Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones. This year, I feel extremely blessed as I have my mom here with me. The last time I get to celebrate Christmas with her was in 1998. The downfall of being so far away. :( She did come to the States several  times and I went back to Indonesia several times, too in between, but it wasn't on Christmas time.

So, this year, I am so thankful to have her here with me. It means the world to me to be able to celebrate Christmas with my mom. I believe the greatest blessing of Christmas is to be able to celebrate it with people you love. I have my mom, my loving husband, and my amazing in-laws  and our Christmas was awesome.

My mom cooked a bunch of delicious Indonesian food. Everybody is still talking about her cooking. Yes... it was that GOOD!! The funny thing was, the next day my husband cooked her some snow crabs and she said that was better than the Christmas dinner. And, I look at her, what?? She said, the Indonesian food is just normal for her, but the snow crabs are special. Just loved her. My husband felt like a hero with that comment.

I do miss my brothers and wish they could be here with us. But, here's to next year. Hopefully, we can be all together next Christmas. And to all of you, I wish you all the very best and may Christmas joy stay with you everyday. Hugs....


Friday, December 18, 2009

Disneyworld Trip

Hello there... Sorry, I am slacking big time on my post. Went on a week vacation to Disneyworld with my husband and my mom. I don't get to take my mom travelling that often, so I love it when I get a chance to do so.

We had a blast. Magic Kingdom was crazy packed (went there on Saturday). Literally after the parade, you can barely walk. We were packed like a sardine. :) We also tried the air balloon on downtown Disney. That was awesome. We got up to 400 feet and had an amazing view of Orlando.

As you can expected, being away for a week, and come back to piles of work, I haven't really start on my Christmas card. Nothing like last minute card making, right? If I am lucky, all my friends will receive their Christmas card by New Year. Haha... I am working on it as we speak.

Meanwhile, here's some pictures from our trip. Thanks for stopping by.


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Daily Giveaway at Created by JB

Hi y'all. How's your weekend? Mine is a bit rough. This past Friday, in Houston we have the rare occassion where we got some snows. Just one day. But, that's enough to make lots of people sick. Including my husband. The drastic weather change just crazy. He came down with a cold and then, our two dogs got into an "arguement", with one ended up with eye injury. I was freaked out when I came home and saw my baby's eye all puffy and red. She looks like she's been in a boxing ring. Hopefully she doesn't have any infection and will be okay. Oh yeah, on top of it all, we're scheduled to go on vacation this coming Thursday.

So, husband is all wiped out from medicine and poor Ollie snuggling with him. I am hoping that both we'll be okay for our vacation. I am not feeling the best myself and been taking vitamins and all prevention to keep me from getting sick, too. What a weekend...

On a brighter note... How about some giveaway?? Have you get a chance to stop by Jenn Biederman's blog? She's doing a huge giveaway. She will choose one lukcy person to receive some of her favorite goodies from Hero Arts & Purple Onion Designs + a card & ATC made by hers.  You do not want to miss it. There's LOTS of goodies. You can check out all the details here: Created by JB

Anyhoo, just want to share the giveaway news with you. Hope you get to check her blog and I wish you all good luck. Have a great Sunday everyone. Stay warm and don't get sick. :)


Hi there. Just popping in to share a couple project I made to showcase Spellbinders Heart Hand Etched dies . For the first card above, for t...