Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Owl card

Yay.... card!! I finally have a card to post! :) It's been awhile, isn't it? I made this card for my husband who's thoughtfulness continue to make me feel so lucky and blessed to have him.

I used the stamp set CL309 from Hero Arts. Love the owl. For the eyes I used tiny black beads. Then I hand cut all the hearts for the tree and popped some of them on pop dots to make them stand out. Covered all the heart with stickles. Can't do heart without the glitters! So, what do you think?

I really need to start working on Christmas card. How time flies, it's almost November! Yikes... Really, really hoping I can get back on making a bunch of cards again. I still dizzy all the time and going to have my eyes check out tomorrow to see if maybe that's the cause. If not, then on to next check. I swear I am making the doctor rich this year. :(

Well, that's all for now people. Have a great evening. Hugs....


Monday, October 26, 2009

In My Room...

That's the title of my brother's latest book  that he launched on Oct. 22, 2009 in Jakarta, Indonesia. I am so very proud of him. For this book he photographed about 100 famous, influential people from Indonesia in their most personal space. Some of the people, are the people that I grew up reading about in magazines or newspapers. And here, they allowed my brother into their very private place to show a glimpse of their  life behind the door. That's just so awesome!
When I see my brother, I don't see him as the famous photographer that everybody's talking about. Instead I see the guy who works hard (and play hard) to get what he wants. The one who believes in my creativity and talent even when I questioned myself. I see the guy who knows how to enjoy life, who has huge sense of humor and definitely the one person who can look at me and make me laugh without saying a word.  Most of all, I just see my little brother and my mom's baby boy. Granted he's taller than me, but he's still my little brother. :) I am without a doubt is my brother biggest fan and supporter.

So, this blog today is dedicated to my brother, Jerry, to let him know how proud I am of him and all that he has achieved. You can check out  his blog here at Jerry Aurum. If you click on his blog banner you can also see his previous blogs & photos.

He has lots of awesome photos, from landscape, to animal, to human emotion, he tried it all. He's my source of inspiration. For me, his photography is more than just picture. They tell stories. Some makes you laugh, some makes you think, some just simply takes your breath away because of their beauties. Like his underwater and travel pictures, may of them just simply breathtaking. I could stare at them for hours. He also has a fan page on facebook where he also posted quite a  few of his work. So, please check it out when you have a chance.

And Jerry, here's to you. Hope you continue touching people's life through your art and creation. Well, that's all for today and please keep checking back. :) Hope you have a great week.


Monday, October 19, 2009


Hi there people. How are you all doing. I know I have been such a slacker lately. Once you're out of the swing of things, kind of hard getting back into it. :) Still trying to figure out what's really wrong with my health, but live goes on. While I was down, I use it as a chance to start reading again. I LOVE reading. Since my brother introduced me to adventure books when I was in 3rd grade, I've become a book lover.

Recently, my SIL and my niece were raving about the Fableheaven book. So, I start reading that since I love Harry Potter type of books. Then, in the middle of reading that, my niece started to read Percy Jackson & The Olympians, saying it's even better than Fableheaven.

So, that's what I've been doing this past month. Even in good days, when I feel okay, instead of making cards, I've been reading like crazy. There's 4 books in Fableheaven series so far and 5 on Percy Jackson. I am on the hunt for Percy Jackson last book. And I think after that, I can go back to my card making. :)

Been trying to scrapbook, too, but scrapbooking is a slow process for me, since I keep changing my mind of what paper I want to use. I am t rying to branch out, but I keep coming back to my clean and simple style. Anyhooo... enough babbling, I will post card this week for sure. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great Monday!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Hello there...

Yes, I am still alive and breathing! My poor blog been neglected and I haven't made any cards lately. Sigh.... not that I don't want to.

See, I've been sick a lot this past month. Finally, one dr said that I tested positive to have stomach bacteria and gave me a bunch of antibiotic. First of all, I am not a fan of taking medicine. I grew up with my mom giving me natural remedy or Chinese herbal stuff.

Well, right on the day for my husband's 40th surprise b'day party, I had pretty severe reaction to the meds I was taking. My head felt like it's being squeezed and my whole jaw, ears just in pain. I was curled up in a ball crying. Hubby thought we're just going to his sister house for a visit and was ready to cancel going there seeing my condition. Of course, I couldn't let that happen. My father-in-law flew all the way from Illinois to surprise him. Anyhow, we made it to the party and hubby was very happy with his surprise. And thank you Joy, Les, and Billy for sharing this moment with us.

Come next day, which was hubby's real birthday, my condition worsen. Start to puke and went back to the dr, although I swear this one dr just want my copay and could careless that I am puking allover the place. Long story short, had to cancel hubby's birthday dinner. SORRY HONEY!!! :(

I decided to stop the meds and figure out different way to deal with my healt issue. My brother-in-law knows a great herbalist, so I might check that out. Keeping my fingers crossed that soon I don't have to deal with feeling nauseous all the time.

Meanwhile, please bear with me and I hope you will keep checking back to my  blog. I know you'd like  to see new creations and believe me I want to play, too. I would like to start making Christmas cards, so let's hope that my body will cooperate and I can get well soon. Thank you for stopping by. :)

Hi there. Just popping in to share a couple project I made to showcase Spellbinders Heart Hand Etched dies . For the first card above, for t...