Saturday, April 30, 2011

Catching Up

Good morning, everyone! So, did you watch the royal wedding yesterday? I have to say I love, love, love Kate's wedding gown. Very elegant and gorgeous. So wishing Princess Di still here. Yep, I am one of those people who love Princess Di. I always admire her kind heart and her efforts of bringing more attention to those whose less fortunate. Because of her I got interested in charity and volunteer works. Back to William & Kate, beautiful wedding I must say. :)

Now, let's get on to a new Wee Memories challenge. This week it's all about paper piecing and our generous sponsor is Tiffany Doodles.

I sure do love this cute ducky. I think he has a vintage feeling to it. For the pattern of the jacket, I stamped The Market Street "Bit of Burlap" background stamp and that doily border is from My Mind's Eye. I LOVE this doily set and the price for the set is only $5.99. Gotta love that price!

Simon Says Stamp - anything goes
Partytime Tuesdays - Anything Goes

You can check out the DT fabuloous inspirations HERE.

This week seem to pass by pretty quick. On Thursday, I did a little bit of consulting work and afterwards I decided to venture out to Archivers store. It's a bit out of the way for me, so I don't go there often, but it's about 15 minutes away from where I do my consulting work, so I figure might as well swing by. And that's where I found the fabulous My Mind's Eye Stella Rose stamp sets. This is the first time I use it, so I will get some more samples ready for you for next week.

And... I finally get to see my published cards on Paper Crafts Card Creations Volume 9! I received the magazine Thursday afternoon and been looking at all the awesome inspirations in there. I did take a couple pics and will share it here later so my mom and siblings can see it as well. :) Also, excited to share that I have another card picked up for Paper Crafts Holiday edition.

That's what's going on on my neck of the wood. What's new with you all? Anything exciting going on? Any plan this weeekend? I am hoping that I can finish several cards this weekend. Other  than that no special plan. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and thank you so much for stopping by!! Hugs. xoxo

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Birdies & Gnome

Hi ya' peeps! How are you all doing? Yesterday was a pretty good day for me. I get to play in my scrap room a bit and made a couple cards. And, cross my finger I might get another part time contract job. So, all in all I love the way this week is going. :)

Now, let's get on to the cards, shall we? A couple months ago, I won this cute stamp from Paper Works & Co., and finally I get to ink it up. For the coloring, instead of trying to figure out what color I want to use, I decided to just follow the colored sample from the package. Sometime, it's easier to do just that than re-invent the wheel. And the design is based on the sketch at PWCO Blog.

Next card is using the cute gnome from There She Goes stamps based on their TSG104 sketch challenge. I also made this card using Embellish Crochet Trim Color Trends challenge. I actually forgot that I have purchased this decorative trim and was thrilled when I found it. It fell into my papers drawer and I found it by accident. Yay. :)

I am happy to say that I think my mojo is finally coming back. I've been feeling out of sync and haven't been too happy with the cards I posted the past few times. With these couple cards I finally feel pretty happy with the results. Besides, who could resist a cute gnome? He kind of reminds me of Papa Smurf. :)

Hope you all have a lovely day and thank you so much for stopping by.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

First Publication Check

Yesterday afternoon, I was grinning ear to ear. I received my very first publication check from Paper Crafts! Yay... I had 3 cards accepted for Card Creations Volume 9. I haven't seen the magazine, yet, but it's coming out pretty soon. Yep, I asked hubby to take picture of me holding the check. Nerdy, I know, but I can't help it. :) It sure is a great feeling getting paid doing what I love.

I also get to play a little bit last  night and made a card using Card Pattern sketch 112.

Here's the card and am also entering this card for Penny Black bright & bold challenge.

Sparkles Forum - Anything goes
Partytime Tuesdays - Anything Goes

Know what else made me happy? Finding things that I thought I lost. I found my old Hero Arts sentiment set that I thought I lost over a year ago. Apparently I have thought of starting a new way to store my cling stamps and was trying it out with this set and totally forgot about it. I don't know how many times I clean my room looking for this stamp. Then recently, I pull out this binder that holds plastic inserts, which I thought was empty and there's the stamp in between all the plastic. Sigh... I can be so forgetful sometime.

Hope your Wednesday goes well and have a blessed day everyone!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bold & Bright

Hi peeps! How are you all doing? How was your Easter? We had a family get together with hubby's family and no egg hunts as my niece is a tween now. :) Then I spent Sunday evening and Monday evening working on cards for Paper Crafts submission. Nothing like working on last minute submission. Literally, I submitted the last card like 15 minutes before the deadline. Cutting it a bit close, eh?

I did manage to make a quick card for today's post using Lucy's sketch at Lily Pads. I am also entering this card for Penny Black bold & bright challenge.

Not much to share from my end lately. Yesterday I spent the day with my cousin again and we tried the body pump class at the YMCA (it involves lots of lifting weight). Oh my goodness... I m so out of shape. I am not a sporty kind of girl to start with and I don't exercise regularly, so needless to say, half way... okay a quarter way in, my arms already shaking.  I think today, I will feel some soreness. Hoping it wouldn't be too bad. Cross my fingers. :)

Okay, that's all from me. Have to work on polishing my resume and do some job hunting. Have a great day everyone!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

 Hi peeps, it's time for Wee Memories new challenge. This week our theme is "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun".

For this challenge we are sponsored by Magnolia-licious.

I don't have any Magnolia stamp, so I decided to dig in to my old Ketto stamp stash that I haven't use for almost a year. Yikes.... time to show the old stamp some love. :) When I first saw this stamp, I love the spunky look of the girl and I thought the card would be more fun if I also use fun, bright colors.

The Wee Memories DT gals has created some fabulous girly projects that will provide you with tons of inspirations, go check them out HERE.

Well, I didn't win the Paper Crafts Stamping Royalti, but I still want to thank all of you who took  the time to voted for my card. I really appreciate it and I am grateful for your support. :)

Have a super duper fun weekend everyone! Hugs!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Hi everyone! Happy Good Friday to those who celebrate Easter. :) Hubby took  the day off, so yay... Well, originally we requested this day off about 3 weeks ago, because we're thinking of doing staycation, you know explore things around our own city. Now, we're doing staycation of actually staying at home and just chill out at home.

Lucky for us, the weather been gorgeous and our jasmine is blooming like crazy. It's very nice to seat on the backyard and just smell the jasmine awesome fragrance.

Friday also means new release time for A Day For Daisies. Tammy releases a series of images based on some famous fairy tale stories, from Snow White, Princess & The Frog, etc. Here's my card using one of the princess.

I imagined the sentiment as the ending of the book she read. :) I do love that li'l bunny who looks like it seriously listening to her reading. The paper is from Kaiserkraft, I think it kind of reflect the fairy tale atmosphere.

Anyway, I hope you all have a great Friday and may your day be a blessed one! Hugs....

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Last Day To Vote

Hi ya' there peeps!  Somehow, now that I am staying at home, I actually has less time to do things that I love, like card making. Since Monday, my day has been pretty busy that I haven't been able to spend much time on the computer.

Tuesday, I did a whole day of consulting work, which I truly enjoyed. I tried to make card, but my mojo just wasn't there. That's why no post from me for yesterday. :) And, I didn't have time to do anything in the morning as I went and visit  my cousin for a whole day. We went to pilates class at a YMCA by her place, lunch, check out a paper store that's pretty awesome, but I didn't dare to buy anything there since I am watching my budget, then just hang out and chit chatting.

I haven't exercise for the longest time, so that pilates class really kick my butt. :) All in all, it's a good busy day. In the evening, luckily I have somewhat of a mojo and came up with a card for Paper Play "Easter" challenge using Tiffany's TG016 sketch.

When I drew the water, I forgot to pay attention to the water position. It looks slanted, so just imagine this li'l ducky walking up a hill and the water just rolling down the hill. :) Check out the Paper Play DT gals fun creations HERE.

And peeps.... have you vote for Paper Crafts Stamping Royalti? Today is the last day to vote and you have till noon. If you haven't vote or if you have vote and would like to vote again please vote HERE (my card is the typewriter one)  or you can click on the widget on the top right side of my blog.

To those that have voted for me and keep encoouraging and cheering me on, thank you so much! Blogging and card making have introduced me to so many awesome people whose friendship I treasure and appreciated. From the bottom of my heart... THANK YOU! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy News

Wow... yesterday was a weird day for me. It was weird to stay at home during week day. It was weird not to do my normal routine things. As much as I am viewing things from positive point of view, I can't help but feeling a bit sad of loosing my job. I can't sit still, so of course I get on with the house cleaning. Dusting, check! Vacuum, check! Mopping the floor, check! Car inspection, check! Cooking? Hm... postpone till today.

Then, I was like... now what? Decided to start browsing and eeekkk... almost give the doggies heart attack when I jumped out and scream! I posted about it yesterday and am still shaking my head in amazement. I am one of the 5 honorable mentions for Paper Crafts Stamping Royalti. That just made my day. People get to vote out of the 5 nominees who will get to join the Stamping Royalti. You can cast your vote HERE.

My card is the typewriter one. I would so ever be grateful if you would vote for me. :) And  thank you for all the sweet tweet, comments, and emails. I really appreciate you all.

After I stop shaking, last night I played with Paper Smooches "Boob Tubes" set. Don't you just love the names? Thank you, Kim for this awesome set. I made 2 cards with this set. Here's the 1st one:

I think this is such a fun card and I am sure after reading the sentiment, hubby can appreciate the pink colors. :) Yay? Nay? Hmmm... he just saw it! It was... ooohh... yay! LOL.

On to the 2nd card. Fun & cheerful. Here how it looks totally closed.

Here how it looks slightly open. Yep, the TV is on the inside of the card. I created a window, did paper piecing, color with markers, and for the eyes I make it white by using Rangers white enamel & black enamel for the pupil.

Well, today I get to keep myself busy by doing a consulting work for a vendor I used to work with. It's only 2-3 days works, but hey... I am happily accepting any opportunities. Things happen for a reason and I am totally surrendering myself to God's plans. He knows what's best for me and I'll just keep the faith. Thank you all for all the support and encouragements. Have a blessed day!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Paper Crafts Stamping Royalti Honorable Mentions

Eeekk... did you see THIS? I literally just found out and almost choked on my coffee when I read it. I didn't see this coming at all. Paper Crafts is unveiling their 5 honorable mention today and I am one of them!!!

They leave it up to you the card makers to vote for your favorite project who you think should be the 16th winner. The 15 winners already announced and I woud so love to be the 16th winner and be part of Paper Crafts Stamping Royalti.

Would you please vote for my project? Pretty please with cherry and nutella on top! To vote go to Paper Crafts Connection and vote.

Thank you so much for the support. Now that I post this, let me go and clean up my coffee sputters from my desk. :)


Saturday, April 16, 2011


Good morning peeps! It's time for new Wee Memories challenge. This week our theme is "All Things Adorable" and we are sponsored by the company who's known for their adorable stamps "Your Next Stamp".

Here's my card for the challenge. Keeping it sweet & simple. :)

Please check out the DT fabulous samples at Wee Memories. And, come play with us!

Now, on personal level, yesterday was a bad day for me. Still couldn't quite wrap my mind around it. I just get laid off. :( The company have to restructure themselves in order to survive and unfortunately they had to let me go. What hurt is because I am a hard worker, always give my 100% to the company, and my immediate boss knows it, too. He fought for me, but the final decision is with the owner of the company.

Am I shock? Yes. Am I scared?  Yes. However, I am grateful that hubby still has his job. And, I always believe that God always watching over our family and that this is part of His plan. It's hard for me to deal with changes sometimes, but I see this as blessings in disguise. I don't know yet, what is the blessings or how things will work out, but things always happen for a reason. 

I guess for now, while I am brainstorming on what I want to do next, I'll fill up my time with major top to bottom cleaning of the house, finish all the books I want to finish, and learn to cook better. Yeah... hubby is usually the one who cooks, so now he'll get to be my guinea pig. It's going to be interesting. :)

Please pray for me that may new opportunity show up soon. My cousin think I should start teaching card/scrapbook classes from home. We'll see. I am brainstorming. Changes equal new opportunity! Here's to changes...

Friday, April 15, 2011

In Love With Books

Hello... Friday! How do I love thee... especially come 5pm! :)

Today, I have A Day For Daisies (ADFD) new releases for you and they have new challenge "Dots or stripes". This new sets are called "In Love With Books" and some of the images really reminds me of my childhood. I read a lot when I was a kid, thanks to my older brother, Jeff who introduced met o the joy of reading. Literally, during school vacations, I would spend my day reading. Jeff already had a big collection of books by the time I started, so I never ran out of books to read.

I also love reading comic books like Asterix & Obelix, Lucky Luke, etc., which sadly they don't seem to be popular here in the States. They were very popular in Indonesia back then and I think still do in Europe.

Anyway, let me stop rambling and share my card. For my card I used the book image and decided to combine it with three other images that are also from ADFD.

Aud Sentiments Challenge - Anything goes
Simon Says Stamp - Card for a child
My Time To Craft - On The Spot

Basically, I arranged the book image on Microsoft Word and added the angel and fairies image to each book cover, then colored them all. Wouldn't this card would be perfect to hold a Barnes & Nobles gift certificate inside for a kid who loves reading?

I also covered all the book spines with stickles.  Kids books always more fun when they have glitter, don't you think? :) You can check out the other DT gals creations HERE and when you're there make sure you download the free image as well. Tammy always give free image whenever new challenge start.

That's it from me today. Have some stamp shopping to do. Seriously, with each company coming out with new sets every month, it's getting harder to keep up with my stamping budget. Any tips? Which company you buy from every month? Please share and have a great Friday!! :)

PS: Thank you so much for all of you who left some love and vote for my project at May Arts! I really appreciate your help. You gals are the best! Should know by early next week whether I make it or not. Keeping my fingers crossed. :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

May Arts

Yesterday, I found out that I am one of the finalist for May Arts DT. Eeekk...., so excited! I shared 4 cards including the tutorials, showing different ways to use ribbons for your card.
Here's a look at the 4 cards. For the tutorial please check out May Arts blog.

I don't know yet if I make it for the DT. That's where I am hoping you can help me out. :) People get to vote who's their favorite for the DT. If you like my projects and would like to vote for me, please check it out HERE and leave some loves there. I'd really love to have the chance to play with lots of pretty ribbons and I think to be part of their DT would really challenge me to think outside the box on how to use ribbons. Any little helps count and I thank you so much for the support. :)

Hope you all have a great Thursday! Hugs to you all!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Circus, Circus.

Good morning my dear blogging friends. :) How are you all today. My mojo is still slow going and with tax papers to finish, this week card making is get push aside a little bit. I did finish one of my DT assignment last night and that's about it.

So, for today, how about I share another Paper Crafts reject card? I submitted 2 cards for PC Sept. 11 circus theme. Got 1 accepted and got this one rejected. In submission, really you never know what might catch their eyes. Wanna know a secret? LOL, I like this card here better than the one that get accepted.  The cards definitely have different look, I like this one because of it's bright colors and the cute elephant. I have a soft spot for elephant. :)

A Spoonful Of Sugar - All Creatures Great & Small
Paper Take Weekly -  Dimension somewhere On Your Card
Tuesday Throwdown - Sparkle & Bling

The white background is actually has alphabet impression on it. Sorry, due to lighting issue, I didn't quite capture it with the camera. In real life, you could see the impression and it definitely make the background more fun. The elephant is curled, to create dimension and attached with pop-dots. The stand and the banners were lined with glitter pens. Can't have circus without some sparkles and glitters, right?

Hope you enjoy your visit here and thank you all so much for visiting. Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Color Throw Down

Good morning, peeps! This past weekend, I didn't do any card making at all. Just didn't feel like doing it. Hubby and I did lots of cleaning and the rest of the time was spent reading and watching The Masters. Nope, I don't play golf, hubby does, but I do kind of enjoy watching the tournament, especially when everyone was neck to neck.

Then come Monday, shocker... I didn't feel like blogging. I think I am just going through a cycle at the moment. Burn out cycle that is. :) However, come Monday evening I did manage to make a card. Since, I just got quite a few new stuff, I feel guilty if I don't use them.

So, looking for some inspiration, I saw Kathy's Color Throwdown at Lily Pad Cards. The colors looks fun and you know I love colors.

Back to the gnome. Seriously, you will see me using this polaroid frame, a lot. I LOVE it! And the gnome... yep, you will see quite a few cards using gnome as well, as I am trying to build up some collection for my SIL who loves gnome.

Woodware USA - Anything goes
Cupcake Inspirations - Inspiration Photo

For the background, I embossed the cardstock, and glued the raised part to the card, so I can have the debossing look.

Well, that's it from me today, folks. Hopefully, my crazy thought of stopping my blogging activity will pass soon. I have some of the kindest & sweetest followers and I really do appreciate you all. I almost reach 300 followers, so will do another giveaway soon to celebrate. :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Saturday... makes me smile. :) You know what else makes me smile? Getting cute stamps on the mail! My Lawn Fawn sets came yesterday and I didn't waste any time in giving them some ink love. They are perfect for what I had in mind for Wee Memories challenge!

This week at Wee Memories our theme is  "Tangled Up In Twine" sponsored by the fabulous "The Twinery". If you haven't try their twine, you need to! I love their colorful twines very much.

Here on my card, I used the twines for grass and for string for the lanterns.

How to:
1. Stamped the polaroid frame, cut the inside, then cut a bunch of little short twines and adhere it on the back of the frame. Put it aside.
2. For the inside, I stamped faded text background, spray it with glimmer mist, and  then stamped the polaroid on top of it. Fussy cut it.
3. Build the scene on this second polaroid. I arrange the owl, the tree trunk and the lanterns.
4. Adhere the polaroid with the grass on top of the scene polaroid with grass, using pop-dots.
5. For the card base, I stamped the tree trunks several time & colored them with chalks.
6. Adhere the polaroid frame onto the card base.
7. Add sentiment sticker (I used SRM sticker)  to the frame. Anddd... you're done! :)

I am very happy with the process and the way this card turned out. It's pure fun from start to finish. Am also entering this card for Lawnscaping  make your own patterned paper challenge and for The Outlawz Copic Challenge  to use mix mediums on the image (I used Copic & chalks), and for Simon Say Stamp spring color challenge.

Go check out the DT gals fabulous twine creations on Wee Memories and then take your twine out and join us on this fun challenge!

Thank you all so much for stopping by and... SMILE!! Spread some sunshine!!! :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Blast Off

Happy Friday, everyone! Is it 5pm, yet? Heh... I am ready for the weekend to start. :)

Today, we have new releases from A Day For Daisies, but my printer was acting up last night and I couldn't do my project for this week new releases. Please go to A Day For Daisies to see this week new releases.

Yesterday, I was browsing Penny Black's blog and to my surprise I saw Penny Black spotligted my card HERE . I wasn't expecting it at all, so I was really excited to see that. And, I also got a notice that my Critters Galore post was one of the blog post that being featured on Creating The Hive. That was a great Thursday. :)

Now, since I didn't get to make any card last night, here's a card that I made a week or so ago per a co-worker request. This one was fun & quick to make. The rocket and the border strip are from Bella Blvd Mr. Boy collection. Bella Blvd is one of my favorite patterned paper company. Love their design and the quality.

Only after I gave the card away, that I realized that something is missing from this card. I wish I had added something to the circle window on the rocket. Something that would make it cuter. Maybe a little boy's face or a critter peeking through the window? Well, it's too late now, but that's what missing from this card. :)

Hope you all have a great Friday and thank you for all your lovely comments. I really appreciate you all!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Critters Galore

This week at Paper Play Challenges it's my team, team B, turns to play. I set up the challenge and heh... of course I have to do critters challenge. You all know how much I love my critters. :)

For my project, inspired by Moxie Fab card sets challenge, I decided to make a set of CAS critter card. I simply adore Lawn Fawn stamps. This one using the adorable fox from Critters in the Forrest. Here'a look at the box for the cards and one of the card.

Simon Says Stamp - Spring colors
Fuzzy Wuzzy - Photo inspiration

This box contained 4 cards and 4 envelopes.

For all the cards I stick to the same design and image, only changing the sentiments. I paper pieced the fox and covered the mushroom with stickles and clear glazed.

Need more critters inspiration? Go check out the Paper Play DT creations for this challenge HERE.

Thank you all for stopping by and may your Thursday be a great one. :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hey There

Good morning everyone! How are you doing? Today, I have an almost no stamping, cheerful card to share with you. :) The only part that I stamped on this card is the sentiment.
Paper Take Weekly - Anything Goes + Optional - Something New

The bunny cardboard sticker is from Cosmo Cricket, the yellow wood patterned paper is from the new Bella Blvd Mr. Boy collection, and the twine is from The Twinery. Banner cut with Silhouette and colored with copic.

I actually made this for Paper Craft Sketches and this one didn't make it. I did have 1 card accepted for this edition, so I am still happy. And this one will find love somewhere... :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Say Hello To My Little Friend

I recently got my very first There She Goes stamp set and I picked this set called My Little Friend. I was so tickled when I first saw the sneak peek of this set. This set keep me smiling each time I look at it. They're just so darn cute and the sentiment really makes me laugh.

Hubby's multi talented sister loves gnomes! I am slowly working on making some gnome cards collection to surprise her. She asked me last year if I have any gnome stamps and at that time I didn't have any. So, I am so thrilled to finally have cute, make-me-laugh-gnome set! :)

You can see my very first card using the gnome from this set on yesterday's post (mixed with Lawn Fawn's stamp). Here's a look at the other gnome on the set. The design for this card is based on CASE Study challenge #33.

Cupcake Craft - Comedy Rocks
Paper Playtime - Anything Goes

Isn't that sentiment so funny? Or.. am I just nerdy?? :) I think I'll be playing with this set a lot!! To gnome a gnome is to love a gnome!! LOL, can you make sense of that?? Hah... love starting my day by being silly. Have great day peeps...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Market Street Stamps

Hi y'all. How about some enabling? A couple weeks ago, I posted a couple snail cards HERE that I made using Market Street Stamps. Well, what do you know. They're having a fun contest. They're giving you opportunity to win free stamps with every order you place between now till April 25.

You can check out all the details on Market Street Blog HERE.

And, if you place an order because you see my post, would you please kindly put my name (Vera Yates) down in the comment box when you check out. For each referal I'll get an entry for the contest.  :) Thanks so much!!

Hope you find some fun goodies there.

Happy Birthday To My Brother

Yesterday, was my big brother, Jeff's birthday! Even after almost 16 years in the States, it never fails that I still get a little bit homesick whenever it's my siblings or my mom's birthday. Cause, you know they will have a family get together and I can't help but wish that I was there, too.

Jeff is 5 years older than me and growing up, my li'l brother, Jerry and I used to think he's the mean big brother. LOL. I guess because he's always so quiet & serious. Thank goodness for girlfriend, cause we would tell on him to his girlfriend (now wife) and she'd tell him to be nice to us. Hah! :)

One of my favorite story, was when Jeff told Jerry that he could become a Superman. Back then, we had this Superman brand chocolate wafer. Being a 3 or 4 years old, Jerry believe it when Jeff said that if he eat a lot of the Superman wafer, he can become a Superman. LOL, needless to say Jerry ended up with bad stomach ache and my mom get mad at Jeff. :)

But, honestly Jeff is one of the good role model in my life. Hubby always said how I'm so lucky and blessed to have such good, responsible older brother to look up to. And, he's right. LOL, I think part of me become such goody, goody kid was because I was afraid of getting in trouble with him. He and my mom are so big on trust and responsibilities. Anyway, to my brother, Jeff thank you for being a great influence in my life. Happy birthday!!

Okay, 'nuff stories. Here's my card for today. I have to say I simply love building scenes.

For this card I combined Lawn Fawn's Critters in the Forest and There She Goes' My Little Friend stamps (this set makes me laugh, it just too cute). That fun tree was made using leaves ribbons from May Arts. I cut all the leaves individually and layered them to cover the tree. I love the dimension on this card. From the tree, to the raccoon curled tail and the gnome curled hat. 

How about another card? This one is using Penny Black stamps. Most likely this goes to my in-laws who love poodles. :)

You're still with me, reading this till the end? Yay..., thank you! :) I wish you all a great week and may your Monday start off beautifully .

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Wee Memories Blog Hop

Hi everyone! Welcome to Wee Memories blog hop. If you come here from STEPHANIE place then you're on the right track. :) If not, you can always find all the links for the blog hop at Wee Memories.

This week our challenge theme is "Color Inspiration" and we are sponsored by Nikki Sivils Scrapbooker.

For my card I used Nikki Sivil's woodgrain papers. Such fun paper and I love the thickness of the paper, too. And since it's all about color inspiration, I had lots of fun just coloring these Penny Black stamps in variety of colors.

To make the card a bit more festive, I added diamond stickles to the balloon and added shimmer to the candle flickers with Sakura glitter pens.

Short and sweet for today! From here, hop on over to WENDY for more fun eye candy. :) Thank you all for stopping by here and hopeyou enjoy your hop! Have a great weekend...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Loving Grey's

TGIF!! Happy Friday peeps! Welcome to the  month of April. :)

So, any of you  a big fan of Grey's Anatomy? Did you watch last night episode? I have to talk about it as I LOVE that show. And, I thought last night was episode was a great one. Simply awesome. Musical without being cheesy. It was actually a powerful and emotional episode.

And yes... I cried. I could see my mom shaking her head. :) I cry at movies. Heck, I got teary eyes watching Up! the animation. Anyway, back to Grey's, Sara Ramirez performance as Callie was powerful & amazing. She has great voice. They picked all the right songs. I'm not going to spoil the story for those of you who record the show and hasn't watch it, yet. I think this was one of the best episodes of Grey's. What did you think of the episode?

Ok, on to card. Before I got glued to the TV, I did completed this card for A Day For Daisies. This week we start a new challenge and the them is stitching. Can be real can be faux stitching. Since  my sewing machine been acting up, I settled for the faux one. 

Stamps R Us - Spring

I combine 2 images from this week new releases. I love those chicks. So cute! To see all the new releases go check out the SHOP and to see all the inspirations by the DT gals check out the BLOG. Oh...  those pretty papers.. are Cosmo Crickets Early Bird digital papers that I got from Jessica Sprague site. I'll be printing more of these papers for sure.

Hope you all have a great April fool's day! :)

Hi there. Just popping in to share a couple project I made to showcase Spellbinders Heart Hand Etched dies . For the first card above, for t...