Thursday, July 31, 2014

Time With Crafty Peeps

Hi everyone and happy Thursday. I am a bit behind on my blogging as work been crazy busy for me this week. And, at home, there's quite a few stuff on my to do list that needed to be accomplished. Including cleaning!

Yep, like they said nothing makes you clean your house like having a guest. Hah... What took me the longest is cleaning my crafting space as we plan to do some crafting together. I am so excited that i get to spend this weekend with my dear friend Tiffany Johnson! I'm sure many of you pretty familiar with her works. She does amazing tutorial and she's sweet as can be. 

We met back at 2010 when we did Gallery Idol together. She's so supportive and nice. Simple as that. And then we met in person at several CHA and I just adore her. We plan to hit the CKC convention tomorrow and also meet up with other crafty friends. Should be a fun filled weekend!

I am doing this post while waiting for her to arrive as I doubt I'd have time to do any blog post. :) I want to share my card that I made for i {heart} papers. I made a very similar card sometime last year and since I love it so much, I thought why not re-do it with some changes.

Wplus9 Fresh Cut Florals
Wplus9 Fresh Cut Florals dies
Memento ink pads
Wink of Stella Brush Glitter Marker

This time, instead of using a jar, I used watering can to hold the flowers. I simply cut one using my Silhouette. I am thinking that the ikat pattern trend is slowing down, but I still love it. There's just something fun & unique about it.

This card makes me happy and I hope whoever receive this will know that I am thinking of them in a special way. Well, that's it for me. For sure I'll be sharing some story from this weekend crafty get together. See y'all later.

Monday, July 28, 2014


I made this card a long time ago and pretty much forgot about it. Well, since I haven't share it here, I figure it should make an appearance here. I mean it's too cute not to share, right?

Now, you wonder what patterned paper I use or what stamp this cute dog came from? Well... this cutie pie is from a piece of fabric. When my  mom was here back in 2012, we were shopping for some baby stuff for my niece and my mom purchase this fabric to make a blankie. I looked at it and fell in love with the cute puppy pattern and decided to get a little piece as well for card making. :)

And, this is the result. I fussy cut the puppy and adhere it directly to card. I used EZ Dots Permanent Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L and it worked like a charm. The fabric stay put really well.

Well, that's all from me. And, to all my family and friend who celebrate Idul Fitri, I wish you all happy Idul Fitri. Mohon maaf lahir & batin. May this Ramadhan bring peace to all.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

You Make Me Smile

Lately I wasn't much in the mood for card making. I guess I am  going through one of those creative slump. So, to get my mojo going, I've been spending lots of time browsing. And... right before we were going to watch movie, I saw this Runway Inspired Challenge pic from the Bottega Veneta collection. 

So, I told hubby to postpone the movie and give me half hour to make a card. He knows I've been feeling blah with my card making lately, so he's happy to oblige. :) And, I whipped up this quick, feminine card.

This card is sooo airy!! I think I normally go for brighter colors, but now & then I guess it's  good to do soft. 

Okie dokie, that's all. Hubby and movie are waiting. Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Grateful For You

Hi everyone. Quick post. I made this card for the current Curtain Call Inspiration Challenge and Simon Says Stamp Spot & Dots challenge. Here's the inspiration pic from Curtain Call challenge:

And, here's my card.

The flowers & leaves are from Wplus9 Spring Blooms set and the sentiment is from Paper Smooches Blossoming Buds. The patterned paper is from one of my favorite Echo Park paper pad, Dots & Stripes Bundle of Joy Girl

That's about it. I don't have much else to write at the moment. You know... sometime you just have those brain fart moment. Hmm... can I say brain fart on a blog? That's still pretty polite, right? Oh well, I better stop while I am ahead. ;)

Christmas in July

What??? Yeah, I know, I know, it's super hot out there. It is summer after all. And, we're thinking about Christmas already?? Well, I guess deep down we're wishing for a cooler weather, thus we just imagine it's almost Christmas?

On the other hand, we can pretend that I am that well organized that I start working on my holidays cards this many months in advance. Hah... Well, this is actually the latest Riley &Company challenge (simply  click on the link if you'd like to play along).

I made a mini card for this challenge as for the life of me, right  now, my mojo is out the window. Mini card is just so much easier to do. Maybe I left my mojo back in Bali and it still on vacation mode. I think this been the longest where I am struggling to create. Like it's been over a month!

Hoping that my mojo will come back soon. Cross fingers. :)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Hello Little Prince

Hi everyone and happy Monday! How was your weekend? Mine was a pretty productive one in a sense that we got lots of house cleaning & laundry done. Hah... fun stuff, right? 

We also tried out new thing. My SIL convinced hubby and I that we need to try out bonsai class. It wasn't quite my thing, but I decided to go ahead and give it a try. Be open minded. LOL, typical me, during the lecture part, I was bored out of my mind. But, the hands on part was pretty fun. We each came home with a start up bonsai that we'll have to maintain as it grows. I don't think I'll be attending the next class.

I like instant gratification, not something that takes months or years to finally see the result. You know... like card  making. ;) But, hey at least we tried it. That's our thing now as couple. To try out new things that we both can enjoy. Hubby is thinking of glass blowing or glass beads making class next. Although that class is not as easily available here in Houston as far as I know.

Anyway, back to instant  gratification. Cards!! I made this sweet card for i {heart} papers.

I really don't know anyone who's expecting a baby boy at the moment, but this cute frog from Lawn Fawn Hello Baby set is too cute to resist. At first, I was going to keep the easel plain, but then remember that I have Lawn Fawn Woodgrain Backdrops that would make it more interesting. I think it would have been too plain if I had kept it plain. Added a bit of shimmer to the crown with Wink of Stella Clear Glitter Brush and the enamel dots are from Doodlebug Swimming Pool Sprinkles.

I was going to make another card using the easel again, but one spoiled puppy decided it's nap time. So, who am I to argue. :) 

Oh... wow... I just realized that I had published 1200 post on my blog. This post is post number 1201. I had to edit my post to add this as that's pretty surprising to me. Never ever thought that I'd enjoy blogging and never thought it would continue this long. And, most important.... I am thankful for the people I met through my blog. And thank you to all of you that come here regularly and kindly leaving sweet comments & encouragement. I really appreciate you. Hope your week starts off wonderfully!

Friday, July 18, 2014

What You Sprinkled

Happy Friday! After waiting for almost 2 months, my Papertrey Ink Sprinkle kit finally arrived!!I really get this set because of the stamp set and the word dies. I like the word sprinkles, so the moment I saw this kit, I was like I have to get this!

When hubby & I was dating, I made a mistake of saying that it's sprinkling when it was raining lightly, instead of saying it was drizzling. Being English is my second language, sometime when the word I needed doesn't come to mind, I'd use other word to try to explain thing. And, other time it was just reflects. Like when I was saying it was sprinkling.

So now, whenever it rains hubby would say it's sprinkling. :) And, to top it off, one of my favorite way to eat bread is with peanut butter & chocolate sprinkles. I think we see a pattern, right? Yes, this girl like sprinkles. I think it's such a pretty, happy word.

Well, I get to play with the kit right away and made this card for Iron Craft challenge #3. I was interviewed by Chaitali HERE and now there's a challenge based on the question asked during the interview. 

My question to the blog readers was, "What is your passion outside of paper crafting?" So, for the challenge based on my question Chaitali challenge us to make a card that reflect our passion. Mine was dog rescue & being kind. I believe deeply in trying to make this world a better place even in your own small way. Whether it's by helping dogs that needed help, helping a friend in need or offering kindness to a stranger, etc. And, I feel like the sentiment on this card totally reflect my principal in life.

Pretty fun challenge, right? Something different. I just couldn't pass it. Especially, in this past weeks where there's so many sad news, between the war in Syria, the Israel Gaza situation and yesterday the Malaysian airline being shot down, I feel the need to spread good positive energy, positive thoughts. Let us sprinkle goodness whenever we can. Let us take the time to use our passion, whatever it is, to make a better, positive world. Peace. Yes... let's sprinkle lots of goodness so may there be peace.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Kate's Birthday Blog Hop

Hi everyone. Today is a very special day because it's Kate's birthday. You wonder who Kate is? Well, Kate happens to own and operate my favorite online store i {heart} papers. And, to top it off, as dog lovers, I admire her commitment to dog rescue. She tirelessly help rescue, foster & help homeless dogs find their forever home. 

She's a pretty special person & her birthday is definitely the perfect time to celebrate her. The design team is having a little blog hop to share our birthday cards and wishes. 

To Kate.... Happy birthday! May this birthday brings you lots of joy & happiness.

For my card, I have to go with the dogs of course. The big dog is from the oldie but goodie Paper Smooches Birthday Buddies set. The other 2 dogs from Lawn Fawn Critters in the Burbs set and the sentiment from Reverse Confetti Lots To Say set. For the balloons I used Paper Smooches Balloons Dies. And, the patterned papers are from Dear Lizzy Daydreamer 6x6 paper pad.

Please stop by Kate's blog to wish her a happy birthday! And, be sure to hop along to each designer and leave these talented gals some love! Thank you for joining us on celebrating Kate's birthday. :)

Lisa guest DT
Melissa guest DT
Vera <--- you are here

Monday, July 14, 2014

Thinking of You

Hi everyone and happy Monday. My blogging still up and down. Lots of catching up at work to do after being away for a couple weeks and I was also dealing with some personal stuff. 

This past week been a difficult one. Let just say it was a week that I'd rather not ever repeated. However, when you go through difficult time, that's really when you realize who are your true friends. And, it also makes me even more grateful for my family, especially my mom. 

I am beyond thankful that I have a mom who I can confide in, can lean on. She is my everything. I don't know where I'd be without her. With that in mind, I want to share this card to let her know that I always thinking of her even though I am on the other side of the world. :)

I love making mini card. For this one I used the frame from Avery Elle Air Mail set and the duck& butterfly from Avery Elle Storybook set. The cloud is from Lawn Fawn Hello Baby set. And the enamel dot from Doodlebug Swimming Pool Sprinkles. All from i {heart} papers store. BTW, the store is in a process of moving and it should be back up and running in early August.

Now, my last installment from my trip back home. You see, normally I don't go home in June. I normally go home during the holiday season as that's usually when work is not as busy and I love spending the holiday season with them. However, I realized that I haven't celebrate my birthday with my family for over 20 years.

I moved to the States back in 1995 and even before that, with my older brother away for college, the last time I had a birthday with my whole family complete was probably in 1988. So, it really been a while. And, since last year, I told hubby that I 'd love to celebrate my birthday with my family. I was tempted to do it for my 40th birthday next year, but you know what? Life is too short. I decided to do what I can do right now. Why wait longer.

And, it was the best birthday ever. We didn't do anything super fancy. And, I actually got super sick a couple days before my birthday. So, I was pretty much on bed rest for 3 days to make sure I get well before it's time for me to fly back home. because, it was birthday dinner, nap, then airport at 4.30 in the morning.

Here, me with my little princess that totally help made this birthday the best ever.

My kind of birthday. Being with all my loved ones. I didn't get to eat too much actually, since I was still not feeling super well & I'd rather have my niece on my lap as she learned to feed herself with the spoon. Oh yeah, I was squeezing in every extra second with her.

Me & Shakira, Denada, Jerry, Regina & Jeffrey. Mom was busy taking picture. :)

To top it off, without really planning it, hubby face-timed me right when they brought the cake out. So, hubby all the way in the States, get to join the festivities. It was perfect. Like he told my mom, my big smile says it all. Oh... and you know, how I love pugs, right? My awesome SIL, made me a PUG CUPCAKES!!

My Ferrero chocolate cheesecake surrounded
by Pug cupcakes

And... yeah, a couple of the cupcakes travel all the way to the States as I told her I want to share it with hubby and show it to Eli, my pug baby. Then, my other SIL who has beautiful voice, serenade all of us with a folk song from where we grew up. I mean seriously, I was just beaming non-stop.

We had a trio of musicians that hop from table to table and they ended up playing a bunch of songs for us, including some children songs to entertain my niece. It was a trip down memory lane. I was like, goodness, I haven't heard that songs for ages!! Even the birthday song, I totally forgot that we have our own version of birthday song (which hubby love so much that he likes to hum it now & then. I still need to teach him the words, but for now humming is the way).

My niece Shakira, my li'l brother Jerry, me & my SIL Denada.

Truly the greatest blessing of all is my family. Their love & support keep me strong. I know that no matter what they always have my back. Even both of my SILs, I look at them as my own sister. Pretty much, once you joined the family you're family. Simple as that. :)

Well, that's the conclusion of my trip. After my birthday dinner, I flew back home the next day, got sick & went straight back to work. 2 weeks later, I finally feel more human. ;) Now, I'm ready to get back on the saddle. Here's to a great week!!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

On Your Special Day

Hi peeps. So, I still haven't quite get back to card making, yet. There's thing going on at the moment that kind of take my mojo totally out the window. However before I left for my trip, I did finished several cards that luckily I can use for my i {heart} paper post. :)

I just can't get away from flower card. I guess this Wplus9 Fresh Cut Florals with its matching Fresh Cut Florals dies is my most used stamp set!!

I love the bright colors of the floral arrangement against the white background. That little bit of blue really popped, isn't it? The blue is from Memento Luxe Danube Blue ink pad. Added some shimmery to the leaves with Wink of Stella Brush Glitter marker.

I hope you're not tired of seeing flowery card from me. i'll try to come up with some critter card next!

Oh, just in case you missed my first video appearance on blog land, check out my interview with Iron Crafts, HERE. We're also giving away 5 Riley & Company stamp sets. So,  you get to know me a bit better and you could also win stuff!! Awesome, right? Thanks so much for stopping by here.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Family Visit Part 2

Hi everyone. I'm back with the 2nd installment of my family trip. But, before I share more pics, let me share a card first for those who just interested in card. :) 

After a few weeks of not crafting, I do feel a bit rusty. But, I did manage to finish a card for the latest Riley & Company challenge. This time the challenge is to create summer related card. Well, for me, summer means bright colors. So, for my card, my only focus is to use bright colors and I made this simple card.

To play along simply go to Riley & Company blog. You have 2 weeks to play along.

Now, back to my family visit. The main purpose of our trip to Indonesia was for me to meet my niece, Shakira who was born in December 2012. I honestly wanted to be there for her birth. You see, she is the first baby in the Wirianta's family. My mom's first and only grandchild. So, yep, she's a BIG deal. :)

All this time, my family makes sure I don't feel left out by sending pictures of Shakira regularly. And, my mom always try to Skype with me when she stays over at my brother's place so I could see Shakira and she could see me. 

Seriously, I have waited for this moment like forever!! And, when I saw her, I can't quite describe it. It just feels like I am flooded with love. I looked at her and I am like in awe. Wow, this is part of my li'l brother. To see my li'l brother as a dad is also very heart warming. 

This first pics are of my mom with my niece. I just love seeing my mom's smile on this pics. She just glow whenever she's with my niece. This li'l girl means the world to her.

Play time with Oma.

Considering her mom is a singer, this girl definitely got rhythms. She loves music and she loves to dance. She's cute, sweet, spunky, stubborn (hm... this is family trait from both her mom and her dad), curious & so  much more.

Now, this look on the pic below, totally my brothers' look.  The way her eyes looking up, her expression looks just like both my older and younger brother when they're being silly. It's amazing to see how depends on the angle she can look like any one of us. I can't get enough of her!!

Now, here's the happy auntie!! Can you see how big my smile? She completely captures my heart. I love everything about her. I want to kiss that face all the time!!

This girl likes her space though. You can't hug her when she doesn't feel like it. But, when she does, oh my word, it's the sweetest hug ever. One time, I feel like I was on top of the world when she let me take her out of the swimming pool and she just want to cuddle. And, normally when someone take her out of the pool, she'd cry because she's mad. LOL, she loves playing in the water. But, she didn't even made a noise when I carry her. She just hugged me. And, that made me feel very special. ;)

I don't have kids of my own, so all my love goes to her. I am happy being an auntie. I am happy at the joy she brought to our family. And, yes, it made saying goodbye so much harder. Heck, I started crying thinking of saying bye to her, while I was still there and still had a few days left.

Selfie time!!

It really does make my heart ache when I think of her and missing her. I had a video of her saying bye bye and I kept replaying that whenever I want to hear her voice. Yep, even typing this post I cry just thinking about her.

Here's one of my favorite picture with her. It's not the best picture composition wise (there's a darn box messing up the pic), but it's the moment that I love. I love the way she looked at me on this pic and it looks as if we're trying to do the John Travolta's move from Stayin' Alive. I just feel we connected at this moment. :)

Sigh... I wish I live closer to her. I'd love to baby sit and be the cool & fun auntie to her. I pray for this li'l girl every night. I pray that even though I live far away, she'll know me and know that she is loved.

Okay, the water work really start in earnest. I better stop my post or I couldn't stop crying from missing her. Thank you for letting me share my love for my niece here. Next segment, I'll share about my birthday. It's a big deal because the last time I celebrate my birthday with my whole family has been over 20 years ago!! See you on the next post.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Iron Crafts Interview

So, a few months ago, Chaitali Narla from Iron Crafts messaged me through FB and asked me if she could interview me. I was pretty much dumbfounded. I was like, me?? Are  you sure? What for? Etc., etc. Not to mention I never ever do any video for crafting or craft related.

After some convincing I agreed to do it and we did the taping back in early May. Well,  today is the day. She has the post and video up and ready for view on her blog CUTS CROP CREATIVITY.

Cuts, Crop, Creativity

All I can say is I was a nervous wreck and when I am nervous, I tend to hold my breath. So, if the video show it, please don't laugh. This was my first time ever doing craft related video, even though it's more of an interview and not a tutorial or anything like that.

Hope you will check it out and come back here and let me know what you think. Please be gentle. ;) Whoops... almost forgot... yes, there's a giveaway. After you watch the interview, scroll down on Chaitali's blog for the giveaway details. Good luck!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Family Time Part 1

Hi peeps. I finally get to organize our family vacation pics. I want to share some pics here on my blog as for me, this blog is more than just a crafty blog. This blog also my way to keep in touch with my family that's spread all over the world.

If you have followed my blog for a while, you know that I treasure my family above everything else. I am very blessed that I have a close family. Being able to come home and spend time with them is something that I am very grateful for. It feels so good to wake up in the morning and see faces of the people that you grew up with. I love that I can hug them in person, chatted for hours, catching up, etc. Simply enjoying the little things in life.

This trip was also hubby 1st time to visit my home country, so we all decided to vacation together in Bali so we can all hang out and spend time together. We started our across the globe trip on Thursday morning. Roughly 25 hours flight from Houston to Jakarta via Tokyo. And, yeah, this is usually where I try to catch up on my  movies. ;) Here's part 1 of our family vacation.

My SIL always got me flowers when I come home.
This year it's in a form of rose cupcakes.

We did spend one day in Jakarta as we want to show hubby a bit of the city where my family live. It's nice to finally able to share with him the home that I always come home to. And, of course, my  brother never fail to take me out to the best food in town. This place called Rasane is my favorite seafood restaurant. They have amazing seafood. One thing about Indonesia food, we use lots of spices. So, when you eat our food, it's like yummy party in your mouth!

Indonesia has some of the best seafood! Here, grilled crab
wrapped in banana leaves & grilled shrimp. They tasted amazing!

We arrived midnight on Friday, spent Saturday in Jakarta and off to Bali on Sunday. My rented a place at Abi Bali Resort in Jimbaran. It's pretty cool place that divided into section. Our section has 4 rooms (2 downstairs, 2 upstairs) with family room in the middle and our own swimming pool.

Here's a view of our section. That's the family. The close door is the door to our room. The other room is above and across from our room. The shape of the section is circular. I love renting place that's more like home that hotel, because it allow us to gather. If we had stay at a hotel, once you done from sightseeing then you just stuck in your room. This way, we can hang out.

This is the view of our bathroom. I want to share this pic, because it's a very typical Bali style to have outdoor shower. Yep,  you read it right. Where the shower is, it's open to the sky. And, of course they designed everything in such a way that there's no peeping from anywhere. :) There's something relaxing to shower under nature. I find it peaceful & put me in meditative, calm state. If you have a chance to go to Bali, you'll find many places have this.

Here's the pool. Very tropical, yes?

One of the many beach in Bali. This one we access while waiting for our lunch. The restaurant has a short path to the beach.

At one of the beach at Nusa Dua. This one by Bebek Bengil.

Bali is a very artistic island. You will find many Batik art, wood carving, stone carving, silver art, painting, etc. A visit to Bali is not quite complete without visiting some of the art place. Here's pics I took at the batik place. Batik is a traditional Indonesian fabric. They can be made by hand painting or stamping using bees wax. Hand painted batik fabric could easily take 1 month to complete. They trace or draw the pattern with wax, then dyed it with various colors.

As you can imagine, we did lots of eating. Well, it's actually normal amount. Lunch and dinner, except they're food that we don't normally can find in the States. LOL,  you can take the girl out of Indonesia, but you can't take the Indonesia out of the girl. I will always think Indonesia food is the best. They're just so rich in flavor. And, hubby get to learn to eat Indonesian style. I always say, the best Indonesian food best enjoy by eating with fingers. No utensils needed.

View of the rice field at Bebek Bengil Tepi Sawah. To eat your lunch with this kind of view is awesome. I mean, I can't help but appreciating nature more when I am in Bali.

Bali is the only island in Indonesia where the majority are Hindu and you'll find many temples on this beautiful island. They have a pretty simple way of living. They believe in starting the day by offering thanks to the Gods and end it the same way. I wish we had more time to visit some of the temples, but hubby really only get to go for 10 days and  that including flying time. So, pretty much 3 days gone for flying and only 7 days for sightseeing. And, trust me, the jet lag is hard on the body.

Another must see place when you go to Bali is Tanah Lot. This place offers beautiful view and during low tide you could actually walk to the temple you see behind us on the pic. Unfortunately, when we came it was high tide, so we couldn't walk across.

Now, Bali without some water time wouldn't be right. Hubby never did parasailing, so we definitely did that and we get to try this ride called Fly Fish. This pic below showed hubby and I, right before we took off. So, basically we lay on this raft and hold on to the tube rope by our shoulders. The guy sitting in between us control the raft, so it wouldn't turn over during the flight. He basically hold on to a rope and jump side to side to keep the raft balance. 

Fly Fish. Off we go!!

No seat belt or anything like that. When we did this, I looked at hubby and said, this ride would never ever be available in the States. It'll be lawsuit waiting to happen. ;) Once you land back down, then you can ride the boat like as if you ride a horse and being pulled by the boat. Exhilarating both ways!

Anyway, I think we have enough pictures for today. Next, family pictures!! I am in love with my niece. So, yeah bragging auntie moment coming up! Happy Sunday.

Friday, July 4, 2014

I'm Back!!

In the land of blog land, there's this blog that been deserted for a while. Then, one day... knock... knock. Oh yay, there's a knock on the portal! Anyone here? 

I am back!! Anyone miss me? Okay, don't answer that question, because if you say no you'd just burst my happy bubble. Anyway, I've been MIA from blog land for a wee bit as I took some time off to visit my family in Indonesia. So, the blog kind of neglected there while life happens. :)

This trip was a big deal for us as on this trip hubby and I finally get to meet our niece, Shakira who was born about one and a half years ago. I have waited for this from the day she was born. When I finally hold her, goodness, I have to remind myself don't go crazy, like don't hog and kiss her all the time otherwise she'll think she has crazy aunt.  I mean, I could just hug and kiss her sweet face all day long!! Shakira is the only baby in the Wirianta's family, so needless to say, she's the center of our love & attention. ;)

Second, this the first time hubby made the trip to my home country and finally  meet my whole family. I mean, he met my mom and brothers of course, but he still hasn't met my SIL who couldn't make it to our wedding back then. My SIL is a big part of my family as I have known her since I was a kid and I consider her as my own sister. So, yep, we finally get to take the complete family picture.

There's plenty of picture of course and I'll  be sharing those soon. I am an auntie in love with her niece, so yes, I'll be sharing pic of my li'l princess. :)

I came home sick and had to go back to work right away, so I really haven't play in my craft room, yet. But, I have this cute card that I made for i {heart} papers before I left. This card was inspired by Japanese Kokeshi doll.

The doll was cut using Silhouette and I dressed up the kimono using Wplus9 Fresh Cut Florals and More Fresh Cuts

Isn't she adorable? I always have a love for Japanese Kokeshi doll. Never had one, but I always love the look. And, to my delight, during our transit in Tokyo, I finally get to buy a real Kokeshi doll. I only get the small one as stuff in Tokyo is so darn expensive! They have many super cute stuff that I was goo goo ga gah over them, but boy, looking at the price... hm...  never mind. 

Speaking about price. A little bit of enabling. If you want to replenish your craft supplies, check out i {heart} papers moving sale that's going on right now. Everything in the store is 30% off!! You better hurry, as many of the stuff would go pretty quick.

Well, that's it from me for now. I'll be back with more stories. Happy 4th!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

i {heart} papers Moving Sale

Hi all. I am back in the States now. I am not quite up and running yet as I came home sick and went back to work right away. I was totally resting Monday afternoon after work trying to get rid of my fever.

While, I am not up and crafting yet, I do want to mention that i {heart} papers is having a moving sale. Everything in the store is 30% off. I am not sure how many items still left. So, if you want to get some good deals, go check out the store. Have fun shopping. :)

Hi there. Just popping in to share a couple project I made to showcase Spellbinders Heart Hand Etched dies . For the first card above, for t...