Monday, December 31, 2018

Season's Giving Blog Hop

Hi'ya everyone! Happy 2019!! I would like to wish you all a very happy New Year and may this year be a blessed, fantastic year for all of us filled with good health, prosperity and many things that makes you happy.

Welcome to the 7th annual Seasons Givings Blog Hop. What's fun & unique about this hop is every single blog that participate has giveaways. So, grab your cup of coffee or tea and browse around. Stick around and you'll see my giveaways on the bottom of  my post. :) And, big thank you to my dear friend, Latisha Yoast who organize this hop.

2018 had been quite an eventful year for me. Creativity wise, I continue designing for SugarPea Designs, The Ton Stamps & Honey Bee Designs. I am very blessed that I get to work with these great companies. I also learned to do loose floral watercolor, which I am very excited about and still continue practicing. Caring Hearts Card Drive had another successful year as we collected 29,147 cards and send hundreds of card packages to nursing homes throughout the US, Canada, Australia and UK. And, I got interviewed for Voyage Houston magazine for my card making. Still pinching myself over this. You can read the interview HERE.

Personally, 2018 was also filled some ups and downs moment. In May, we met up with my whole family in Lisbon, Portugal!! This mark the first time ever since I moved to the States where I get to see my whole family two years in a row. To say that my heart is happy is an understatement. What warm my heart even more was the fact that my niece now remember us immediately the moment she saw us. We are a close knit family, but if it possible, this trip make us even closer.

Two weeks after we came back though, our world was rocked to is very core. My 5 year old niece was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. My heart hurt so much thinking of how much she has gone through since then. 6 months later she's still going through chemo. She is so brave though. And, she taught me so much through all of this. She taught me to do what you love every chance you get. The moment she feel slightly better she dance because that's what she loves to do. She also never lost her sense of humor.

Hubby and I went to Singapore to see her in October and even though it was only for a short 3 days, we cherished it very much. I love this little girl so much and continue praying for her to get better. I sure hope I can give her hug again in 2019.

My plan for 2019? To really live in the moment. To be able to find gratitude every day. Learn something new whenever possible and just enjoy & continue loving on my family.

Now, as we started the new  year, I look back and want to share my favorite projects from 2018. Let's get on with it right away, shall we?

Now, on to the giveaway. Cause after all that's why Season's Giving all about. I am giving away the 4 stamp sets below!

To enter the giveaway simply follow my blog &  follow me on Instagram (you can find me under: WIRIANTA). If you already a follower, please comment and let me know how long you've been following my blog or my Instagram. Easy peasy, right. You have till Sunday, 1/6/2019, midnight CST to leave a comment. I will announce the winners on Monday, 1/7/2016.

Are you ready to hop? Here's a complete list of the participants. Enjoy and thank you again for all the support. Happy New Year!!

you are here --> Vera Yates <-- you are here

Hi there. Just popping in to share a couple project I made to showcase Spellbinders Heart Hand Etched dies . For the first card above, for t...