did a Maile project! I love her stitching accents! Great layouts!

Lea L. said...

These are very pretty! I love the white space on them! Great job with the challenge!


Erin said...
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Erin said...

beautiful! I loved her french knots too!

Mrs. Tamashiro said...

I love the attention to detail. So pretty.

Ted said...

So unique! You should be quite proud.

Elizabeth S. said...

Beautiful card! Love your take on the challenge.

Taheerah said...

Beautiful card, you've really pulled this off!

Dana said...

Just lovely. The simplicity of your card betrays the difficulty of your hand sewn french knots! I'm impressed.

Nancy said...

lovely, clean and simple cards, Vera! The french knots are perfect on the flowers.

Tricia said...

What beautiful details!

Anika said...

Great card! I am going to need to try the French knots too!

Pam K said...

Love the cards and especially the french knots! Great job!

@JoyceCasaldi said...

Great cards, love the asian look and all the butterflies!

Marge said...

Great Asian cards! Love your butterfly card also!!!

Lori said...

Pretty cards!!

Diane Jaquay said...

These are BEAUTIFUL!

Rhonda said...

Love the butterflies!!! Great idea.

Liz said...

Amazing! I love the french knots and all those beautiful butterflies!

Rosanne said...

Very pretty!

Anonymous said...

Great cards--all of them. Love the French knots.

Sue Ann said...

The butterflies are fantastic ..........great cards!!!

Kelly S. said...

These are simply sweet for sure...I GOTTA try those french knots...they are such an awesome idea for a card!

Nadine said...

Welcome to PTI and your first blog hop! Wow both your cards are amazing! Great job on the challenge.

Sue in Grapevine said...

The French knots are a great accent on the flowers & I love the color scheme you used for the butterflies on the other card.

Kay said...

So lovely! The french knots are amazing and the butterflies are gorgeous! Great job with the challenge! ♥♥ Kay

Daniela F. said...

Happy first blog hop :) Great cards, I'll have to try those french knots!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful cards!! Love the butterflies! :)

Sherry said...

Lovely cards!!

Shay said...

Congratulations on your first blog hop! I am a newbie too and hope to see you at many more to come. I love your cards! I was taken with Maile Belles's use of French knots too and you did such a wonderful job incorporating them into your card. I can't wait to explore more of your blog later.

Tonya said...

Love your french knots. Fun cards!

IamDerby said...

Your asian fusion card is divine!

Sharron said...

These are so lovely! The french knots work perfectly and all the butterflies make such a fun card! Welcome to your first blog hop!!

peggysue said...

Very pretty, nice and clean. I haven't done a French knot since I learned to embroider as a girl, but they look great as the flower centers.

Cammie said...

Glad you joined the hop. Your cards are beautiful and your French knots are very neat. What a wonderful tribute to Maile and Dawn!

Dru said...

Very pretty cards - the butterflies are fantastic!

Anonymous said...

So cute! Love both of your cards1

Karen H. said...

Great cards! I love the french knots on the Asian Fusion cards. The butterfly card is so sweet.

Janelle said...

Love all your cards! The french knots are great and the colors on the butterfly card are fabulous!

Rose said...

Love your cards ! i love how you curved the strip on the vase and your french knots are so cute !

Maureen said...

those French knots are adorable...this is the perfect set for them

Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking Editor said...

Hey Vera! Thanks once again for entering the Olympics of Stamping Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! :)

Jill said...

WOW! These are just beautiful! Love your blog, BTW!

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