Monday, April 30, 2012

Thinking of You

Today if my dad still here, he would have turned 74. Yep, today is my dad's birthday and I still miss him dearly. It's been ten years since he passed away and I still think of him. Especially when we have special event going on or when we have news to share.

At my brother's wedding, we all missed him and I remember thinking as I watched my brother and his bride, how much my dad would have enjoyed the event. How happy he'd be for my brother. For all of us to be together. And, I remember saying that if he's watching us from up there we do miss him.

I think, when it comes to your parents, siblings, family, or close friends, that no matter how long time has passed you would always miss their presence. Today... I just want to say... Dad, I am  thinking of you and hope you have a great birthday up there. Love you always.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Lily Pad Cards Rainy Day Challenge

Hi all. Second post for today. We have new challenge from Lily Pad Cards sponsored by Simon Says Stamp. It's all bout Rainy Day.

I was a bit stump at first, but then, I realized I don't really have to take the whole thing literally. All you need to do is to create any project that has some rain or rain related images, thoughts, etc. I mean umbrella kind of associate with rainy day, so that's where I went with my card. :)

I am also entering this card to Simon Says Stamp Anything Goes challenge.

Right now, I am loving the POW glitter papers from American Crafts. They are fabulous. It's glitter paper without the glitter mess. I mean you can rub the heck out of this paper and no glitter will fall off.  It works wonderfully with die-cut machine as well.

Check out what the DT gals created for this challenge HERE and I hope you will join us and play along. One lucky winner will receive $25 gift certificate from Simon Says Stamp.

Thanks for stopping by here. :)

Fabby Day

Yesterday, I had such a fabby day. I finally get to meet up with Brenda Urbanik (who is featured as Moxie Fabber of the Week right now) & Lisa Alonzo. They're so nice and I chatted with them as if I had known them forever.

I can't believe that we didn't meet sooner, considering we only live about 30 minutes away from each other. I really wish we had meet up sooner, because these girls are so much fun to hang out with. Here's our pics.

Brenda & me.

Me & Lisa.

And, I found out that Lisa and I picked up pretty much the same color for our craft room. Mine slightly lighter color, but it's pretty similar. I plan on meeting up with them again in  May before Brenda moving back to South Africa. It's nice to have stamping friends that I can meet up with.

Now, let's talk card. This is one of my publication  reject. But, I still thought it's pretty cool and I still love it. :)

I am so looking forward to this weekend. I want to finish organizing my room and I will share the pic afterwards. Right now, I am trying to finish so many projects that my desk just doesn't look pretty. Hah... although if you ask hubby, he will say that's how my desk look like 98% of the time. :)

Hope your weekend starts off wonderfully. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Shaped Cards

Squeezing in a couple shaped card for this month Hero Arts challenge. I decided to go with the shaped card theme since currently I am taking the online class A Cut Above and on day 3 we were learning about shaped card.


And, I finally get to use my new Hero Arts Studio Calico Latice Background stamp. Love this stamp. I think it's gorgeous and can be used for any theme. Here's a look at the first card. 

I really dig the way this one turned out. Stepping out a bit of my typical clean style, but I think the card came out pretty nice. Am also entering this card for Simon Says Stamp Anything Goes challenge.

Next is a butterfly shaped card inspired by Jennifer McGuire's card. For the life of me, I couldn't find the post where she posted her original butterfly card, but I know I want to CASE it. :) She's just so talented and I just adore her style. And she is so nice in person as well. Love her.

For both cards, I used my favorite tool of all time, my Silhouette. I have my Silhouette SD going on 3 years now and still love it. And it still working amazingly well. I am so very tempted by the new Silhouette Cameo, but for now it just stay on my wish list. Sigh... my Silhouette truly is the gift that keep on giving. I really should be their spoke person considering I gushed about my li'l machine all the time, don't you agree? ;)

Enough babbling, I thank you all so much for stopping by here and may your day shape out wonderfully. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

May Arts & Authentique

Hi, just want t let you know that today is my day at May Arts. We are teaming up with the fabulous Authentique Paper company this week. Here's a look at one of my card. Check out the post HERE & if you leave comment on May Arts blog you'll be entered for their fabulous giveaway. Thanks for peeking in. :)

Catching Up

I had a few projects that were posted on other blogs as part of my DT requirement, but I haven't share them here. So, I figure today I can share those projects here before I forget. :)

First up, is a goody box I made for SP & Company. It was posted on their site HERE last week. Haven't quite decide what I'll use this for. But, it's always useful to have a goody box handy for when I need it.

Then, I have this Hello Kitty card that was shown on PSA Essentials blog post HERE.

This spring break card was shared a while back also on PSA Essentials HERE.

Today, I am taking Eli back to the vet for a follow up check up after his snip-snip. His stitches seems to heal okay, but there's one part where we just don't feel comfortable about and just want to make sure it was okay. So, back to the vet we go.

Currently, I am working on tons of stuff. Magazine submissions (got a happy email last week. So far I have 1 project accepted for Paper Crafts Holiday Card Volume 7, hoping to get more as they should be sending more happy email this week) and working on lots of behind the scene projects for Some Odd Girl for their first catalog and CHA booth. 

All I can say is Kristy has designed some of the cutest stamp that I was delighted to get my hands on. When it arrived here yesterday afternoon, I immediately start playing with it (and I mean it literally). The only down fall is I cannot share any of them yet. Trust me, I want to share them so badly. Especially since one of the set involve something that I hold dearly. Hint.. hint... cough... Eli...hmm.... :) 

Time to go. Enjoy your Tuesday.

Monday, April 23, 2012

You Make My Heart Happy

Happy Monday, lovely peeps. How was your weekend? Mine was super productive. Not in a crafty way, but hubby and I finished re-doing our bedroom, the guest bedroom, and most importantly my craft room.

I have to say I am very blessed with a super thoughtful hubby. He made sure that the painter put my room as priority to finish. I mean, thoughtful gesture like this from hubby reminds me how lucky I am and how thankful I am for him. To have someone that knows me so well, know what makes me happy. He knows that when it comes to my craft room I like to get things done quick. That I'd get antsy if I have to wait.

LOL, Saturday night, he joked that I got withdrawal symptom since I cannot do any crafting or be on my computer. Granted, I have his i-pad to use to check my email and stuff, but I really do prefer my big computer screen. And, yes... I was antsy. Haha...

I'll be sharing pic of my room once I get it organized. Let just say the color makes me want to be on the beach. Hmm... is that good or bad for creative mojo? ;)

Now, let's talk card. Currently I am taking A Cut Above class and one of lesson was focusing on window card. So, here's my window card using colors that makes me happy. All stamps are from Hero Arts. Also made this card for A Blog Named Hero cards with a view challenge.

Hope your week starts off wonderfully is filled with all the things that make your heart happy. :)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Lily Pad Challenge

Yay for Friday! And yay... for waking up with no sneezing. So far.... 

Now, it's time for a new Lily Pad Cards challenge sponsored by Letraset. This time Virginia provide this gorgeous inspiration pic to get our creativity juice going. 

Virginia's View 04/12

And here's my flowery card.

For this card, it just looks like I did a kissing technique. But, I really didn't. I already stamped and colored the flowers, when I felt like it still need a bit more oompph... Then, I remember last month Hero Arts challenge where you stamp a background using white ink to create a velvety look. It's not quite that technique either, as I decided to stamp the musical score with white ink after the card is almost done. Hah... Sometime I just improvise to get the card to the way I want it.

In real life, you could see the white musical background continue onto the white cardstock giving it an extra pattern, so it doesn't look so boring. ;)

Check out what the DT gals created for this challenge at Lily Pad Cards and join us for this fun challenge as who knows you would be the lucky one to win the awesome prize.

Also, today is my day at May Arts blog and I created a non-card project. Say what??? Yes, I decided to try to make a wreath, but still combining it with some stamping. Can't take me away from my stamp. Here's a peek at the wreath.

Please check  out the post HERE and I would so love you if you kindly leave some love for my post at May Arts blog.

Thank you so much and have a FABulous Friday everyone.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Oh spring time... gorgeous weather, but boy all those pollen... cc-c-can't stop sneezing!!  I used to never have allergy... ever! But, these past couple years, it's been creeping up on me and it drives me crazy. I used to joke that I never have allergy since I grew up in Indonesia. Got enough pollution there that my body has good resistance.

Now, my body get spoiled from living in a pretty clean atmosphere, I no longer have good resistance, thus I get allergy attack nowadays. That's just my own  theory by the way. :)

Probably didn't help either that I've been cleaning  my room as I am getting it ready for this weekend paint job. Dust floating by, tickling the nose. Ughh... Major cleaning like this made my realize how much stuff I got. I even still have Penny Black & Hero Arts catalog from 2004.

At first, I was like I can sell these stuff on Ebay as I know there are people out there who likes to collect those stuff. But, then  the practical side of me hold over. Do I want to mess with it? Do I have the time to do it? Well, the answer is no. So, many of the catalogs and magazines either go to recycle bin or donations.

I am determine to reduce the amount of collection on my pile. When I buy any crafts stuff, I learn to question myself hard. Do I really need it? Will I really use it? If there's a doubt, I don't buy it.

Oh no... sneeze attack!! Time to get some tea in my body. With that said.... here's a card. You're  my cup of tea. :)

Hope you have a fabby day free from any sneeze attack! I should change my name to Sneezy today. Aahhh....cooooo. Sniff.. sniff...

Lets Shell-ebrate

It's mid of the week already! This week I have tons of things going on. This weekend hubby and I plan on painting my craft room and our bedroom with new colors, so on the next few days I need to start moving things around.

I have several Martha Stewart's paint chip pinned to my craft room wall, so I can decide on my new color. My choice right now, between turquoise, soft mauve, or soft yellow. Haven't quite made up my mind, yet. But, it'll be quite a change from my current dark blue wall. We're also going for brighter color for our room.

Anyway, 'nuff paint chatting. Today is my day posting at Some Odd Girl blog. Please check it out and leave some love if you will. Here's a peek at one of the card that I share there.

Last night, I was able to squeeze in time to make a card for the current SPARKS challenge, which is to make a project inspired by this pic below.

Here's my card based on the pic. A blue turtle with coral color nails. :) Hah... I love it when I color things outside their natural color. It's fun to just let my imagination took over my common sense. After all, our imagination is only limited to a limit that we put on ourselves, so why not stretch the limit, right?

I just love turtle. For me they symbolize wisdom and luck. And, I do have a pretty nice collection of turtle. From stuff animal (which is a must) to paper weight, key chain, etc. Yep... me lovey turtle.

Now, time to pack some stuff and move some things around. Hmm... maybe I'll find some stuff that I've been looking for the longest time. have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Gnome Love

Hi'ya lovely peeps! So, did you finish your tax or you file for extension? I am so thankful tax season is behind me. I think this year is a first that I waited til the last minute to file my tax. Normally, I get it done a month before, but this time I was just dragging my feet.

I mean... oh should I do my tax or should I make cards for submission? Oh wait... there's a cute puppy who need my attention as well. It's so much more fun playing with puppy, don't you think?

Anyway, here's another card that distracted me from working on my tax. I shared this card on May Arts blog last week as part of OWH blog hop, but since I haven't share it here, I figure this cute gnome need to make an appearance here. :)

I think from There She Goes Stamp, this set called My Little Friend is still my favorite. It makes me smile every time I see the gnomes on this set. With their big eyes and funny expression, they just steal my heart. 

Hope this gnome makes you smile as well. Cheers....

Monday, April 16, 2012

Lawnscaping Stamp A Scene

Good morning everyone! Quick post for today. It's time for a new challenge at Lawnscaping. This time, we'd like for you  to stamp a scene and we are sponsored by Lawn Fawn stamps.


Here's my spring scene.

Please check out the wonderful scenes that the DT gals created at Lawnscaping. Hope y ou will come & play with us. You have 2 weeks to enter.

So sorry for the super short post. But, it's one of those day where my to do list is pretty long. May your week starts off wonderfully.  

Friday, April 13, 2012

Puppy Update & Moxie Fab

As I mentioned on previous post, on Wednesday, my li'l boy, Eli got snip snip. He's doing okay, but in a daze the whole evening afterwards. I feel worried about him, that I decided that for the night, he could sleep with us so I can watch over him closely.

Well, yeah... as it turned out, that means mommy didn't get any sleep. First time he woke up, I thought it was closer to 4am, oh no.... it was only 11.30pm. So, it was a looooong night for Eli's mommy. Eli's daddy was sleeping hard. I stayed home yesterday, but didn't get much thing done (I was supposed to finish our taxes) as it was my turn to be in a daze. ;) 

Here's a look at him as he snuggle away by my desk in my scrapbook room. I just love this li'l guy so much.

Anyway, I might not finish our taxes, but I did manage to finish  a card for Moxie Fab Tuesday Trigger: Three Little Birds. Gee... I got my priority in order, don't I? I mean, when the inspiration picture is bird related, how could I not play?

Here's my hybrid card. Combining digital patterned paper with Technique Tuesday stamp, which in case you haven't notice is my favorite at the moment.

I love the way this card turned out. Debating whether I should just frame it or not. Hm.... decision, decision. That's it from me today. Thank you all so much for stopping by here and for all your lovely comments. I really appreciate your kind words. Have a blessed Friday everyone.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

May Arts Post

This week, May Arts is teaming up with Creative Imaginations and on Monday, I shared three cards on May Arts blog. You can see my complete post HERE. And, here's a look at one of the card.

I am not usually into vintage look stuff, but I think slowly it starts to grow on me. Especially when you get to play with patterned paper as beautiful as the ones on this Creative Imagination Iron Orchid Design Devotion collection.

Please check out May Arts blog for the other 2 matching cards that I made and there's giveaway every day at May Arts every day this week. So , check them out and make sure you check out the current post so you can enter the giveaway. :)

Eli & Kaylee

Good morning, lovely peeps! The Yates household started our day bright and early with li'l guy, Eli visit to the vet to get snip snip. Sigh... my baby is getting big. He's definitely not a scaredy cat. At the waiting room, he is the smallest one, yet he's the only one who dare to growl and bark at the other dogs, which ALL of them bigger than him.

I was like, hm... do you realize how tiny you are compare to all those dogs? Next step would definitely to take him to the dog park to get him used to other dogs. Anyway... that's how my  morning started. Now, let's get on to some cards, shall we.

Today is our final day for this month Some Odd Girl digi release and today is all about Kaylee. Here's my first card featuring Lazy Day Kaylee.

Everybody Art Challenge - Spring

And, my second card featuring Tweet Kaylee.

I've been coloring a bunch of Some Odd Girl images as Kristy getting ready for CHA. The DT is working hard to provide fabulous samples for the catalog and for the booth. I know CHA still a few months away, but before you know it, it'll be here again. And it's so much better to be prepare than to rush. :)

Please check out Some Odd Girl blog for more inspirations from the DT using the new release images. Enjoy your Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Pup & Hedgey

** For SP& Company blog hop please scroll down. **

Hi everyone and welcome to Some Odd Girl Digital release week. It started, yesterday and you can see the 1st day releases HERE.

Today, we're introducing you to Spring Pup and Hedgey. Hah... since my li'l pup Eli is going to get snip snip this week, I thought a get well soon card is a perfect theme. No... I am not that nuts to give my puppy a card, but I am nuts enough to send a card "from" my puppy. :) My family is pretty much a dog lover family, so now & then I do give them  cards from my doggies.

Like hubby would get a thank you card from the doggies every so often to thank him for taking such good care of them. Or my mom get an I miss you grandma card from them. Hey... I'll take any excuse to give out card. ;)

In real life, Eli probably would have chase the butterfly. Don't think it'll get a chance to land on his nose, unless he's sleeping. That boy love to chase anything that floating, be it dandelion, leaves, whatever. 

Next, another cutie that reminds me of our one and only hedgehog pet, Coco who's now in critters heaven. This one called Hedgey.

As always, the DT gals has created some fabulous samples for this release and you can check the out at Some Odd Girl blog. BTW, don't forget our SOG color inspiration challenge is still going. You have till end of April to enter this one.

Hope you enjoy today's cards. Till tomorrow....

Monday, April 9, 2012

SP & Company Lavender Blog Hop

Hi everyone and welcome to SP & Company blog hop.

I am glad that I get to join SP & Company blog hop this month. Due to my travel schedule before, I wasn't able to join the last couple hop since I am joining the team. This month our color is Lavender (Light Purple)!!! After you're done hopping around today, make sure you play along with this month's Lavender challenge (click here for details) for a chance to win some awesome SP and Company prizes!

Please join us for our Release Celebration that is happening today and tomorrow on the SP Forum HERE.  You can talk to all of the designers, discuss projects and chit chat with other stampers!It's a blast and you don't want to miss out!

Here's my card using the new release Sympathy & Care set.

I simply love the fonts combination of the sentiments on  this set. For my card, I used the Brilliance Twilight ink pad  that has 3 colors in one pad and use two of the colors. In person, this card actually has a nice soft shimmery sheen to it.

I hope you will join us on this fun hop. Don't forget that the random prize patrol is watching so leave a comment on every blog to be eligible for the prizes!! The more blogs you comment on, the better your chances are of winning something fun!

Make sure you check out the SP Blog to see what Samantha did with the new stamps! And please hop around to each Design Team Member's blog - there are brand new projects with the stamps that came out TODAY to inspire you!

Here is the list of designers that will inspire you today:

Vera --- you are here

Thank you so much for stopping by here. :)

Some Notes

Hi, just want to share a couple stuff. Today, PSA Essentials has my spring break card up on their blog. You can check it out HERE.

And, today is the start of Some Odd Girl April dig release day. They are introducing Little Loves today and you can see this cuties at Some Odd Girl blog.

Next, I'm so excited that today I am finally able to share the news that my sweet friend, Anita Recksiedler also won the 2012 Stamping Royalty. She won in the Christmas/Holidays category. Anita and I were together on a design team for quite awhile and I am happy that I can share this honor with a friend. Congrats, Anita and all the ladies who share this honor with us. :)

A quick post for today as I have tons of stuff to finish. Including our taxes. Ugh.... But, i do have this fun card to share with you. This is the card that didn't make it to the Stamping Royalty, but I still love its cheerful look.

Make it Monday - Anything Goes
The Cutie Pie Challenge - Use Favorite Cute Stamp

Have a great Monday everyone. Cheers....

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Lawnscaping Spring Blog Hop

** If you're looking for PSA Essentials & Nikki Sivils Blog Hop, please scroll down. **


Hello and welcome to Lawnscaping Spring blog hop!! We're so excited that you can join us on this fun hop as we're celebrating the beauty of spring. If you arrive here from the fabulous Amy Tsuruta blog, you are on the right track. In case you get lost, you can always find a complete list of the participants at Lawnscaping blog.

With spring in my mind, I made a couple cheerful cards. First one is using Lawn Fawn Bright Side patterned paper. I just love the quality of the paper & the cheery design of this collection.

My next card is also for Lily Pad Cards new coloring challenge, which is to create a project based on this color palette. And... guess what... it's also sponsored by Lawn Fawn. :)


The DT gals on Lily Pad Cards has created some fabulous samples for you, please check them out HERE.

For this fun  hop, we have a few prizes packs up for grabs. TWO prizes will go to random hop participants and then THREE prizes will go to 3 random people who comment along the hop. For specific detail of the prizes, please check out Lawnscaping blog.

You have until 11:59pm EST Sunday, April 8th to leave comments on all the blogs to be eligible for a prize. The winners will be announced on Monday, April 9th on Lawnscaping blog.

Your next stop for the hop is Jeanette Marchand. Thank you for stopping by here and have a great Friday! :)

Just The Sentiment

** For PSA Essentials & Nikki Sivils Blog Hop please scroll down. **

Wow.... today is a busy day for me. This is my second post for today. This time I am here to share my card for SP & Company. It's a quick card and for this one I didn't use any image at all. Just the sentiment stamp.

Here's my card using the Happy Birthday sentiment from Mustache Madness set.

Simple, but cheerful. :)You can also find other fun inspiration on SP & Company blog HERE.

Wishing you a blessed & wonderful Good Friday.

PSA Essentials & Nikki Sivils Blog Hop

Description: C:\Users\Libby\Desktop\BlogHop0406 copy.jpg

Hi everyone and welcome to PSA Essentials & Nikki Sivils blog hop. I am glad you can join us today. If you arrive here from Kim Schofield, you are on the right track. For a complete list of the participants please check out PSA Essentials blog.

I made a couple cards using the patterned paper from Nikki Sivils Messages collection. Here's the first card. 

I stamped the word "hi" using the alphabets from PSA Essentials Vanilla set. Next, another quick card and this time I stamped the phone from PSA Essentials Frenchie set.

From here, please hop on over to the talented Regina Mangum for more inspiration. Thanks so much for stopping by here. Enjoy your day. :)

Stamping Royalty News

Finally.... I can share my big, big news! Keeping this news a secret for 3 days is such a torture!! :)

Did you see THIS announcement on Paper Crafts blog?? Yep..., yep...  you read it right... yours truly has been crowned as Paper Crafts 2012 Stamping Royalty.

This Monday, when I saw the email from miss Kelly I think I almost hyperventilated.  My heart was just thumping and I squealed like a mouse when I called hubby, who for the few days before kept hearing me asking if he thinks I am going to get picked. LOL, and being a good hubby he would say of course you would and I have to give him credit for saying, "Congratulations your highness" the moment I squealed the news to him.  Hah... Love you, honey!! And, I did share the news with my mom and my siblings right away. Keeping something like this a secret... yikes... I could burst if I didn't tell anyone. ;)

Thank you, thank you, thank you Paper Crafts for choosing my card. I am so honored.

I put my heart on the cards I made and I reminded myself during the process to stay true to my style, which is clean, cute & cheerful, and not to worry about the result. Which is easier said than done. Many times I am tempted to go fancier, to do more. Glad I stick to my style, because the one that get picked is the clean, cute, & cheerful one.

I am very thankful and grateful that one of my goal for this year has came true. I feel like walking on a cloud and still pinching myself to make sure it's real. I cannot share the card that made it since it'll be publish in Paper Crafts later this year. So, how about sharing this card that express my gratitude to the Paper Crafts people and to all my family & friends who always cheering me on.

And, when Paper Crafts asked for a recent pic of myself, I was looking at my pile of pics from CHA and I notice that at Lawn Fawn photo booth, I chose to wear a crown for my photo prop. What a coincidence! :) Maybe subconsciously I was doing positive affirmation. Heh..., I do believe in positive affirmation and I even have a vision board, which I am delighted to say that many of the stuff that I put in there has come true.

Thank you again for letting me sharing my news. I am still grinning like crazy. :) Have a blessed day everyone. Hugs....

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bird & Me

I'm still so giddy over my new blog header. Simply love, love the bird design. This design is sooo me.

I am not quite sure when my love affair with bird starts. I mean, I always love animals, but I think it's not until this year that I realize that most of my favorite designs has bird on it. It's like I am drawn to it. With bird, it can be fun, whimsical, simple, or fancy and elegant.

Last year, thanks to my SIL & niece, I get to learn how to feed birds & baby birds when we volunteered at Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Coalition. It was fun & a bit stinky. Hehe... But, the experience did make me love birds even more. Well, I just love animals. Period.

Anyway, enough rambling. I am talking about bird, because I have another birdie card to share.

Still loving the combination of Kaiserkraft set with Technique Tuesday set, although this time I used the Irish sentiment part. Love the springy colors. 

Today I supposed to get my distress marker set, so hoping that the postman will deliver it on time. I cannot wait to play with it. Since the markers supposed to stay wet longer, I am hoping to do more of this kind of stamping.

 Anyway..., please come back tomorrow as I have a big, big happy announcement to share. And... nope, I am not pregnant, just in case some of you wonder. ;) Till then.... enjoy your Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Birthday & Other Note

Today my dear big brother, Jeffrey is celebrating his 42nd birthday. Being a good sister, of course, I have to do a shout out to him. :)

To Jeff, I am wishing you a very happy birthday. Thank you for being such an awesome big brother (except for when you're being bossy when we were kids... hehe...) and for being a good role model for me. And for spoiling me on my last two trips to Indonesia. You sure know how to make your little sister feel special. 

BTW, your birthday card is on the way. As always your sister tend to procrastinate till the last minute to mail things out. At least, this year you will actually get your card in the same month.

Last year, I made a card for him and I asked my cousin's husband who travel to Indonesia quite a bit to bring a stack of cards for my family. Well, long story short, his trip got cancelled, then he ended up never going, months later I got my cards back, and I finally get to give all the cards for last year events (including birthday, Easter, anniversaries, etc.) to my family when I went to Indonesia this past February. 

I just don't trust Indonesian mailing system too much when it come to mailing a thick envelope or package. So, I thought why didn't just give it to someone who will go there anyway. Yeah... it didn't work. So, back to mailing card one at a time and to be safe no bulky card either

Speaking about birthday, how about a cute birthday card to make you smile?

I am loving this LOTV mice very much. One of  this day, I'll have the other mice stamps. They're just too cute not to have.

By the way, do you notice the change in my blog? Yep... I decided to re-design my blog and I had Karen Baker (The Bald Dragonfly) helped me out with the blog header design. She's amazing so easy to work with & such a professional. She truly capture the idea in my head and translate it the way I actually see it in my mind.

If you ever thinking of re-design your blog, I highly recommend her. I want my blog header to capture my design style. I want it clean, sweet with cheerful colors and boy... she did it. I truly love, love, love the whole design. Thank you, Karen for doing this and for making my imagination come true.

And, how about ending the post with even more cuteness? Here's the latest pic of Eli, the little trouble makers who share his mom's love of papers. ;) Eli said  may your day be filled with things that make you smile, like a good bone treat, or new  toy or paper to chew, or whatever makes you  happy . Wooffy... woof from Eli.

Hi, I am Eli. I am cute & I know it.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Lawnscaping Coloring Challenge

** For Lily Pad Cards 1st Birthday Blog Hop please scroll down. **

Hi everyone and welcome April. I love the month of April as usually April = nice weather & beautiful colors all over the place.

Speaking about colors, it is time for new Lawnscaping challenge, which is coloring challenge. And for this fun challenge we are sponsored by the fabulous Simon Says Stamp.

Simon Says Stamp

For my card, I went crazy with coloring. The diamond border was made using one of the chevron border from Lawn Fawn Chevron Background set. I simply stamp the chevron twice. Honestly, I didn't have any clear idea of where I was going when I colored the border. I just go wild with bright coloring. :)

Too crazy? Or weird? What do you think? Well, crazy or not, I hope you will get your markers, color pencil, crayons, whatever coloring medium you prefer out and play along. Check out what the DT gals has created HERE.

Have a great Monday!! :)

Hi there. Just popping in to share a couple project I made to showcase Spellbinders Heart Hand Etched dies . For the first card above, for t...