Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Last weekend I bought new plastic drawers set to organize my scraps area. I feel a bit fed up of having my table covered all the time and have paper on piles. I am one of those scatter but organize kind of scrapper. LOL. Does  that make any sense?

I mean my desk can look cluttered but I do know where everything are. Not that I want it to be like that. It just happen that way. I remember growing up my mom used to complain that I have my stuff everywhere. Not messy, just kind of scattered. They usually in neat piles, just not quite where they belong. ;)

And lately, my boy, Nick, our sheltie has been getting into weird habit of chewing papers. Not everyday, just once in a blue moon. Thank goodness, so far my scrapbook papers are safe. He only got into the mail pile. So, I am not lying when I said the dog ate my bills. :) To keep my pretty papers safe I always close the door to my scrapbook room whenever I go to work. But, I don't like doing that as I prefer to have the door open so the air can circulate and the room doesn't feel stuffed and warm.

This week, I am hoping I can get those papers that piled on the floor into the drawers and have a more organized working area. My husband always pretend to be amazed whenever I clean my desk and would say, "Wow, we could actually see your desk, how long is that gonna last?" Not long at all! LOL.

Anyway, after posting this I'll go back to my desk and  try to clean up more. Cause so far this evening, instead of cleaning  I chose to watch Lost. Still confusing as ever. If you follow the series Lost you know what I mean. Anyway, here's a quick card for you all.

That's it for tonight. And don't forget, April 1st, Digi Doodle grand opening. I'll be showing you a card that I made using their awesome digital stamp and there's also challenge you can join. Hope you'll join the fun! Hugs, Vera.

Monday, March 29, 2010

2nd Wedding Anniversary

Yesterday, my husband and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary. When we were planning the wedding we decided to do destination wedding. Best decision ever! :) Since my family came all the way from Indonesia, I didn't want to just have a wedding then off to honeymoon and leaving my family behind. We figured with destination wedding, everybody get to enjoy a vacation, too.

So, that's what we did. We got married at Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. It was a small wedding, but we all had a blast and what matter most to us was that we were surrounded by those who  matters to us. I mean seriously, we had an amazing wedding, it was intimate and since it's small I love the fact that we get to chat and spent good time with everybody.

With the ocean as the background, we didn't have to do much decoration. I chose to use gerber daisies as my flowers, which is perfect for the tropical colors and we use sea shells for the table decoration. The contrast between the blue ocean and  the bright colors of the daisies were just stunning. And on top of it all, we didn't have to get in debt at all to do the wedding. Here's a few pics from our wedding. The first pic was my  brother walking me down the aisle. Second pic was when we cut the cake. I actually had 2 cakes. I loved, loved this love bird topper. The way they embrace each other just looks so gentle and loving. The other cake has sea shells as the cake topper.

I hope I don't bore you guys with my wedding stories. :) I just have to talk about our wedding a bit.  What can I say it's one of my fondest memory.

You know, we just watched The Blind Side and that movie is so awesome. The story line, the fact that it actually happened, the fact that there's good people out there. I like when she taught him about football, how he has to protect the guys by watch over their blind side

That's how I feel about my husband. He'll watch my blind side. Today's post dedicated to my husband, who loves me so much and makes me very happy. The card below, is not my anniversary card, but does convey how I feel about my husband. All stamps from PTI, except the greeting is from Hero Arts. Butterfly punch from Martha Stewart and for added details I did some hand-stitching (part of Embellish magazine challenge).

Here's an upclose of the french knot cluster that I did for the center of the flowers. Almost look like mini rose, I think.

Well, thank you for stopping by and I hope you all have a great week. Hugs, Vera

Friday, March 26, 2010

Card Pattern Sketch #56

I just found Card Pattern Sketch blog and in spur of the moment decided to join their latest challenge. Kind of cutting it close since I think the challenge end tonight.

So, here's a quick post for it. Not much else to say, since I am ready to chillin' with my crew (hubby and the doggies). It's been a long day and then ate way too much sushi during dinner. Now, all I can think is how comfy and inviting the sofa. LOL. You all have a great night. Ciao!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Another Papertrey Blog Hop Card

It turned out I almost stalk the wrong people. My PTI order was actually delivered by the UPS guy this time who came late, late afternoon today. LOL. And here I was being all pissy with the postman. Ay... see what PTI did to my sanity?

Well, I was so darn excited that I quickly play with my new goody and made this quick card. Love, love the Delightful Dahlia set. The stamps and the matching dies. Since I already posted my blog for the hop, I figure I just do another post.

And see the button? Another one I am so proud of. I restamped the Dahlia set and using clear glue attached the clear button to it. And after that I lined it all up, so, it looks like continuous design between the button and the flower. I thought that was neat! :) You can see the other cards I made for the hop here.

Thank you for hopping by. And I am off to check out all the other blogs. Ciao! :)

Papertrey Ink Blog Hop


It's that time of the month! Time for Papertrey Ink blog hopping.  I was hoping that my order would be here on time, so I can make cards using the new release products. But, up to yesterday there's no goodies waiting for me when I came home from work. Sigh.... Almost tempted to stalk the postman, but then I'd have to take time off from work. LOL.

So, I used the PTI stuff that I already have. I made 2 cards. Start with the first one. Totally all PTI. I really like how the aqua color border turned out. I used the Background Basics: Tin Types and filled the inside with the flower from Background Basics: Petal Power. Love when I can create new look by combining stamps from different sets.

Now, the 2nd card. What I am most proud of this card, beside the fact that the bird is my own drawing, are the buttons. I didn't see any button on my stash that I want to use for this card. So, I made my own look. I put the close-up look of the buttons, so you can see it better (you might have to click on the picture to get an even bigger close-up view).

Did you notice the background on the buttons? Does the pattern look familiar? Yep, using clear glue I attached the clear buttons to the butterfly stamp (like the one I used on the 1st card), cut around following the button shape, and voila I have lovely buttons that have that pretty swirl pattern from the butterfly stamp. I really love how my custom made buttons turned out.

Well, I know you have lots of blogs to hop to, so I keep this short. Thank you so much for hopping to my blog and please let me know if you hopped here. I read and appreciate each comments.

Quick edit: I was so excited and made another card for the bloh hop. You can see it here. Have a lovely evening blog hopping ladies! I am gonna hop around myself. :) Vera

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My birdie & Sweet Sunday Challenge

It's been a while since I used my doodling for any cards. Finally last night I got inspired to use it again. I love that it looks so cuddly. Granted it's very cutesy and kiddy like. What can I say, I am not very good at drawing. I think I have the raw talent for it (at least my brother seems to think so, when he pushed me  to go for design graphic, which I didn't pursue), but right now I'm happy with what I am capable of. :)

I also made this card for Karen Giron's Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge. She always have good sketch challenge. So, here's  the little birdie. I am going to send this card for Jennifer's Card for Kids Drive as I think this birdie could bring a smile to any kids face.

Well, short post tonight. Hope you like this little birdie. Night, night! Vera.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

DT Announcement

Yay, today is the day I can officially announce that I'm one of the lucky girl selected to be on Digi Doodle Shop's Best (DDSB) design team! I am excited and looking forward to working together with some very talented ladies. Digi Doodle Shop's Best willl be offering varieties of digital stamps starting on April 1st. I will keep you posted and let you know when you can start ordering from them. :)

I started playing with their design and I adore this beautiful iris flower stamp. I love how you can color it and use them for all kind of cards. From Easter, to Mother's Day, birthday, etc. After I finished coloring it with my prismacolor pencils, I realized that this flower is perfect for Lisa's #2 Poppy Seed Challenge. Her challenge is to include button, polka dots, and light moss color.

Hard to capture it with the camera, but the flowers itself actually has very pretty shimmers to it as I covered it with Radiant Pearls. And I decided not to put any sentiment, yet as I am not quite sure whether I want to use this as Easter or birthday card. :) Besides, who says the front of the card has to have sentiment, right?

So, do you like the flower? Please share your thought and for the next few months, I am looking forward to sharing more from DDSB. Have a great Tuesday. Hugs, Vera.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

CPS 159 challenge

Just a quick post. Made this card for CPS 159 challenge. This card totally reflect my style. I just love the clean look of it. :)

Got this cute bunny from Mami Doodles, you can get them here. And, I had so much fun coloring it with my Copic markers.

You recognize that flowers? If you saw my previous post, I made a card using the same flowers. This beautiful flower is one of the Hero Arts design that Silhouette offers. The only different, on the previous card, I used the middle part of the set. On this one, I use the left and right side and save the middle part for another card. Hope that makes sense. :)

Okay, short post for today. Don't want my husband to think I am ignoring him! LOL. You all have a great evening. Hugs, Vera

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring cleaning

Hi there. I've been wanting to clean up my stamps collection. I have quite a few of retired Stampin Up! stamps that I don't use anymore. Some are practically brand new, never been used. Some, only been used once or twice. I took really  good care of my stamps. I just hate for these stamps just being stored and not use.

Here are some of the stamps that I want to get rid of. Please email me directly if you're interested. I am selling the set at $5 each plus shipping $4. But, if you buy more than 1 set, I'll combine the shipping. The large background is only $3 plus $3 shipping. And this is for shipping in US only. You can pay me by paypal. Or if you want to trade, I am open to that, too. I am looking for: Hero Arts Cling Stamp Large Flower or any of the new ones, or old Papertrey Ink sets or Penny Black clear stamp the hedgehog set.

I also have some old scrapbook papers that I want to get rid of. Any idea on what's the best way to get rid of them? They're from my old stash, still in great condition. At this point I'll be happy to ship it to anyone who wants it and just pay the shipping if you think you know anyone who might be able to use them. I just have way too many stuff and am determine to clear my clutters!

Thank you for stopping by and please email me if you're interested to trade or buy. If you want  to trade, would be great if you can email me pics of your stuff. Okay, I am pooped from all the cleaning. :) Good night! Vera

Be positive

1st day of spring!! Yay... Hope you all have a nice weather on you side of the world. Right now it's a bit cloudy on my side and it supposed to be raining. But, that's okay, cause that means I don't have to water the flowers! Always look at the positive side of thing! :)

Don't get me wrong, I am not all rainbow and sunshine, eventhough that's what my friends called me. But, I do believe on looking at the brighter side. After going through some stuff in my life, I realize that when I was  too focus on the bad stuff that happen, it made life more miserable. That I actually have the power on how I want my day to be. I think there's a saying, life or experience can be good or bad depends on how you choose to react to the situation.

So, I choose to see both side, but leaning way more to the brighter side. How's that?? LOL. Even when I have bad day at work, I can be upset about it, but I also remember to be grateful that hey, I am thankful that I have a job, I have a roof over my head, etc. So, that's my speech for welcoming spring. LOL. I just wish people would be less grumpy in many ways. Been dealing with some grumpiness lately and how people just tend to be negative.

Another way, I choose joy by making card, of course!! Creating gives me joy and the plus side, it brighten the days whoever receives it! So much joy around papers, stamps, color. Isn't that right?? Anyway, I made this card for my husband.

Simple and clean looking, but design was I think it's very eye catching. The white area make the color parts stand out. Branch cut by Silhouette. Birds by Hampton Art, which I cut out after I stamped & colored it with Copic makers. And of course, no card is complete without some glitters. :) This card going to Lucy's challenge 7, too.

Now, I am going to enjoy my Saturday. We're going to see Bounty Hunter. I love Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler just plain yummy... LOL. So, hopefully the movie will be funny. Enjoy your weekend by welcoming spring with positivity! Hugs, Vera.

Friday, March 19, 2010

TGIF & Sketches 2S4Y

Thank goodness it's Friday!! Yay...  So, even though last night I didn't have a very good sleep, at least I feel better knowing it's Friday and after work I can just relax and do my thing. Actually, I consider Thursday, too as one of my favorite day. Not sure why. Maybe because of the anticipation of knowing the next day is last day of work for the week?? Or maybe because my favorite TV shows are on Thursday night?

I kind of leaning towrd this reason. LOL. It started since Friends was still airing on NBC. Love Friends!!Yep, Thursday would be the day I have my movie night. From Friends, to CSI, and now Gray's Anatomy.  And last night, I kind of get hook on Flash Forward. Never really watch it, but I was browsing and decided to give it a try and couldn''t get myself away from it. :)

Enough rambling about that. Let's move on. Did  this card for 2S4Y sketches challenges. I {heart} my Silhouette. Cut this beautiful flowers on white cardstock and then I just colored it with Copic. I know Silhoutte has some Hero Arts image, and I am pretty sure this one is one of them as Hero Arts has similar stamps.

This dies actually has more flowers to it, but I cut it apart as I want to do my card vertical and the extra flowers would be just too wide. Used chalks for the soft background and of course you know how I like my glitters. Those glitters really make the flowers popped, don't you think?

Time to go to work. 10 more hours to weekend!! LOL. Hope you have a great Friday and please leave a comment if you stop by here. I love reading your comments and get to know you all. Cheers..., Vera.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Card & blog candy

I made this sympathy card for another wonderful card maker who's always so sweet and encouraging to me. She recently lost her dad and I just want to let her know that I am thinking of her.

I used Papertrey Ink new Background Basic Tin Types and  then highlight the center of each flower with platinum liquid pearl. It always amazed me how a  tiny dot can make such a different on a design sometime. I punched the border using Martha Stewart punch. At first, I wasn't really sure whether I like this punch or not, but it kind of grow on me. :)

Butterfly is from Hero Arts digital Flutterbies. A month or so ago, I just printed out a bunch of this butterfly in different sizes and just store them in an envelope for easy reach when I want to make a quick card.


And boy, do I have a treat for you today! Judy is doing an awesome giveaway on her blog Paper-Rose-Petals. Just look at the yummy goodness she's sharing. You can check out all the details for the giveaway here.

You have until March 25, 2010 to enter. Good luck and I'll see you on my next post. I have some really yummy cards to share over the next few days, so don't for get to check back here. Have a great Thursday. Hugs, Vera.                                  

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


How about another scrapbook page? This page is all about my smallest four-legged kid. Her name is Coco and she's an African pigmy hedgehog. She's been my baby for almost one and a half year now. She's my early Christmas present in 2008 from my husband.

Yeah, I think everybody scratch their head when I said  I want a hedgehog. I basically emailed my husband picture of a hedgehog and asked him if I can have one. LOL. They're just so cute looking! I found a hedgehog rescue and fell in love with Coco.

Coco is low maintenance and love to snuggle. How do you snuggle with all those quills?? Easy, when she's comfy, all her quills lay down and she'd just find an area to bury herself (usually by my elbow) and just sleep or sometime she tried to chew on my shirt. :)

All the papers are by Jillibeans. I cut the letters using my Cricut machine. And that little hedgehog stamp on the right side is from my old Stampin Up! collection. These pictures were taken in our back yard.

Hope you enjoy meeting Coco here and I'll post more cards tomorrow. Thank you all for stopping by and let me know what you think of Coco. :) Hugs, Vera.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Jillibean cards

I've been trying to be good at not buying more patterned paper till I used up the ones that I already have. But, we all knows how hard it is to resist buying papers, right? My husband called me paper addict. LOL. I do love paper. Love looking at them, playing with them, thinking of different combo that I can do, etc.

Well, about a week or so ago, after much resistant, I ordered a few more papers. And, I've been looking at Jillibean papers and finally decide to give it a try. I do love the quality of their papers. It's good quality and thick. I like the fact that their papers are double sided and they mix and match so perfectly.

Here's the 1st card I made using the papers from Minestrone collection. For the center of the flower, I glued clear button to the patterned paper and then trimmed the paper. (Bought a bunch of clear buttons on Ebay. I really should become the spoke person for Ebay since I refer so many people to  them. LOL.) Now, I can customize my buttons!!

Here's the 2nd card. Super simple, but pretty eye catching. I used one of my favorite design from Silhouette, the birdie! Really enjoyed playing with the Jillibean papers. I also made a book cover, which I'll share here tomorrow.

And, psstt... I have an exciting announcement to make soon. Has something to do with design team. That's all I can say for now. I am waiting for the okay and once I got it I'll definitely share it here. :) You all have a super duper Monday and may this week be a great one! Hugs, Vera (Ling)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Scrapbook time

A little switch-a-roo from my regular card post. I actually made a couple pages this weekend. In case you didn't know, my love of paper crafting start with scrapbooking and then branch out to card making.

I've been scrapbooking since high school (although back then I didn't know it was called scrapbooking), and seriously get hooked on it since 1997. I  was a scrapbook consultant for 4 years, then I taught intermediate to advance scrapbook class for a LSS. Then my life took certain turn and for a couple years, I didn't do any scrapbooking. I did manage to continue making cards here and there.

Last year, I made 4 albums. All presents, for my mom and for my in-laws. This year, I want to focus on our (hubby, me, and the critters) scrapbook. Yesterday, I completed this layout of my babies. I can't tell you how exhilirating it was. I love every minute of it. I love looking at the colors, the pattern, the process of seeing it all coming together. It was fun. Maybe it's because I haven't scrapbook just for myself for so long, that when I did this page, I was just very excited. It such a simple thing, then again I am a believer of enjoying the simple things in life.

Here's my page of Ollie (the pug princess) and Nick (my Sheltie boy). It's simple page, but I love it. :)

What do you think? Aren't my babies cute? Okay, okay, I know they look more like spoiled brats on these pics, LOL, but yes, my pug actually love laying on her back like that. Hope you don't mind we're doing a bit of scrapbook here. Hoping I can do more pages this year, so my post can be a mix of pages and  cards. Well, you all have a great Sunday and may your day be a sunny one. Hugs, Vera (Ling)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Silhouette & stamping

A couple months ago, I put my Silhouette machine to work and had a bunch of cuts made. Since, I have no idea what project I am going to do with those stuff yet, I use white cardstock for all of them. That way I can color it to whatever color I needed.

Last night, I just want to do quick cards. So, I looked on my lovely messy piles and see what can I use. I swear I try to keep my desk clean, it last at the most a day. ;) If you have looked at my cards before, then you know, I love this heart vines from Silhouette. Can't seem to get away from this shape. They are just so pretty.

Since it was just a plain white cardstock, it needs something. I stamped the antique handwriting on the vines and then using a sponge (dabbed on to Stampin Up! Gable Green and Sage Shadow inkpads) colored the vines. Love this technique as it created such a soft look.

Punch the scallop border using Martha Stewart border punch and the butterflies are digital print from Hero Arts, colored with Copic markers. The good thing about digital is that you can make a bunch of them in different sizes. Distress the edges of the background with Colorbox Colonial Blue inkpad. And ta... da... you're done.

Before I end this post, I want to say thank you to all who stopped by and for all your well wishes. You all are so thoughtful and kind. I am feeling much, much better today. Enjoy your Thursday... (yay... Gray's Anatomy tonight!!) and have a blessed day. Hugs, Vera (Ling)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Taking it easy

Tonight, I feel much better compare to yesterday. At least, I can walk pretty straight, although slow. I tend to walk fast, so walking in slow motion can get very annoying for me. My husband was teasing me and calling me grandma. Good thing he took such a good care of me, that I let his comment passed. :) LOL, I can't stay mad at him. He's truly a great guy.

I decided to go back to work as I don't want to waste my sick day. I have to say I have amazing bosses. All of them took the time to check on me and making sure I am okay. The owner of the company was telling me if I need to lay down, just do so. I mean, she's just super cool. Anyway, I didn't feel too bad. Should be all back to normal in the next day or so.

Since I couldn't do a thing yesterday, tonight I am being super productive by making 3 cards. One is Christmas related (for magazine submission), so I am not going to post it here. Would be kind of funny putting Christmas card when it's almost Easter. Anyhoo, here's the first card. I'll post the other card tomorrow. That way I'll have something to post. :)

I made this card for Simply Scrapping Craft color combo challenge. I use baby wipes and dab it to the inkpads to create the soft colors on  the background. Flower silhouette stamp is from hero Arts and the border on the bottom is from Papertrey Ink Background Basic Tin Types.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Hi there everyone. Today has been one of those day. Woke up with severe pain in my lower abdomen. Husband just ready to roll me to the ER. But, I insisted we just go to my doctor and after the check, the doctor confirmed my suspicion that the cysts that I have had raptured.

After a few hours, the pain like slowly go away. SLOWLY...  Well, it's still there, but as long as I don't move, it's not bad. :( Although, I did thought of going to work for the rest of the day, since I can walk and I can just take it easy. I hate using my off days if I don't have to. Hah... I am  the type that if I use my off days it better be for vacation. Good thing my husband has more sense than me. He said no, he'll take home & pampered me to wellness. All I can say, I'm so thankful that I am blessed with such loving husband.

So, now I am just laying on the sofa and blogging. Wish I can play with my new papers that just came in yesterday, but that would have to wait till I can actually move well. I made this card a couple days ago. Just a quick card using my scraps. Hope you like it. That's all for today, back to lounging with my spoil pug. Thanks for stopping by and hopefully by tomorrow I can be back to normal :) Hugs, Vera (Ling)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Just because...

Today, I made cards just for the fun of it. No challenges, no contest. The last few months or so, I've been making a bunch of cards for many different challenges. And to be honest, I did feel a bit burn out.

It made me look back and think how did I get here. Making cards is one of my passion. I love how coming home from long day at work, I can look at my colorful papers and feel soothed by the colors. I love how the creative process help me relax and unwind. And last night, I asked myself, when was the last time I made cards just for the fun of it. Not following any sketch, any requirement. I reminded myself that the main joy in card making is not about being recognized by others (although don't get me wrong, it does the soul wonder when my card being praised by others), the main joy for me is in the creativity itself.

So, today I made these 2 cards just because. No particular reason, except creating. Not following anybody's criteria, not showing off any particular techniques. Just being me doing what I love. And I love simple cards. The idea for these cards came last night while I was having a restless night sleep.


The colors on  these cards, made me happy. Colors could affect me like nobody business. :) LOL. I can't quite explain it. I love M&M because of their colors, I love colorful socks cause it makes me feel much better compare to wearing white socks. How's that? BTW, the dots background on the 1st card, I used part if the PTI package label. Why not reuse instead of just throwing it away. I am all about being green.

Well, that's my post for today. Getting ready to watch Oscar. As much as I love Merryl Streep, I kind of hoping Sandra Bullock would get the Oscar. Who are you rooting for? Enjoy your Sunday evening. Hugs, Vera.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Lucy's Challenge 6

I think the last few cards I made were either using flowers or butterflies stamp. I was like, hm... do I need to buy more new stamps? Can a girl have too many stamps? I am trying to control my spending, while waiting for Papertrey new stuff that coming out this March. But then, I remember this sweet birds stamp that I have only used once. It's perfect for Lucy's challenge.

This time, Lucy's challenge is to create a card that inspired by someone else's card. If you follow me regularly, you know my top two favorite card makers are Jennifer McGuire and Lucy herself. For this card, I was inspired by Jennifer's card here and by Lucy's love of dots.

Dots background by Papertrey Ink, birds by Inkadinkado (colored with Copic markers), and greeting by Hero Arts. I love how Jennifer put her flower outside the border a bit and that's what I repeat here with the bird. I did layer the bird for extra dimension, too.  

I love making cards that have that clean looks to it, but yet have certain thing that just popped up. In this case the color of the birds really make them stand out. I look at this card and it makes me smile. It's cheerful and like the card says, "Find joy everyday."

Oh yeah, in case some of you wondering if my name is Vera how come I named my blog Ling's Happy Place? See, I have 2 names. Being born in Indonesia with Chinese heritage, it's normal over there to have 2 names. One is the legal name that we use on all our paperworks and one is your Chinese name. I do love the name Ling, cause it sounds like a bell and most of those that close to me call me Ling. Call me Vera or call me Ling, whichever you prefer. :)

Okie dokie, that's it for today. Enjoy the card and if you want to join Lucy's challenge you have till March 7. Thank you for stopping by. Cheers, Vera (Ling)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Challenges & Olympic

About a week or so ago, Love My Tapes were looking for product tester for their adhesive & tape products. So, I entered, wishing and hoping, and guess what??? Yippie yay ay... yours truly is one of the lucky winner. You can see the announcement here.

I can't wait to get the goodies and  try it out. I've been hearing good review about their adhesive and will definitely let you know what I think. I love sharing good finding.

Now, Papertrey Ink is doing another yummy color challenge. You can see all the challenge detail here. I don't have Spring Moss color inkpad, so I used Stampin Up! Mellow Moss color instead. That's  the closest I have. :) All stamps by Papertrey Ink. They have several color combo options and I chose Dawn McVey color combo.

Now, switching gear from card talk, I have to mention the Winter Olympic. Didn't you just love it? I think this winter Olympic was one of the best in history. I think all of the athletes went all out and many truly shine. I love Kim Yu-Na, the ice skater from South Korea. The way she skates just mesmerizing. And, did you watch Ryan Miller on ice hockey?? Love him. :) He did such a good job defending our turf. Yes, we we ended up with silver, but still to stop 139 shots out of 147?  He deserves the MVP title. That was truly an amazing game. I do have to thank my husband for getting me into loving ice hockey.

This Olympic really impressed me and I actually enjoyed watching most of the sports, which surprised me, since I am not a sporty type of person. I could discuss it on and on. I am officially addicted to the winter Olympic. :) And yes, I want to checkout Vancouver. Definitely on my list as a must see place to visit. Basically Canada in general. I am doing reseacrh on things to do and places to visit right now. Okay, enough rambling. Don't want to bored you with my Olympic gushing.  Hope you all have a lovely evening. Hugs, Vera

Hi there. Just popping in to share a couple project I made to showcase Spellbinders Heart Hand Etched dies . For the first card above, for t...