Monday, July 7, 2014

Iron Crafts Interview

So, a few months ago, Chaitali Narla from Iron Crafts messaged me through FB and asked me if she could interview me. I was pretty much dumbfounded. I was like, me?? Are  you sure? What for? Etc., etc. Not to mention I never ever do any video for crafting or craft related.

After some convincing I agreed to do it and we did the taping back in early May. Well,  today is the day. She has the post and video up and ready for view on her blog CUTS CROP CREATIVITY.

Cuts, Crop, Creativity

All I can say is I was a nervous wreck and when I am nervous, I tend to hold my breath. So, if the video show it, please don't laugh. This was my first time ever doing craft related video, even though it's more of an interview and not a tutorial or anything like that.

Hope you will check it out and come back here and let me know what you think. Please be gentle. ;) Whoops... almost forgot... yes, there's a giveaway. After you watch the interview, scroll down on Chaitali's blog for the giveaway details. Good luck!

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