Thursday, December 31, 2015

2016 Season's Giving Blog Hop

1...2...3... Happy 2016!! Wishing you all a very happy New Year and may this year be a blessed, fantastic year for all of us filled with many goodness and amazing things.

Welcome to the 4rd annual Seasons Givings Blog Hop. What's unique & fun about this hop is every single blog that participate has giveaways. So, grab your cup of coffee and browse around. Stick around and you'll see my giveaways on the bottom of  my post. :)

2015 had been a great year for me. Creativity wise, it started with an invitation to join MFT Challenge Team and what an honor and a blast it's been. I gained some new friends and being part of MFT family been truly an amazing experience. And, closer to the end of the year, I get to join another amazing company that I just love, love, love, The Ton Stamps. I am blessed that I get to work with another group of awesome, talented girls. And, Caring Hearts Card Drive was a huge success as we collected over 21,000 cards.

Personally, 2015 was also a big year, cause I turned 40!! I sure don't feel or act like it, though. Hah! I have a bit of Peter Pan syndrome. I am excited for this new decade and what it'll bring. Hubby and I celebrate with a trip to Italy visiting Milan, Venice, Cinque Terre (what a dream place!) and Rome. Another important event was when we ended up adopted our foster pug, Clyde. Now, we are a family of 5 and I love it.

My motto for 2016? Same as last year. The best is yet to come. It's pretty much my motto for life. What's your motto for 2015? 

Now, as we started the new  year, I look back and want to share my top 5 favorite project from 2015. Let's get on with it right away, shall we?


From these, I guess safe to say, I love coloring and making cute card and flowers. To think that back in the days, I used to find flower stamps intimidating. Hah!

Now, on to the giveaways. I have 4!! To enter the giveaway simply follow my blog or follow me on Instagram (you can find me under: WIRIANTA). If you already a follower, please comment and let me know how long you've been following  my blog or my Instagram. Easy peasy, right. Oh, and if you have preference on which package you prefer, please say so on the comment. :) You have till Monday, 1/4/2016, midnight CST to leave a comment. I will announce the winners on Tuesday, 1/5/2016.

Prize package 1: MFT

Now, some of the sets are sample set, so they don't have the black print out cover. Sincethey don't have the black print out, if I took their pics, you won't be able to see clearly all the images since they're all just clear stamps. So, I just compile the print out image from MFT site. But, they all brand new, with the exception of 1 set that I have used 1 of the image (the crown on the 2nd set).

Prize package 2, 3 and 4 contain fancy dies from Crafter's Companion.

Prize package 2: Crafter's Companion With Love, Hello, Friend

Prize package 3: Crafter's Companion Daisy, Thank You,
Happy Birthday & Thinking of You

Prize package 4: Crafter's Companion Edge Dies

Are you ready to hop? Here's a complete list of the hop participants. Enjoy and good luck!

Vera Yates <----- you are here

It's Been A Great Ride 2015

Slightly over a year ago, I got this email from Susan Opel asking if I'd like to join her on her new adventure. She's joining My Favorite Things and was  building a challenge team. I was like, seriously, you chose me? Needless to say, I immediately say yes, before she get to change her mind. Hah!!

Fast forward to now, as we close 2015, changes need to be made and MFT decided to dissolve the challenge team. So, this would be my last post as part of MFT Challenge Team. Waaa..... Water work starts. Yes, that's how I feel. Not gonna lie, I am sad that this ride is over.

Joining MFT was truly one of the best decision I ever made creativity wise. Being part of MFT Challenge team been such a pleasure. I truly enjoy working for MFT. They really are the kind of company that I love to support. The people, the company, the way they do their business (they're very generous and always giving back to the community), the products, simply awesome. 

Most of all, what make this experience amazing, are the girls that I get to work with. The whole MFT team as a whole are amazing, kind people. I adore Kim, the owner of MFT (she's big time animal lover, so in my book that make her super awesome), Jody, Laina (she has a pug, too!, so of course, I feel like kindred spirit, in case you didn't know that I love pugs), Julie, the people behind the scene that make everything goes smoothly, are so easy to work with and they spoiled us silly.

But, for this post, I really want to give a shout out to my team mates in the challenge team. They're kind, fun, silly and we just connect. Each of this girl, Veronica, Jill, Alice, Miriam, Erin became real friends to me. We shared more than just crafty stuff, we shared our personal struggle, we became each other sound boards, we cheered on one another. We all agree that the friendship we gained from being on this team is simply priceless.

Okay, I don't want to get all sappy now. I will simply just say it with this card. 

Just like these birds, each of the girl is unique and they color my world and like they say, birds of feather flocks together. :) Veronica, Erin, Jill, Alice, Miriam, I am so glad to get to know all of you better and now have the pleasure of calling you friend. And, to our fearless leader, miss Susan Opel, thank you for believing in us, for trusting us with this adventure. It's been one heck of a fun ride.

Thank goodness for Facebook, Instagram that we all can still keep in touch with each other. 2015 been a great year and I am looking forward to what 2016 will bring. Here's to a new year, new adventure, new opportunity. Please check out MFT Challenge Blog as well for a farewell post.

To all my family and friends, hopefully 2015 been a great year for you as well and I wish you all the best for 2016. May 2016 be an amazing, prosperous, joyful year filled with many happy, great moments. Cheers..........

Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Hi peeps! Welcome to the last MFT challenge sketch for 2015. It's been a year full of inspirations and I hope you've enjoyed our challenges. Here's the sketch to close 2015.

And, here'e my sweet interpretation of the sketch. I was going to do Hello 2016, but then again, I never really send out happy New Year card, so I decided to just stick to "Hello". Hah.... Did Adele's song immediately come to your mind? ;)

I think from all the MFT releases this year, the Adorable Elephant set is my favorite! I just couldn't resist their cuteness.

Now, I love making cute card, that's for sure. But, then again, I also love making pretty card. I made this next card just for fun.

As far as background stamp, this rose one is definitely my favorite. They're simply pretty and I love the fine lines of the roses. And, since we're speaking about favorite, the new ink color, Poppy, which I used on this card, is the best red out there in my opinion. I love how vibrant the Poppy red is.

Please don't forget to check out MFT Challenge Blog to see more fun inspiration from the DT.  And, I have special post tomorrow for my MFT team mates. Stay tune!

Supplies for 1st card:

Supplies for 2nd card:

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Bunny Cake

I had 2 family member that celebrated their birthday, yesterday. My MIL turned 75 and my sweet nephew, Conor, turned 3. We celebrated my MIL birthday last night with all of us driving down to Galveston & surprised her. With Monday being working day and all, she definitely wasn't expecting us.

And, thank goodness, my nephew's birthday party is not on the same day, as I don't want to miss his party, either. We'll have his birthday celebration later this week. With all these birthdays, I thought it's appropriate for me to share a birthday card today.

Crafter's Companion supplies: Bebunny Yum Yum Yum, Spectrum Noir: BT1, CG1, CR3, LY1 

This Crafter's Companion Bebunni stamp is just so adorable, isn't it? I decided not to color the bunny at all, instead I just highlighted the candies and the candle. Stamping on patterned paper, why not? Sometime, minimal coloring works. :)
And, I want to send a quick shout out to my mom and brothers who are on their way to Kyoto, Japan today. They'll be celebrating New Year and my mom's birthday there. Hope you all have a safe trip and have lots of fun.

That's it from me. Have a blessed day, peep!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Sending You Love

Happy Monday! Hope you all had a great Christmas weekend. I enjoyed a quiet weekend, just being at home and chilling out with the puppies. November and December been such a whirlwind and with the remodeling almost done, the house back in order, I can finally have a relaxing weekend.

Of course, for me, relaxing weekend included  some time to just create. Mojo was a bit hard to find, but as always, when I am stuck, I started with simple card to get things going. Here's my simple card, that literally only took me like 5 minutes to finish, inspired by my team mate's Erin Lee Schreiner's card from sketch 259.

Just a short post as my mind seems to still on break as well. I don't know what else to write. Hah! May your week starts off wonderfully.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas Recap

Hi peeps! How's your Christmas? I hope you had a great and joyful Christmas with your loved ones.

Honestly, I was a bit moody myself as I always feel homesick during Christmas. I am  thankful for my hubby and the doggies, but I can't help missing my family in Indonesia. Christmas is always such a special time for our family.

We are a very closed family and we truly loved being together. And, this year, I think it's harder for me, because I want to be with my mom so badly. I know my mom is super sad that she couldn't have her one and only grandkid to be there with our family for Christmas and I just want to be there for my mom to help cheer her up. 

I love being with hubby of course, but  my dream Christmas would be to celebrate it with hubby and my family together. One of this day, we'd have to make a Christmas trip to Indonesia.We just have to. It's on my bucket list.

Oh yeah, to top it off, I slipped off the stairs and landed on my bottom on the darn tile floor! I was so mad at  myself for being clumsy. I think what saved me was I was holding a glass bottle of essential oil when I came down the stairs. My 1st thought as I flew down the stairs was I better not  break this little bottle because I don't want to injure my dogs with tiny glass pieces everywhere, so I was keeping my hands up and that most likely made me fell backward instead of forward. I'd rather landed on my bottom than my head to the tile floor. 

So, yeah, after the family dinner with hubby's family was over, I am completely in pjs all weekend long mood. Am thankful that I didn't break my tail bone. Otherwise, I'd probably just started crying and hole up in my room all weekend long.

Anyway, hubby did cheer me up with a bunch of Pug related present. :) And, the doggies, they never failed to cheer me up with their love & affection.

Now, since I was in pjs state of mind, that also means a lot of time in the craft room. And, just for fun, I made this card using MFT Sweet Safari set. My nephew Conor has a birthday coming up, so I do need a cute birthday card for him.

Well peeps, there's my rambling for today. Time to go back to the craft table and craft my heart out. I have quite a few January releases coming up, so I better get busy. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Hi there. Just popping in to share a couple project I made to showcase Spellbinders Heart Hand Etched dies . For the first card above, for t...