Wednesday, November 26, 2014

SSS Designer Spotlight & Caring Hearts Updates

Psst... warning long post ahead. Caring Hearts update below. :)

Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog


Wow, this month fly by so fast. This is my last post as SSS Designer Spotlight for November. To Simon Says Stamp, I want to thank you for this opportunity and also for your generous support to Caring Hearts Card Drive. I enjoy working with the team and it's been a blast. 

This week the challenge is easy peasy... ANYTHING GOES!!


From one of his trip, my boss got me this fold-able card that I thought is such a cool idea, so, I made one myself using SSS Birthday Farm Animals.

Here's a pic of it kind of flat. Once you insert it into an envelope it will lay totally flat. Like those priority mail box. Flat till you pop it. :)

And, here how it looks when you square up the box. It really is such a fun card to make. I want to make more of this kind of card, as soon as I find more time!! I hope you'll play along.


Simon Says Stamp

And, as we're getting close to the end of the Caring Hearts Card Drive, I want to do some update. I love sharing the process & updates as I think you all like to know what happened to your cards and seeing behind the scene pics. 

As of yesterday we have received over 8000 cards. Quite possibly closer to 9000 maybe. That's almost triple what we received last year and we're supporting close to 50 nursing homes including Friends For Life program. Friends For Life is a volunteer base program that provide help and protection for the elderly and disabled. 

Every year, I am always humbled by the response for the card drive. When I started, I thought I'll be lucky if I can even get 100 cards. And, I was surprised that I actually received 750 cards. 5 years later, I cringe when a friend put out the challenge to collect 5000 cards. And, what do you know.... We received almost 9000 and counting.

Last weekend, we started packing some of the cards and Trinh Arrieta came down from San Antonio to help me out. Here's some pics for you:

Trinh was helping me stuff in all the envelope and making sure they're all signed. At this moment, there's slightly over 3000 cards on the table. After about 5 hours, we got the table clean with only a few cards left. My table is ready for the next batch!

This picture was from Monday's mail! Yep, tons of packages. The last week always bountiful!! I have about the same pile came in on Tuesday. And, below is picture of my dining table again covered in cards. This is from 2 days mail. Roughly about 2000 cards. :)

LOL, I have some non card making friends asking me what all my package picture on Facebook all about. What can I say, I love sharing the process and I hope people get a kick out of it like I do. Every year, I debated whether I should do it again or not. And, every year, I am glad I did. 

There's a lady that sent in note that she sent in the cards in memory of her husband who loved Christmas. There's another one who written such beautiful message inside each card, that totally made me all warm and fuzzy. Even hubby was touched and said  this is what Christmas is all about.

I mean, this card drive makes me feel so good inside. It's a priceless thing. I am filled with gratitude. Gratitude for the support, for the kindness, thoughtfulness and dedication people put in making these cards (I have 2 ladies who together sent 499 cards!!). 

For those that friends with me on Facebook or follow me on Instagram, I hope I didn't drive you crazy with all  the packages and pile of cards pictures. I promise we'll be back to normal post soon. :)

Thank you for reading this long post. Have a blessed Thanksgiving. Hugs, hugs, hugs.


Lorraine A said...

Gorgeous card Vera :-) I love the images, all adorable and the pop up design is awesome ! I never made one of these and will have to give it a try :-)

thanks so much for being in the spotlight these past few weeks, it has been a real pleasure to have you along with us XX

Well done with the card drive too, what a wonderful thing to do, I am sure you will make many people very happy this holiday season. What a fabulous achievement !! :-)

Lols x x x

Heather said...

Hi Vera - SNAP - great minds thing alike (I don't believe the rest of the sayings (fools seldom differ)). I love your cute images and fabulous balloons - you've photo'd them brilliantly - I struggles, mine is a rubbish photo!!!

Heather xx

Judy1223 said...

Wow, Vera! Great card today and SO great to hear such positive news about the Caring Hearts Card Drive. I sent in my cards already and am hopeful they are in that stack of mail you pictured! Thanks for giving all of us the opportunity to spread a little love at Christmas...God bless you in your efforts!

Stephanie said...

Now that is a party!! I love the 3D elements to this piece so much color & fun!

Simon Says Stamp!

Melissa Bove said...

This is super adorable Vera! Too stinkin' cute!!


Teresa Kline said...

hi Vera! super cute box, luv your glad you joined us this month at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!

sparkle & shine *~*

ArtGekko said...
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ArtGekko said...

I haven't yet tried a pop-up box card - maybe I will in the new year.

I sent my cards off to you on Monday, paid extra so they should get there on Friday by the deadline. Only a dozen, but I hope they help. thanks for doing all the work and for being the inspiration!

Rubeena I. said...

I love love love seeing your updates, so ecstatic and touched that you received a huuuuge response. It makes me happy that we could share our joy with others. I am also happy to see how you are happy too :))) Thank you for doing this and thank you to everyone else who contributed in any way!

Rubeena I. said...

also, that card is adorable!!!

Deloris said...

Fabulous pop up card!

Thanks for the update on the card drive! So glad I could help make someone's day a little brighter. That's what the holidays are all about.

Mary-Anne V said...

Wow Vera so happy with the card drive totals! Thanks for all your hard work.

Tricia Coffin said...

Ha! Chicken in a box. Your balloons look like real lollipops. Nice.

francesca said...

beautiful project!! :)

Artsy Florals Cards

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