Friday, September 25, 2009

Mojo Monday Week 105

Hi there. Did anyone miss me?? I hope so... :) Sorry that I haven't been really good at updating my blog lately.  I have some health issue lately that I spent lots of my free time just laying on the coach. The medicine that my doctor prescribed me has side effect that cause severe drowsiness. I actually tend to just take half of the dose just so I can at least stay awake and finish house chores.

Anyhoo.... I am hoping that I can get back to normal again. I hate being sick. I feel like my time get wasted when I'm sick. :)

First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTEN!! She's my lovely sister-in-law. An awesome knitter and super cool gal. For her birthday, I  made an 8x8 album in the shortest time ever! See, I've been wanting to make an album for her birthday, but I kept procrastinating. Never quite decide on what type of album or what size, etc. Then on Wednesday evening myhusband told me that Thursday evening we need to go to Kristen's place to surprise her for her birthday. I was like, whattt??? It's tomorrow? Panic!! Look at the stack of pics that I want to use and low and behold, survival instict came up. I do work quite well under pressure. LOL....

Pretty much finish  putting together the album in 3,5 hours. Thank goodness for my Cricut! Make decorating a snap. And my week just get better. I made a pretty cute card for Mojo Monday Week 105. Yay... Here's the card. Let me know what you think. Thank you for stopping by and I'll try to update the blog at least once a week. Have a great weekend!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Taylored Expression Birthday Bash 2

I made another card for Taylored Expression birthday challenge. Again, I combine several challenges in 1. I thought it would be fun to see how many challenge can I combine in 1 card. Break my record, 4 challenges in 1. For details of each challenges click on Taylored Expression birthday bash icon on the side bar.

For Denise's chellenge, I love the colors on the picture. The pink, orange, and brown combination just looks so cool. Then the sketch is from Karen Giron. The buttons border is inspired by Sankari and the faux stitching plus the button stitching is part of Jackie's challenge. I'm embarassed to say that I do have sewing machine, but I honestly don't quite know how to use it. :) I will learn it soon!!

OK, short post today. Don't want hubby to feel ignored. Hehe... been spending my weekend  playing with my stamps. Hope you like the card. Let me know what you think. Happy Labor day....

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Taylored Expression Birthday Bash

Exciting time at Taylored Expression this weekend! To celebrate their one year anniversary they hosted an all day event with 13 challenges that you can enter to win some cool prizes. For detail please check their blog here.

They have some really fun challenges. I decided to combine several of the challenges into 1 card. This is the card that I came up with.

I followed the skecth provided by Laura. Then I did the butterfly using the paper tole challenge by Dawn. This is where you stamped the image 3 times, cut and popped the image a couple times with pop dots. I use my thin pop dots as I don't want my card to get too bulky.  The overall soft colors is inspired by Sharon Harnist challenge.

There you go 3 challenges in one. I did use button and inked the edges of the white cardstock for some distressing (these are two other challenges), but for the button challenge you have to use at least 3 buttons and I just think 3 buttons would be too much for this  card. And for the distressing, I don't think there's enough distressing on this card to be consider for that challenge. :)

Well, I don't know if I can do all 13 challenges. 3 down 10 more to go. If you'd like to join you still have plenty of time. You can win prizes for each challenge! Enjoy the rest of your labor day weekend!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fox card & Nick our boy

My goodness, time flies... Can't believe it's already September. Fall is almost here. That means cooler weather and the holidays season just around the corner. It's been one heck of a hot summer here in Texas, so I am for one excited for the cooler temperature to come.

Speaking of fall, what ya' think of this card? I don't use orange color that often. But, for a manly card, I think this one is perfect. This card is for Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge from Karen Giron's blog and for Hero Arts.  By the way, Karen also the one who designed my leaf signature logo. If you'd like to get one for yourself, you can check out her blog here.

And that handsome boy that you see below the card, that's my Nick, the inspiration for the card. He's a sheltie, but with his short haircut right now, he looks like a fox. :) Love that boy. Nick is a rescued dog and I think he just so grateful that my husband adopted him back then, that he always give us that grateful, loving look. And he's very protective of us, too. Nick has a girlfriend, Ollie, our pug and I'll talk about her some other time. She's one of a kind, too.

Well fellas, thanks for stopping by and please drop me a line while you're here. Have a great sunshiny day!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Yummy goodness

I started this week with a pretty bad back ache. I pretty much spent my Sunday just laying on a heat pad. And my thoughtful husband, spoiled me by bringing me my favorite ice cream of all time. Coffee flavored ice cream mixed with a little bit of avocado. :) It's probably sounds weird, but it's yummy goodness.

Yep, in Indonesia we don't have guacamole, but we use avocado for desserts. A lot of the ice cream place would have different variation of mixing ice cream with avocado. Some place even serve it layered with chocolate syrup and some peanut sprinkles. Because I grew up with avocado as dessert, I still haven't get use to eat avocado with my meals. But, if you're adventurous with food, try this mix for dessert. :) You can use either vanilla, chocolate, or coffee ice cream. You might like it.

Well, luckily by the next day, my back is getting better and I was able to sit down long enough to make a couple cards. Here's the 1st card for Mojo Monday challenge, which I also combined with Hero Arts challange. I use Rangers liquid pearl for the hearts.

Hope you like it and now I have to go do some research for vacation place to go in October. Am thinking of going to North Carolina. Any ideas for what to see or where to go? Drop me a line and thanks for stopping by.

Hi there. Just popping in to share a couple project I made to showcase Spellbinders Heart Hand Etched dies . For the first card above, for t...