Monday, November 30, 2009

Mojo Monday 115

Hi y'all.... How was your Thanksgiving? My mom arrived here safely after 30 hours of flight from Indonesia. Yep, it's along flight to go half way around the world. After a few days of jet lag, she managed to get a pretty normal sleeping hours. Thank goodness, I don't have to cook as we celebrated Thanksgiving at my SIL. We had 2 turkeys and there's only 9 of us. Didn't even get to eat the ham as we were too full.

As with card, I haven't get a chance to make many cards with my mom here. I think I was shopped out as I took her shopping 2 days in a row. :) I was pooped and by Sunday, I just want to lay down and be lazy. Today, back to reality, back to work, and I managed to squeeze in a little card making. Make me feel that I am productive, even if it's only 1 card.

Here's my take on Mojo Monday week 115 challenge. Can you see I am a bit addicted to this stamp set? And yes, I still love the glitters. My husband keep calling this "the chicken" and I keep correcting him, "No, it's a bird." Hah... Well, here's the chicken birdie for you. :) Have a great week everyone.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Square card...

I made this card for Sweet Sunday Sketch. Not quite sure how I like this square cards. I think I should have adjusted the size, like making it a bit smaller. Feels like there's too much empty space. I was rushing, too when I took this pic as I was trying to submit it before the dateline, which I missed, BTW. :( I didn't get to play with my camera setting or the card placement, so didn't really caught all the glitters on the embossed snowflake. And the blue background also have soft star patterns that I embossed with irridescent sparkle powder.

Well, it's Friday. Yay... and my mom will be here from Indonesia in 2 days!! Hmm..., blog might get neglected a bit. :) Hope not, I'll do my best to keep it up. I don't get to see my mom that often, so I plan to do quite a few things with her, please keep checking in, will you. On that note... have a super duper happy Friday y'all.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Winner of cards giveaway...

I compiled all the names and had my husband picked from the basket. The lucky winner is.... drumroll.... (I'm such a nerd)... is NANCY!!! Congratulations, Nancy!

Nancy, please email me your address. You can email me at: . I will mail you the cards as soon as I receive your information. :)

Thank you all for participating and am looking forward to do another giveaway in near future. BTW, I've been playing with more glitters and I found out if you color (the back of the stamped image) the acetate first with the same color ofyour glitters, then put the glossy accent, then the glitters, you'll get a deeper color. It might not look much when you first color the acetate (I just used my ZIG pens), but you'll see the difference when you're finish putting the glitters.

I will update today's blog later this evening as I haven't get a chance to take picture yet, to show you what I am talking about. So, come back again later this evening, will you. Hugs to everyone. :)

UPDATE: So, sorry, last night I couldn't find the camera. I took this pic early this morning before heading to work. You could see the penguin on the left has darker color, cause I colored the penguins before I added the glitters. TFL .:)


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Becoming a US Citizen

Yep... it's official, today I become a US citizen along with 1398 other people from 104 countries. It's amazing to think we all from so many different countries and today we all become one as US citizen. It was a memorable experience.

My mom congratulated me and reminded me not to forget my birth country or language. I did get teary eyes when I read that. I love where I came from. I am proud of  the rich cultures that Indonesia offers. I appreciate my upbringing there. Being raised in Indonesia and moved here to the US as adult, make me able to appreciate the goodness from both sides of the world. Like what the speaker said the traditions and cultures that we learned at our birth country will always stay with us eventhough we change citizenship. We will honor that tradition and at the same time we welcome the new tradition of our new country. I'd want our children to learn and to honor both the Indonesian and the American traditions.

What a big day. :) So many emotions. With that note, I want to thank everybody who has stopped by here to check my blog. I'll pick up a winner for my cards tomorrow morning. Happy humpday!!


Monday, November 16, 2009

Glittery giveaway...

Continue from my post, yesterday. Not sure how often I will make the glittery cards with acetate though. They're fun, but takes a long time, especially with all the details and sprinkling. However, I did managed to make 4 sets of the penguin sparkles (see previous entry). :)

Here's card # 2:

How to:
1. Cut blue and green cardstock for background. Again, I use my favorite embossing design, the dots from Cuttlebug.
2. That shiny green with dots strip is from KI Memories papers and I just cut a strip. You can also use ribbon.
3. Stamped the image (from Hero Arts) on white cardstock and on acetate using Ancient Page inkpad. Make sure you use inkpad  that wouldn't smear. On  the image on white cardstock, I colored the background with blue chalks for soft sky color.
4. Flip the acetate as you'll work on the backside of the stamped image. Cover the frame using glossy accent and sprinkle with pink glitter powder. Tap excess and also it's helpful to use brush to get rid of stubborn powder.
5. Cover the branch using the same step and sprinkle with green glitter powder and do the same with  the ornament (I used blue glitter powder).
6. After all dry, attached to stamped white cardstock, layer it to pink cardstock and attach to background.
7. Attached stamped snowflake using pop dots and of course, highlight the snowflake with stickles for extra glitter. :) Oh yes, I also dots stickles randomly on the embossed dots. It didn't show on the picture, but in real life this card is very sparkling.

Card # 3:

How to:
Same as the previous card. This time background is red and green cardstock. The main difference is the use of liquid applique (I have a hard time finding this item, but when you do it's only like $2.99). It came in liquid form and when you heat it up, it swell into this wonderful texture that looks just like snow. I mix the irridescent embossing powder with the liquid applique before I heat it up, but the parkle didn't show to well. So, I used glossy accent on  top of it and sprinkle with blue glitter powder. Do the same thing to the brach.

Note: when you use liquid applique use it sparingly as when you heat it up, if you put too much it will looks like globs. I just dots here and there on the branch for this look.

So, what do you think? Do you like it, do you  have any other suggestion, question? Leave your comment here by Wednesday eve and on Thursday, I'll pick a winner and I'll send you one of the card that I posted today and yesterday and another surprise card. This would be my first giveaway. Nothing big or fancy, just sharing my cards. Thank you for checking my blog.


Sunday, November 15, 2009


My desk is covered with glitters. This week Hero Arts' challenge is using glitters and their blog inspired me to use my acetate inventory. Boy, did I have fun. I made 3 cards using this technique. Today, I put the step-by-step instruction to make the 1st card. Tomorrow, I'll post the instruction for the 2nd & 3rd cards. Hehe... that way I have excuse to update my blog. :)

1st card:

1. Cut blue and green cardstock for background. I used cuttlebug to do  the dots embossing on the blue background. Add ribbons (I tucked one end behind the blue, green cardstock) and gemstone.
2. The fun part! Stamped penguins on white cardstock and on acetate. I used Ancient Page inkpad.
3. Flip the acetate, as you'll be working on the wrong side or the backside of the stamped image. Cover the are around the peguin using glossy accent and sprinkle the green glitter powder. Repeat and sprinkle the pink glitter powder. Last, repeat and sprinkle the blue glitter powder.
4. For the mount underneath the peguin I used Stardust Stickles. Note: if you're using the glossy accent and glitter powders, you don't have to wait long as it dries after just a few minutes. The stickles take longer.
5. Once everything dry, cut around the lacy circle, attached to the stamped white cardstock. The reason I did this, sometime when you stamped on acetate it's not all even (or maybe I am not experience enough) and the stamped image on white cardstock act as reinforcement. Besides, I like the white frame.:)
6. Now, just layer it up. Attached the white cardstock to blue cardstock, then attached those to pink cardstock, and last to soft green cardstock.
7. Using pop dots attached the layered image to the card. Voila... you're done.

You can see the other cards here and instruction for those cards tomorrow. Phew.... I think I did well this week. Although, my desk looks like fairies war zone with all the glitters. :) Hah..., I love it though when creativity just flow.

How about giveaway? I never do one before. Leave your comment for this card and the other cards (when I post it tomorrow) by Wednesday eve and on Thursday, I'll pick a winner and you'll receive one of the card as my thanks to you for stopping by my blog.

That's it for today and may your Sunday be a sparkly one. :)


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Citizenship & Hero Arts Glitter Challenge

First thing first... Yay, I just passed my citizenship test and next week is my citizenship ceremony. I will officially become a US citizen!! I answered all the test question correctly, including who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Name 3 of the original 13 colonies, etc. Am excited. A bit sad, too. I am very proud of where I come from. And in my heart I will always love my birth country. But, I don't see myself going back  there to live. For vacation, of course and to visit my family. It just felt like I'm letting go part of myself by changing nationality. I  think as far as culture and all the positive things from my culture, will always be part of me and I am hoping that when I have kids I can raise them to appreciate both the Eastern and the Western cultures. My swearing is next Wednesday!!!

Now, let's talk card. I love glitters! I think I used glitter on almost all my cards. They add just the perfect details to cards. This week, HA challenge is all about glitters. So, of course I have to play along. :)

Again, I am using Hero Arts Warm Wishes set. I opted for simple card. I covered the lacy round frame with stickles glitters and did the same for  the scarf and the frame for the greetings. And for the background, I stamped random snowflakes and embossed them with irridescent embossing powders. And for fun detail, if you see closely under the penguin, for the snow mount I used Liquid Aplique, so it looks like he stands on real snow highlighted with a little sparkly.

I am still learning to take better pictures, but in real life this card is really fun and very sparkly. :)

Well, that's an achievement for me to actually posted 2 cards this week. Hopefully I can play some more.  Hugs...


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mojo Monday 111

I love this week Mojo Monday sketch. And I am glad I get to play this week. It's been awhile since I get to do any sketch. I've been sick a lot and on top of that doing lots of home improvement. So, I am super duper excited to make some cards. Okay, okay, so far it just 1card. :) Here you go.

The stamp is from Hero Arts. I love penguins, so this li'l fella is perfect for me. Beside Mojo Monday, I am also doing this for Hero Arts color combo challenge. Please let me know what you think. Short blog for now. Trying to get more card done and getting ready for my mom's visit from Indonesia.

My mom will be here in 2 weeks (I'm counting the days) and she'll stay with us for a couple months. That means I get to eat some good, yummy Indonesian food. That's it for today and hope you're getting ready for an awesome week ahead.


Hi there. Just popping in to share a couple project I made to showcase Spellbinders Heart Hand Etched dies . For the first card above, for t...