Monday, December 31, 2012

Seasons Givings Blog Hop

Hi peeps. This is my 2nd post for today. For my Avocado Arts post please scroll down.

Welcome to the Seasons Givings Blog Hop!  This hop is going to be a little bit different, in the fact that every single person on the list below, is giving something away.  All you need to do, is go to their blog, and leave a comment.  Really, really easy.  Now grab a cup of coffee, or tea, or maybe some hot chocolate, whatever your favorite is, and start hopping.  You should arrive here from Cristal (Pinky) Hobbs.

Among my blessing, I am grateful that I have pretty decent collection of crafting stuff. And, with designing for several companies my crafting stash continue to keep growing. However, one can have too many stuff and it's always good to find new homes for these goodies that don't get used often or never been used at all. So, here to starting off the year 2013 in a fun way with a giveaway and a couple cards. :)

First up, my card to say happy New Year to everyone. I actually made this card a while back and it was published on Paper Crafts 2012 November December online version. The best way to welcome a new year is with a smile, right? I hope this cute bear makes you smile.

Next is another card I made for Some Odd Girl January challenge. I know, the holiday is over, but last month I had to squeeze in time to craft, so I figure whatever I make better be double duty. Something that I can use and send right away and fulfill my DT requirement. Yep, another cutesy card.

Now, the fun part!! The giveaway. I am giving away 2 package of stamps. The 1st package include 2 sets from SP & Company and 1 set from Stamps of Life. The 2nd package include 4 sets from PSA Essentials. And... in both package I will add some extra SURPRISE embellishment goodies. 

1st giveaway plus some extra embellishment goodies.

2nd giveaway package plus some extra embellishment goodies.

For a chance to win these packages, simply leave a comment below by midnight CST Thursday, January 3, 2013. If you choose to follow my blog, I am grateful, but it's not a requirement. :) Winners will be announced on Friday.

Now, go hop around. From here please hop on over to Jennifer Gallacher. In case you miss a link,below is a complete list for the hop.

Vera W. Yates <--- you are here
Kim Hughes/Paper Smooches

Happy New Year 2013

Happy 2013 everyone!! I am looking forward to what this year will bring. I hope it'll be filled with many good things.

One event that coming up soon that I am excited about is in less than 2 weeks I'll be attending winter CHA in Santa Ana, California. I'll be rooming with my team mates from Avocado Arts, Latisha Yoast, Aj Otto, and Emily Branch. So looking forward to hang out with them. It'll be so much fun to have some girl time and googling over new products. Hah...

Speaking of new products, have you seen Avocado Arts January set "Perfect Blend"? It is such a fun set and here's my card using a couple of the mini stamps from  that set. I tend to use the main stamp on a set and this time I made myself to think differently and really look at the whole set. And, this circle and the heart really call out to me.

Simple one with fun color combo to start the new year. :) Please check out what the Pit Crew has created for today's eye candy. Enjoy the 1st day of 2013!!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

So Long 2012

Last day of 2012. How would you spend it? For me, unfortunately I'll spend the day working (or I could look at it as fortunately as that means I have a job). My boss is out of town, so he left me in charge to get everything done for the end of the year. Cross fingers that the title company will send all the paper works early in the day, so I can go home early.

Now, before I get all sappy & introspective let me first share Paper Smooches SPARKS anything goes challenge and here's my card for the challenge:

I used Paper Smooches Sentiment Samplers, He Said She Said, and Happy Camper set. The skinny ribbon is from May Arts. You have 1 week to play along and as always Paper Smooches provide generous prize for the winner. All my team mates participating for this challenge, so, if you're looking for more inspirations  please check out their awesome creations.

Now, as we close the year, I am counting my blessings. I am the kind of person who doesn't take things for granted. Especially with so many things going on in the world, it makes me so appreciative of the life I've been given.

Granted, it's not super fancy life, but it's pretty darn good life. I have a super close knit family, which is my most precious treasure. And I am very thankful for our closeness, because I know many people who doesn't have that kind of closeness and support system. 

And, this year our family been very blessed. Hubby and I  got a new bundle of joy early in this year, when we welcome our super cute pug puppy, who is such a snuggler and makes me feel love in such a huge way. Then, I finally become an auntie. My brother got married in February and in December he and my SIL welcome a new baby girl. And, then just three days ago, my cousin who live close by me, welcome a baby boy. So, even though I don't get to hold my niece, at least I find comfort that I can hold my cousin's baby.

Am also  thankful that I have been able to spend some time with my family & extended family this year. We used my brother's wedding as a chance for a family reunion as well. I have uncles, aunties, and cousins scattered around the world, from Malaysia to Germany to New Zealand, etc. Several were able to come to the wedding and it was really fun to reconnect and getting to know them better. And, then in the fall my mom came over and stayed for 2 months with me and I get to take her to Hawaii.

That lead to the next thing that I am grateful for. I am so grateful that I get to travel every year to some awesome places. Traveling is my passion and it's on my bucket list to explore even more places.

All said and done, I hope this year also been a good year for all of you. I want to thank all my blog followers and all the friends I meet through paper crafting & blogging. You have enriched my life in your own way and I am thankful for you. Your support, your kind comments on my posts, your encouragement means so much to me and I really appreciate YOU.

Good bye 2012 and hello 2013. May this coming year be a great one for all of us. Happy New Year!!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Thanks A Latte

Phew... Have I been quiet this week or what? Sometime, you just need to take time for yourself and take time off from crafting. Which I did. I get to hang out with my girlfriends, make new friends, and visiting my cousin who just welcome a new bundle of joy.

And, some time to just chill after a busy week at work. I work for a home builder company and we have lots of people want to close their home before the end of the year, so hubby and I been working like crazy to make sure all the houses closed on time.

Anyway, this weekend I get crafty for a little bit and made this card for my last post of the year for Avocado Arts using their January "Perfect Blend" set.

That yummy double sided color ribbon is from May Arts in case you are wondering. I just love the hot pink and the green combo. 

I love this coffee cup stamp. Maybe because I am a coffee drinker. ;) Wouldn't this be cute to give to someone to thank them for whatever reason and include a Starbuck gift card? 

My team mates has created some fab eye candy for you all. Please check them out.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

Dear all, wishing you a very merry Christmas. May Christmas fill your home with family and friends, fill your heart with love and fill your life with happiness and joy. May the wonder of Christmas touch your life and may the spirit of Christmas stay with you all through the year. 

And, as we celebrate it, let us remember the true meaning of Christmas. It's not about the presents. It's about love, spending time with family, it's about being thoughtful and kind to others. Let us remember that there are many who are less fortunate than us and that we can make a difference in other people's live by a simple act of kindness. 

Let us remember that despite many bad things in the world, we can make it a better world, starting with ourselves. We can be Santa. That our presents to the world is our very own act of kindness.

Challenge: Simon Says Stamp Anything Christmassy

To my mom, my brothers, Jeff & Jerry, my sister-in-laws, Gina & Denada and my sweet niece, I love you all and missing you so very much on this Christmas day. 


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Paper Smooches Picture Perfect Challenge

I got my Christmas shopping done just in time. One day before Christmas eve. LOL, yep, I just got my shopping done yesterday and today I am mailing my last batch of Christmas cards. Hah... I know it's bad, but hey, better late than never, right?

Well, today I have non-Christmasy card for you for Paper Smooches SPARKS picture perfect challenge. Here's the inspiration pic:

From this pic, I took the text and the canvas monochromatic tone and the stagger arrangement of the vase. Here's my translation of the pic:

This actually is my second attempt for this challenge. My first one, I wasn't happy with the result. Maybe it was just the lighting, but I just didn't feel right about it. Here's the 1st card I made for this challenge:

In person, yes you could see the text clearly, but in picture... not so much. I made the text by heat embossing the text and then colored it with soft blue copic marker to make it stands out a bit more. Anyway, I ended up deciding that I better re-do it.

I hope you will playing along with this challenge. You can check  out all the deets and find more inspiration at SPARKS blog. Thanks for stopping by here. :)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Santa Gift Card Holder

Sometimes when you don't know what to give for present, gift card would be the next best option. 

Hah... like I told my boss when he was asking about gift ideas for the concierge lady who help us distributing checks to the vendor, I told him that especially for woman please do not give gift basket. Many of us already over indulge during the holiday season, that it's better to give gift certificate, because that way at least they can purchase something they really like.

And, to compliment the gift card, tuck it in a cute gift card holder. :) Like this fun gift card holder I made (published in Paper Crafts Holiday Cards & More Vol. 7). Here's how it looks close. 

And, when open the card... ta... da.... gift card holder inside.

Hope your Thursday goes off wonderfully. We finally get a cold front. Time to wear the boots. :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

May Arts Holiday Blog Hop

Hi everyone and welcome to day 2 of May Arts Ribbonista Blog Hop. All week long all May Arts ribbonista is sharing fun and fabulous holiday projects.  In case you miss yesterday's hop,  you can check it out HERE.

For my post, I decided to make several cards. For the 1st card, I start with this poinsettia  flower card using the grosgrain ivory stripe ribbon (RG46).  The poinsettia was made using my favorite tool ever, Mister Q (my Silhouette love name) and Core'dinations cardstocks.

This card is pretty quick to make. Here's a quick  how to:
1. Cut a strip of ribbon and adhere to card.
2. Cut poinsettia using Silhoutte and adhere to ribbon.
3. Stamp sentiment.

Next, I decided to do wreath cards. This first wreath one I made using sheer dots ribbon (JD46). The circle sentiment stamp is from Papertrey Ink & the bird is from Paper Smooches. Same poinsettia like above, just in smaller scale.

I made this wreath ribbon for May Arts summer post. In case you miss the post, here's the how to for this card:
1. Cut a circle ring.
2. Cut about 18" long ribbon and add a bit of glue to the back of the circle ring and adhere the ribbon and start wrapping it around the ring (the length of the ribbon would depend on how large your ring and the width of your ribbon. But, for card, I find 1/2" and 5/8" width ribbon work best).
3. Stamp circle sentiment on card.
4. Adhere the wreath to card.
5. Cut poinsettia using Silhouette (or you can also use ready made sticker) and adhere to wreath.
6. Stamp bird, color, fussy cut, and adhere to card.

For  my last card, I went with slightly unusual Christmas color combo by throwing in the light blue color ribbon (JD34). Same step like above.

Of course, you know how generous May Arts is. They're also doing giveaway for the hop. Leave comments along the way and you could win some fabby ribbons. Here's the list of the ribbonista for today's hop:

Vera < --- you are here

Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Tags

How's your weekend lovely peeps? Mine start with our company Christmas party, which was awesome. Our company is small, but I do love the people I work with. Between the construction  team and the sales team, we like each other a lot, that we're actually friends outside work.

It was fun to just hang out and celebrate. I am very thankful that hubby and I get to work together and we're so lucky to work with a boss who trust us and appreciate us. And, he even try to promote my work to other people in the building. LOL, how could I not be thankful for having a boss who support my hobby?

And, since he's handing out some Christmas presents for the people at the bank and the cafeteria at our building, he asked me to make some gift tags. As here's a look at the tags that I made for him. Super simple, so I was able to whip out a few tags in 20 minutes.

Now, I have several people helping me in distributing the cards for Caring Hearts Card Drive. One of them is Patricia Castillo who took the pics below. She took these cards to Highland Terrace in Camas, Washington.

The card package arrived safely at the destination.

Thanks, Pat who helped delivered these cards even when it was pouring rain and freezing!! I really appreciate your help.

Kathy, Activities Director, Highland Terrace, Camas, WA.

Thank you to everyone for all your hard work and supports for making the card drive successful. I appreciate you. Have a blessed day everyone.

PS: The winner of Paper Smooches set from Friday post is: irishgalkelly. Congrats and please email me your information. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Your Friendship Warms My Heart

Happy Satuday lovely peeps. Today the Pit Crew is sharing loads of fun projects where you could also see sneak peek of the upcoming January set.

Here's my card using this month "Smitten With You" set and a couple stuff from next month set. Can you  guess the theme for next month set?

I love the way this card turned out even though at first I wasn't sure where I was going with this card. I find this periwinkle blue is a hard color to work with, but I am on a mission to use more of the stash I have since I am on paper diet. :)

And with some American Crafts glitter paper and some red ink, I think the result was pretty fun & cute. And, we have more inspiration line up for you. Please check out the Pit Crew creations and don't forget to leave comments as we're giving away these sets. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Something special to share - and a giveaway

Hi everyone! Paper Smooches will release their newest Kismet stamp set called Bee Mine at midnight tonight Eastern time and I am here today to help promote this sweet set!  You will find the new stamp set HERE.

Isn't this set so cute? I love the versatility of this set. You can use it for Valentine, every day card, anniversary, etc. You can also easily mix and match this set with any of the other Paper Smooches set. And the size of the stamps makes it easy to create mini card or regular size card. I decided to do 2 mini cards. I have so much fun playing with this set. You can bet that you will see more cards from me using this set.

Here's the first card.

I used one of the sentiment to create the background. Then I stamped, colored, and fussy cut the bee. When I adhere the bee on the card, I fold the wing up for extra dimension. 

Next, is a simpler card. I think this perfect for those every day love notes. You know like to  thank my hubby for the little things he does for me.

And, guess what? I have one Bee Mine stamp set to give away to one lucky person!  You have until midnight on Sunday, December 16th to leave a comment.  I will post the winner here on Monday, December 17th.  

For more chances to win...please visit:
Paper Smooches Blog 
Vera Yates <--- you are here
Laurie Willison 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hello Little One

This morning I skyped with my brother and my SIL and I get to see my adorable niece. Moment like this is when I am so thankful for technology. 

My niece looks so cute nested on my brother's arms. He definitely is savoring the moment and already act like a pro in handling her. And, I was a cry baby for starting to cry while talking to them. Right now is when I wish I have Hiro's super power (from the series Heroes) to just close my eyes and boom I am there. LOL, wouldn't that be awesome.

Yes, I am gushing. Please indulge me. First time being an aunt. Granted, I have nieces and nephews from hubby's side, but it just feel different when it's from your own sibling. 

Now, since I am in baby mood, I want to share this CAS card that I made using one of my favorite Kelly Purkey set exclusively for Simon Says Stamp. The cute doggy is from nursery fabric (which my mom bought for my niece) and because the fabric looks so cute, I bought a little piece as well so I can cut all the cute doggies from the fabric and use it for cards. :) Entering this card for Moxie Fab keen on neon challenge.

I plan on sending my niece one card a month for her first year, so she will know that even though her auntie is far away and couldn't be there with her, she is always in my mind and close to my heart. And, here's pic from day 2 of her life. Lucky girl to have a dad who is a photographer that even her home shot looks awesome.  :)


Hope you all have a wonderful day. Please come back tomorrow as I have special surprise from Paper Smooches. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Welcoming Li'l Sunshine Shakira

Hi peeps. No card today. Today post is a personal one and it's long and has plenty of pictures.

Yesterday was a big milestone for our family. My little brother (Jerry) and his wife (Denada) officially made me an auntie and made my mom a happy and proud grandma. They welcome their beautiful new bundle of joy, Shakira Aurum Wirianta.

I think my heart would burst with so much love when I saw her beautiful face. Yes, I was very weepy yesterday. I want to be with my family so bad. And even more, I want to hold my niece and cuddle her. She is such a reflection of my brother. Look at this pic below, we have picture of my brother looking exactly like this.

One of my favorite picture of our golden sunshine.

They decided to name her Shakira and this is the explanation given to me about the name. Shakira came from the word shakur in Arabic and is one of god's most beautiful names. It is much higher than the word syukur (thankful). It signifies one who is full of gratitude.

If she receive a little, she feels that she receives a lot. Therefore she is full of gratitude and feels in abundance. On the other hand, if she gives even a lot, she feels that she is only giving a little, and hence she would give more and still feel that she is in abundance, rich. And, like my mom said anyone who knows how to be grateful will always be blessed. And here's the proud grandma with her sunshine.

Regarding the nickname sunshine, since my SIL get pregnant, we always refer to the baby as li'l sunshine. That's our love name for her. Then when they decided to add my brother's middle name "Aurum" (means gold) as her middle name, hubby immediately said, "golden sunshine." Thus why we refer to her as golden sunshine and that's my prayer for her that hopefully she will grow into a kind, loving, thoughtful, beautiful lady inside out, who brings sunshine to those around her.

Look wise she takes a lot from her dad. But, I sure hope that sounds wise, she will have her mom's beautiful, strong voice. And, I hope she will also have their sense of humor (my brother and his wife has very contagious kind of laughter) and their love of life. Most of all I wish her a happy and blessed life.

The happy family.

Yep, my inbox is fill with pictures as I asked my family to email me any pictures they took. I couldn't be there, but I sure wish I was. I don't know how many times I touched my computer screen just to imagine touching her soft cheek.

Hubby said that he never seen anyone with family bond like we do. The best I can explain it to hubby is that because we are small family. There are only 3 of us and my mom raised us to love and be there for each other. I am very grateful that not only I love my siblings, I like them, too. I'd do anything for my brothers, because I know they'd do anything for me. Especially after my dad passed away, at his funeral we promised to always take care of each other. And, I carry that promise in my heart. I am fiercely loyal and protective of my family.

And, of course that comment hubby made also regarding pictures. Our family take crazy amount of pictures. LOL, we all are crazy about taking pictures and heck, my little brother make a living as photographer. Not only we love taking pictures we are always ready for posing as well. My beautiful SIL actually smile prettily while waiting for the baby to come out.  :)

Daddy and her princess.

It's an amazing feeling to see one of my sibling becomes a parent. My heart swell with happiness. Ack... I feel like I am bursting at the seam. I am already obsessed with my niece. 

Jerry & Dena, congratulations and I love you both so very much! Baby Shakira, you are so love, more than you could imagine. And, congratulations to my mom who's finally become a grandma. To my dad in heaven, I am sure you are watching us from above and smiling big. Your baby boy became a dad and you have beautiful granddaughter. I am sure you're with them when she came into this world. So grateful for my family blessings.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Becky & Melanie Blog Hop

Happy Holiday Hop! Becky and Melanie (designer for Gina K. Designs) thought it would be great fun to team up for a little Holiday Hop today. We are showcasing Becky's new set, "Warm Woolen Mittens" along with Becky's new cut file "Grand Banners" and "Grand Banners - Winter Sentiments" and Melanie's new set, "Lots of Letters" today. Joining us are some dynamic designers that will knock your socks off with their beautiful work today! 

Make sure you visit everyone's blog to leave a comment and be entered to win a clear "I do!" and "Beyond Baskets" stamp set! Now onto today's projects!
For our team, we were asked to create banners with matching card. Now, let me warn you. I am behind in my Christmas decorating. Right now the only thing we finished decorating is the pergola in our backyard that we decorated with ornaments around it and this tiny tree.
And, right  now that's the best spot I can find to hang my banner. 

Here's a close up of the banner. I created the background using the border from  Warm Woolen Mittens set. stamped in various green ink. 

And, here's a pic of the banner with the tree. Sorry for the grainy picture. It is really hard to get good picture with the lighting we have.

The color on this card makes me happy. :)

I have to thank Becky for taking my suggestion and created this amazing set. She truly is fun and fabulous to work for. I am sure you will love this set as you hop along and see more inspirations.

Here's a complete list for the hop:
Melanie Muenchinger (Illustrator of Lot of Letters)
Becky Oehlers (Illustrator of Warm Woolen Mittens)  
Beate Johns
JJ Bolton
Laurie Schmidlin
Latisha Yoast
Michelle Woerner 
Richard Breaks
Vera Yates <----- You are here
Tosh Leyendekker

PS: I am so thrilled that I am officially an auntie!! Today we welcome my niece, Shakira Aurum Wirianta. Pics coming soon. I cried a lot today. But happy cry. :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

SPARKS Designer Draft

Happy Monday everyone. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine was super busy and tiring. I helped my girlfriend moved to a new place and then helped organized her place. I was so tired, that on Saturday night I went to bed early and went to sleep the moment my head hit the pillow. And thank goodness that our doggies decided to behave well and didn't make a peep at all till 6 AM! Thank you doggies. :)

Anyway, today we have new Paper Smooches SPARKS designer draft challenge. 

And, here's my interpretation of the sketch:

I used the Warm Hearts set. Love the egg shaped snowman. Heh... You have one week to play along. Please check out Paper Smooches SPARKS blog for more inspiration. Thank you so much for stopping by here.

Caring Hearts Report & Winners

At first, I truly debated whether I should do Caring Hearts Card Drive again or not for this year. The past few months (prior to making that decision) been so hectic and I was worried that running it again by myself would totally overwhelmed me. But, at the end I am so glad that I decided to do it.

With your participation, I received over 1500 cards. Yes, it was overwhelming, quite a few of my other stuff get neglected, our guest room was turned into mailing room, and I even dream of counting cards! I think for each package I had to recount several times. Poor hubby, trying to talk to me and I was in the middle of counting and I'd lost my count and he'd get the dirty look from me for making me lost count. Hah...

And, it's all been worth it whenever I think of how this little gesture will brighten so many elderly holiday season. I am happy to report that all the cards been shipped out to the people who's helping me in distributing the cards around. So, by this week, your cards will be on the hand of the people at the nursing homes and brighten their day. I requested for some pictures if possible, so hoping to get some back so I can share them with you here.

Special thank you to all the people and companies who's been so generous in their support by offering prizes. Thank you to those who kindly included some fund to help with shipping. You know who you are (I am not sure whether they want to keep it private, that's why I am not mentioning name). Please know how much I appreciate your help.

Each time, I do this I am humbled by everyone's kindness. Many of you wrote such wonderful & encouraging notes. And, I know this year has been a tough year economy wise for many of us, yet you all still generously contribute. Even after hurricane Sandy affected some of you, you still find the time to mail me some cards. It's humbling and it reminds me that despite all the crazy stuff that going on in the world, there are still many good, kind, helpful people. Thank you for enriching my life and the recipient of your cards with your act of kindness.

Now, it's time to reveal some winners! You will be hearing from me over the next several days…
  • Avery Elle $20 GC: Joanne Cabling
  • Avocado Arts Gobble Till You Woble set: Kristin Streiliein
  • Becky Oehler's You Say Goodbye I say 'Ello set: Laura Jane
  • Bella Blvd package:  Chapel Card Makers
  • CAS-UAL Friday $30GC: Maria Fischer
  • Hero Arts 4 cling stamps of your choice: Joyce Mehrberg
  • Lawn Fawns $30 GC: Carol Longacre
  • Mama Elephants $20GC: Karen Milone
  • May Arts 3 spool of ribbon of your choice:  Linda Patti
  • Neat & Tangled $30 GC: Terry Bajorek
  • Online Card Classes (from Jennifer McGuire) 2 free classes: Deb Steinberg
  • Paper Crafts 5 special edition: Leesa Berry
  • Paper Smooches $25 GC: Gina D'Urso
  • Penny Black 1 clear & 1 cling stamp of your choice: Amy Hansen
  • Simon Says Stamp Holiday Apocthary Label Stamp & Dies set: Cheryl Yamashita
  • Some Odd Girl $25 GC: Pai Meng
  • Technique Tuesday Jingle All The Way set: Darnell J. Knaus
  • The Twinery Sampler Twine: Marylou Shephard
  • Two Peas In A Bucket workshop of your choice $25 value: Mary Ann Venginickal
  • Wplus9 $20GC: Ann Kikuchi
Again thank you so much to everyone for making this card drive a successful one. You are awesome!! May your holiday be filled with many wonderful moments.

Hi there. Just popping in to share a couple project I made to showcase Spellbinders Heart Hand Etched dies . For the first card above, for t...