Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Remembering My Dad

Today is my dad's birthday. He would have turn 75 is he's still here. And, I still miss him even though he's been gone for more than 11 years. I think when you loose a love one you will never stop missing them.

Many, many moments come and go where I thought, "Oh, how I wish he was here to see this or to experience this moment." I missed him at my wedding. Wished he could have met my hubby. Missed him when I went home for Christmas. Missed him at my brother's wedding. I wish he could see how his little girl finally grow up and do well. And, I wish my niece Shakira could have met him. He would so spoil her rotten.

So many memories comes through my mind as I typed this post. I have this picture framed and displayed in our living room. This was from Christmas eve 1994. It was the last time all of us together as complete family for the holidays. After that there's always one of us missing as we all have different things going on.

It took me over a year before I finally fully accepted he was gone. Because at that time of his passing I was already in the States that many time I felt like he was just away in Indonesia instead of really gone. During that first year, I could burst into tears at any time at random time. Now, I only cried when I feel melancholy or nostalgic. Like right now. You'd think after 11 years I won't cry anymore....

I like to think that he is up in heaven now playing with Oscar & Ceasar, his rottweilers and hopefully with Milo my pug that I lost back in 2004. I imagine he spend his time hanging out with his old friends and watching over us. To dad, wherever you are, I still think of you and miss you. Happy birthday, dad.

I know many of you come here for crafty projects, but for today, I want to take the time to share my thoughts and feeling about my dad.

I do have a card up on Paper Made Bakery blog. Here's the sneak peek of my card and you can see the full card at Paper Made Bakery.

Thank you for letting me share my personal story. Have a blessed day everyone.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Fish & Flower

Hah... How do you like that post title? I feel like it sounds weird, but the content of today's post has those 2 ingredients. Almost sounds like a market place, huh?

This past weekend it rained all day Saturday on my  neck of the wood, so it was a good weekend to just hole up in the house. Eli the pug had a dog play date for a  couple nights (I had my cousin's dog with me) and he wasn't use to all the rambunctious activities that he slept and snuggled a lot after his play date left. I think we might get another dog after our trip. Eli needs a friend to play with.

How about you? How was your weekend? Besides pampering Eli, mine was pretty productive. I did lots of laundry, check out some job sites for work, and I finished about 80% of all my DT work for May. I will be taking a 10 days vacation mid May, so I have to work ahead since I still have to finish planning our vacation. Yes, I am one of those people who likes to plan my vacation in details. Just enough to make sure we get to see as much as we can. :)

Now, let's get on to a couple projects, shall we? First up is my card for Paper Smooches SPARKS challenge. This week we have anything goes challenge. LOL, my kind of challenge. To be honest, my card for today was made a few months ago. It's one of the publication reject. But, I still think it's pretty darn cute.

This card makes me happy. The colors, the smiley fish & the pelican all just so cheerful!

With a super duper easy challenge like this I hope you will playing along our challenges. And, you can bet that my team mates has created some wonderful cards for you for more inspirations. Please check  out their creations:

Second, I made a  flower tag for There She Goes Stamp "April Shower May Flowers" challenge. Basically create any project with shower (or water) or flower theme.

You can check out the challenge detail and find more inspiration from the other Trendsetter at There She Goes blog.

Thank you for stopping by here and as always I really do appreciate your support and your comments. Hugs, xo

Friday, April 26, 2013

Chalkboard Memories Blog Hop

Jessica and Tobi have been hard at work creating an AMAZING new set for us, Chalkboard Memories. If you are familiar with the VERY popular Chalkboard Technique, this set was created for that particular style!! It is full of SUPER cute images, and FABULOUS sayings…and the chalkboard itself? Fantastic!

Chalkboard Memories is a 4x8 set that includes a total of 18 stamps and will sell for $18.00 . The new stamps will be available on Saturday, April 27th at 11pm.

For my card, I can't help but insert a ducky since I am so in love with the ducky from last month releases. I guess he just hop on the chalkboard to write his message. :)

Would you like to win the new stamp set? Here is what you need to do- visit the Trendsetter’s blogs that are participating in each of the blog hop challenges below and comment on their creations as you go. One of the Trendsetter’s blogs (from each hop day) will be randomly chosen as the ‘it’ blog and a winner will be picked using a random number generator from the comments left on that Trendsetter’s Blog Hop Challenge post.

You will not know which blog has been chosen so the more you comment on the better your chances are of winning new stamps! The Blog Hop Challenges will be open until 5 PM Eastern Time Saturday, April 27th with the winner being announced during the release party chat.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

April PTI Blog Hop

** For There She Goes New Release Blog Hop please scroll down**

This is my third and last post for today. I just had to play along with this month PTI blog hop challenge, which is to create a design on an angle.

I used the natural loopy strings again (behind the banner) for an extra texture and for a touch of fun. The bird wood veneer is from Studio Calico and I have to say it's one of my favorite embellishment. 

Am keeping it short as I know you have many blog to hop on to. Thank you for taking the time to stop by here. I appreciate it very much. :)

Larry Blog Hop Challenge

** For my Some Odd Girl post please scroll down. **

Our newest sock goblin from Wendy Leach…be still my heart. Larry is ready for a day at the office, can’t you tell? Or maybe he's ready to attend a party? Or to celebrate? Either way, I think he looks super duper cute! :)

Larry is a 3x4 set that includes a total of 5 stamps and will sell for $9.00.

Would you like to win this new Larry? Here is what you need to do- visit the Trendsetter’s blogs that are participating in each of the blog hop challenges below and comment on their creations as you go. One of the Trendsetter’s blogs (from each hop day) will be randomly chosen as the ‘it’ blog and a winner will be picked using a random number generator from the comments left on that Trendsetter’s Blog Hop Challenge post.

You will not know which blog has been chosen so the more you comment on the better your chances are of winning new stamps! The Blog Hop Challenges will be open until 5 PM Eastern Time Saturday, April 27th with the winner being announced during the release party chat.

Painter Mae

As you know, Some Odd Girl is now releasing new digi images weekly. This week one of the image is this cute "Painter Mae".

For my card as usual I keep it CAS and I made it as if Mae just finished writing the sentiment. Maybe I should ask Kristy to make a matching easel image to go along with Painter Mae. Wouldn't that be cute?

Check out more inspiration and sample by visiting Some Odd Girl blog. Thanks for swinging by here and don't forget today our TSG blog hop continue.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dream In Color & Ginger Blog Hop

Our first set from Megan Suarez this month is the gorgeous new Dream in Color. We love the gorgeous style of this flower, and we think you will, too.

Dream in Color is a 3x4 set that includes a total of 2 stamps and will sell for $9.00. The new stamps will be available on Saturday, April 27th at 11pm.

I love the funky shape and pattern of this flower and decided to go with bold colors against lots of white space. My card base is measured 7 x 3.5 inch. Sometime long shape card works better than the standard size.

Next, the newest addition to Megan’s Spice Girls line is the GORGEOUS new Ginger set. Isn’t she lovely?

Ginger is a 3x4 set that includes a total of 5 stamps and will sell for $9.00. The new stamps will be available on Saturday, April 27th at 11pm.

Since I was all into bright colors, I thought hot pink for Ginger's hair is appropriate. :)

Would you like to win the new stamp set? Here is what you need to do- visit the Trendsetter’s blogs that are participating in each of the blog hop challenges below and comment on their creations as you go. One of the Trendsetter’s blogs (from each hop day) will be randomly chosen as the ‘it’ blog and a winner will be picked using a random number generator from the comments left on that Trendsetter’s Blog Hop Challenge post.

You will not know which blog has been chosen so the more you comment on the better your chances are of winning new stamps! The Blog Hop Challenges will be open until 5 PM Eastern Time Saturday, April 27th with the winner being announced during the release party chat.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Paper Made Bakery Day

For There She Goes Stamp Blog Hop please scroll down. 

This one just a short sneak peek post. Today is my day at Paper Made Bakery. Please check it out HERE. Thanks so much.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Shiver Me Timbers/Ship Happens Blog Hop Challenge

It took a little begging, but we finally got Torico to illustrate a pirate set for us!! If you “need a little ‘aye’ candy”, well then “X marks the spot”.

Shiver Me Timbers is a 6x8 set that includes a total of 24 stamps and will sell for $24.00. The new stamps will be available on Saturday, April 27th at 11pm.                                                 

I’m sure it comes as NO surprise to all you loyal There She Goes fans, but we couldn’t go without creating a companion set to go along with this SUPER fun set!! Leave it to the Trendsetters to come up with so many FUNNY and AWESOME sentiments that one set just couldn't hold them all.

Ship Happens is a  3x4 set that includes a total of 9 stamps and will sell for $9.00. The new stamps will be available on Saturday, April 27th at 11pm.

For my card I decided that treasure chest shape card would be a fun base for the pirate captain. Here's the front of the card.

For the buckle, I only add glue to the center one only. This way I can slide the buckle in and out, so when you open the card it feel like you're opening a real treasure chest. And, this is how it looks when you slide off the chest belts and open the card.

So, what do you think? Fun, right?

Would you like to win the new stamp set? Here is what you need to do- visit the Trendsetter’s blogs that are participating in each of the blog hop challenges below and comment on their creations as you go. One of the Trendsetter’s blogs (from each hop day) will be randomly chosen as the ‘it’ blog and a winner will be picked using a random number generator from the comments left on that Trendsetter’s Blog Hop Challenge post.

You will not know which blog has been chosen so the more you comment on the better your chances are of winning new stamps! The Blog Hop Challenges will be open until 5 PM Eastern Time Saturday, April 27th with the winner being announced during the release party chat.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cutie Pie

Good morning, lovely crafty peeps!! First, how about starting your week with super sweet smile from my niece? I just love, love, love this pic. Her sweet expression here totally melt my heart and I want to kiss her cheeks so badly. I am so in love with this li'l cutie pie.

Sigh... I wish I could share the joy of seeing her grow up in person. However, due to me being in the States, I can only share it through pictures and Skype. Wonder if my brother would ever let me borrow her once she gets a bit older? ;) I'd so spoil her rotten! Hah....

Okie dokie, thank you for letting me gushing a bit. Now, after the gushing part done, let's get on to card, shall we? It's time for another Paper Smooches Sparks challenge. This time it's to create a card inspired by this pic.

Somehow in my head, the cupcake color makes me think kraft paper and the rose icing makes me think of flowers of course. Here's what I came up with:

I do love the greenies from the Reflection set. I think they just look so pretty. I don't use kraft cardstock too often, but I found out chalk ink works so well with them.

I hope you will play along with us and for more inspiration please check out what my teamies has created HERE. Thank you for swinging by here and hope your week starts off wonderfully!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

All Kind of Happiness

Happy Friday, lovely peeps. My blog been neglected for these past few days as I am dealing with pretty bad back pain. Not sure how I managed to hurt my back but this is the worst I can ever remember. Let just say I haven't have a good night sleep for the past few days as every time I moved the pain woke me up! :( I am giving myself till Monday before I go to chiropractor. Cross fingers it will heal by itself.

But, the upside of back pain?? Boy... I learned to sit super straight! Hah... I can tell you I have perfect posture this past few days!! LOL, the pain is a great reminder that I need to sit straight. Now if only I can remember to do this every day. Preferably without the pain though. ;)

Well, enough whining. This week, There She  Goes Stamp is highlighting some past sets and I decided to use the image from Blossom By Blossom. The girl with the dandelion is simply so sweet and I love the sentiment.

The pretty butterfly patterned paper is from Heidi Grace collection. LOL, I have to remind myself of my goal to use my patterned paper stash. I often had a hard time making that first cut, especially when the paper is sooo pretty. But, I did it!! And yes... I am loving the sequins trend. Got quite a few of them at JoAnn's for really good price.

Want to see more fab cards? Please check out There She Goes Stamp blog for more gorgeous inspirations from the Trendsetters.

Thank you so much for stopping by here. I really appreciate your visit.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Perfect Shade of Awesome

Hi peeps! Before I get into my SOG post, I just want to give a reminder that today is my day at Paper Made Bakery. Here's a sneak peek of my card and I'd so appreciate it if you would go over to PMB and check out my card there. :)

Now, let's get on to the early preview of a new set that Some odd Girl will be releasing in May. I know, they  like to tease, but I think it's worth the wait.  *smile*

Meet "Artist Mae". I can so relate to this set as one of my weakness is colorful pens/markers.

I don't  stick my tongue out though when I am concentrated. LOL, I tend to clenched my teeth  instead when I am concentrating.

Please check out Some Odd Girl for more sneak peek and for video tutorial from Kristy.

Thank you for stopping by here and to all of you who are in Boston area, I hope you and your family are well and safe. My thoughts and prayers are with those who are affected by this terrible event. God bless.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Paper Made Bakery April Blog Hop

Good morning everyone and welcome to Paper Made Bakery April blog hop. This month our kit is called Vintage Daydream and it contains lots of fabulous goodies.Here's a look at what's included in this kit:

Can you see the amazing goodies here? The paper pad is from Crate Paper and it's a pretty thick one. You get lots of paper there. So, in spirit of the celebrating this kit, I decided to create a card using the pretty papers from the pad.

Shocker... I actually used 3 different patterned papers. ;) I think I am getting better at using more patterned papers which was my goal when I joined PMB. Slowly  but surely.

Please check out what my teamies has created for this hop and who knows, you could bet he lucky one to win our giveaway. You can find all  the details on Paper Made Bakery blog and you have till midnight Friday, 4/19/2013 to leave comments. Thank you so much for stopping by here. I really appreciate your visit. Happy Monday!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Warm Wishes

It's been awhile where I created a project specially for a challenge. But, I found 2 inspirations pics that I simply couldn't resist. One from Moxie Fab Tuesday Trigger and one from Wplus9 Mood Board.

And from these 2 inspirations, I made this card:

I am so happy with the way this card turned out. Loving the pastel effect on this card. I stamped the flowers with versamark ink, then rubbed pastel over the flowers and fussy cut them. I added the strings for extra details, inspired by Jenni Pauli's style. She often added strings on her projects and I decided to give it a try. And, I am hooked! I think it gives the card a fun texture. You can definitely see more string on my projects from now on. :) Am also entering this card for Simon Says Stamps spring flower challenge.

And, how about ending today's post with a cute pic? I have to share my  niece picture here. My SIL sent me this pic of my niece and I feel my heart melt. The sparkle on her eyes gets me every time. And, I love the fact that my niece has such strong connection with her grandma. My brother said that every time she heard my mom's voice she smiles. If she's about to fall asleep, she will open her eyes a bit to give her a smile. Love that!

I sure can't wait to meet this cutie patootie and get to kiss her sweet cheeks. In a few more months. I am planning to be home for her 1st birthday. :)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Waddle I do Without You?

Happy Saturday, lovely peeps! Just popping up to share this cute ducky. Seriously, the "Lucky Duck" set is one of my favorite set ever. 

I simply love the look of this cute ducky  face and the sentiment... sigh... love the word "waddle". :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Just Saying Hello

Yikes... I was getting ready to go to work and... my car wouldn't start. Didn't even make peep. Totally dead. Now waiting for AAA to come help and I am late for work.

But, I figure I should fill in my time productively while waiting. Like getting this post up! Hah... I got my priority right, don't I?

Been playing with Hero Arts stuff a bit more lately. Made this one for Simon Says Stamp spring flower challenge.

With all the rain we've been getting on our neck of the wood, our flowers should be blooming gorgeously soon. I can't wait for our jasmine to bloom as  that made our whole backyard smell wonderfully awesome.

That's it from me. Back to wait for AAA. :)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Is it just me... Or duck has become quite a trend? If yes, I totally dig it. 

This week, Some Odd Girl is releasing a couple new ducky images. First one is "Duck In Boots", which I just adore. Look at those scrawny feet in the boots! Just too cute!

I feel like the image just scream for bright colors since the ducky has such cheerful face. Now,  the second image, "Feathered Friends" is the opposite. I think they need calm colors since they look so sweet.

I know, I've been gushing a lot about how much I love animals. But, boy... how could I resist when I get to work with such cute animal images? Besides the duckies somehow reminds me of my li'l brother. I guess the cheeky look makes me think that way. ;)

Oh yes, speaking about my  brother, I have to do a quick shout out for him. The Indonesia main newspaper featured a whole page of him and his work. Super proud moment for this sister. 

Congrats, Jerry and t hank you mom for keeping this article for me. It will go in my scrapbook!!

PS: Today also my day at Paper made Bakery as we continue our "go green" theme. Here's a sneak peek of one of my project. Please stop by Paper Made Bakery to see my 2 cards. :) Thanks so much.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

My Deer Friend

Good morning, everyone. Are you ready for a new designer draft challenge from Paper Smooches? This week our challenge is to create a project following this sketch.

And, here's what came up with:

Instead of using a strip of paper or ribbon, I let the deer legs sticking out from the circle frame to represent that line under the circle frame. That top line... hah... I kinda ignoring it. What top line? The sketch is kind of a guideline, the way I look at it. ;)

Hope you will join us and play along. Check out what my SPARKS team mates has created for this challenge HERE. Thanks for swinging by here.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


I supposed to get this card up yesterday for my brother's birthday post. But, I got scattered brain a little bit and this fun card didn't make it to yesterday's post or make it to the mail in time. Hah... Sorry, Jeff. :)

I have to say though, I had lots of fun making this card. It's so fun & totally have celebratory feeling to it. 

When it comes to partying, the Paper Smooches critters know how to do it. And that sentiment, love, love, love. I say "Yay" a lot, so yeah... pretty much get this sentiment set from Papertrey Ink because I want this sentiment.

I am entering this card to Simon Says Stamps birthday challenge. Okay, short post. Work world calling. Have super fabby Thursday everyone!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Happy Birthday

Today is THIS amazing man's birthday. His courage inspires me. He makes me so proud and want to better myself.

So, to THIS wonderful human being, happy birthday. May this year be your best one, yet and may God always watch over you as you save more lives. And, thank you for being such a good big brother and for spoiling your li'l sister even when it's your birthday. :)

Now, on to card. I love this card so much I want to share it here (it went up on Paper Made Bakery blog yesterday).

There's just something about birdie that makes my heart happy. Have a blessed day everyone.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Focus On The Good Thing

As I grow older, one attitude that I really take to heart is the gratitude attitude. I find it that when I am focusing on the good thing it makes me happy. Even when things were not so sunny,  you can't help smiling and feeling better when you take the moment to appreciate the blessings you have in your life.

One of the many blessings that I do appreciate is the many friendship I have made through blogging and paper crafting. One of those people is Kristy Dalman the founder and owner of Some Odd Girl. I joined SOG back in 2011 and I am thrilled to announce that I get to be part of SOG team again for the 4th term.

I am a loyal person and especially when you get to work with someone who listen to your ideas and suggestion it means a lot (she knows I love critters and I can't thank her enough for designing more adorable critters stamps). So, I am super excited that Kristy decided to keep me. Besides being an Oddies challenge me to continue improving my coloring skill.

Yesterday and today at SOG blog, Kristy is announcing the new team. To celebrate, I made this card for SOG April sketch challenge.

This is one of my favorite Gwen stamp. I paper pieced her dress and for the embellishment I added the chipboard element from October Afternoon. Pretty proud of myself considering I used 4 different patterned paper and a chipboard embellishment. And the card still look pretty CAS!

You can play along and enter the challenge (and check out the sketch) HERE.

Also, today is my day at Paper Made Bakery. I would so love and appreciate it if you also check out my post there: Paper Made Bakery  Here's a sneak peek of my card:

Let's finish off today's post with a question shall we? What good things happened to you so far for 2013? Did you get to join a new DT? Did you get a new job? Please share and let us focus on the good thing. Like they say when you focus on the good thing, more good things will come your way. :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

A Gnome & A Goat

Happy April fool!! I was tempted to create a totally outrageous post for April fool, but decided against it as I don't want to give anyone a heart attack. Besides, I don't think my mom or my in-laws would appreciate it if I have made a post announcing I am pregnant or anything like that and turn out I was joking. Hah... I know my limit. :)

So, I decided to be good and do my regular post. I want to share a card using a couple of my favorite images. This week, There She Goes Stamp is running a masculine card challenge and I thought the gnome and the goat are perfect for it.

Hah... can you see how the goat is eyeing that flower and thinking,"Oh, that flower looks so yummylicious." And, the gnome expression is as if he's saying, "Oh no, I have to hold on tight to my flower & save it!" 

What do you think, do you consider this card masculine enough? I thought with the sentiment it's a perfect guy card as we woman would never ever call each other goat, right? I think it's a man  thing to call each other donkey or monkey or goat. At least that's the way hubby and some of his friends call each other.

Oh, and that fab burlap is from May Arts in case you are wondering. Hope you will play along and you can enter the challenge HERE.

Hi there. Just popping in to share a couple project I made to showcase Spellbinders Heart Hand Etched dies . For the first card above, for t...