Monday, May 3, 2010

What a weekend...

This is what happen when I try to plan my weekend. Came home Friday after work and found my laptop has crashed. Tried to turn it on and nothing happen. Check and recheck, nada. Zip. Zero action. I was getting frustrated and panic a bit as all I can think of was I haven't back up any of the photos from 2009. Like any scrapbooker, it's all about the pictures! Hubby calmed me down and said first thing tomorrow morning we'll go to Best Buy. There goes my plan of scrapbooking.

Saturday morning went to Best Buy and they said for the cost of repair, might as well get a new computer. I saw that cominf. And luckily, they said they can back up the data from the old computer and transfer it to the new one. I wasn't planning on spending for new computer, but can't imagine my life without computer either. LOL. So, there we were browsing around and debating what to get. To make long story short, we chose this beauty.

It's not a laptop, and not quite a desktop either. It's HP Touchsmart. This is the whole computer. Isn't it a beauty?? At first, hubby thought I should get Mac, but I just couldn't justified spending on Mac. Then we saw this, played with it a bit and the rest is history. We had to come back to pick it up on Sunday as they have to get it all set up and transfer the old data to this one.

I still have to play with it. My old laptop was 15" this one is 20", so definitely better for photo editing. And the touch screen, oh my... YUMMY! I could zoom in and out simply by moving my fingers. The only thing I am not too happy about was that my Silhouette wouldn't work with Windows 7. But, hubby said I can connect it to his laptop. So  far, that's the only glitch I have.

Then, in the middle of my computer battle, got the wonderful news that I won Paper Play Challenge Week # 16. Remember my Blowing Birthday Wishes Puffer Fish card?? Yep, that's the card that win this challenge. That truly brighten my day. :)

So, I didn't get to do any scrapbook whatsoever. Was quite disappointed with that, but maybe this week. Didn't get to make any card either. How about an old post then? Here's a pic of a scrapbook layout that I completed last year.

And, I have to share this pic of my pug, Ollie. She likes to pose and truly she's my baby. I have her since she was only 6 weeks old and she's been there for me through the up and down. She's my snuggler and my sunshine. OK peeps, enough rambling for today. Be back with a card tomorrow. Hugs, Vera.


Jackie said...

I've seen that computer - it's awesome! I have Windows 7 and my Silhouette works fine with it - just download the 64 bit driver.

Nancy said...

Congrats on the PC, looks so high-tech...I'm sure you will enjoy it! Congrats also on your challenge win, I'm so happy for you.
Thanks for sharing your sweet little pug, she's a doll!
bless you,

JoAnn V. ( said...

Congrats on the new computer! I'm jealous!

Lovely layout! Would you believe I have a Silhouette but I can't use it because I have an iMac and a MacBook Pro? I'm too cheap to get Adobe Illustrator. :(

KymKreates said...

congrats on your win!!! sorry about old puter but yeah on a new one. I have an external drive I keep everything on just in case. Funny I came home on Sunday and my desk top had no power. My power was shot so my hubby had to replace my power supply on mine. Lucky he had another one here so it was a quick fix and I always have my lap top as a back up!!!

Artsy Florals Cards

Hi friends. This year, I am determine to use more and more of older sets that I have on my stash. After all, in current economy, we all bein...