Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Reflection time

Hi peeps. My birthday is coming up at the end of this month. And as usual with any of my birthday, it's time for some reflection. One thing that I learned from my parents is to always be grateful. Not only for the big thing but for the small things as well. Because most often, what make life beautiful are the millions of little things that make us happy. We experience more joy when we can be grateful.

Through out this month posts I want to acknowledge things that I am grateful for from little to big. Just random thoughts about ,y life and also acknowledge some people that make a huge difference in my life. Hope, I won't make you bored, but sometime I just feel the need to write. :)

Let's start in the lighter side. My girlfriend, Deb and I used to start our morning by sending email to each other of 10 things we're grateful for. In honor of that tradition here are 10 random things that I am grateful for that makes me happy:
1. Without saying I am very grateful for my family. I have the best family that I could ever ask for. This is the most important and the best blessing of all time. 
2. My doggies. I love it when snuggle by me and have their paw hugging me. They're my kids. 
3. Girl's time with my girlfriends. They're the best of friends that I know we'll be there for me & vice versa.
4. Baskin Robbins cappucino blast. They're the best!
5. My scrapbook room and all the stuff in it.
6. Cheesecake. I loveee cheesecake. I sometime have it for dinner when I don't have appetite for real food. :) Like my MIL said, make sure we have room for the good stuff. So, I make sure I can have dessert. LOL.
7. Chatting on the phone with my mom. Living far away from my family is one of the hardest thing I ever do.
8. Books. I love reading. You can never read too many books.
9. My camera. I love capturing life and the beauty of life through the lens.
10. My blog. Through my blog I have met many wonderful people that I wouldn't have met otherwise. 

Okay, if you survive reading that, thank you! LOL. It isn't so bad, is it? Here'a treat for you. A cute card! I love this owls. I got it from Stamping Bella of 4 owls on a branch. I just stamped it 3 times on 3 different pp. The idea for the card come from CPS170 and from Anne's challenge of using little stamps.

What do you think of my owls? I love that they have such a cookie look. :) Okie dokie, that's all I have for today's post. Hope you all have a great week. Hugs, Vera.


Barb said...

Love this post, Vera! We all need to take the time, more often, to remember the things we are grateful for, big and small! Love the card! Such cute owls! :)

Deirdre said...

Vera, great post - love getting to know a little bit more about you. Thanks for sharing. Great card too.

Nancy said...

Love reading this too, Vera. Your card is adorable!

Anne said...

Hi, Vera! Love your gratitude list! Cheesecake is one of my favorites, too! And I adore your card! I love those sweet owls! Thanks so much for participating in my challenge! :-)

Kathy Martin said...

Darling card! LOVE the little owlets! :)

Lin said...

Great post, Vera! A wonderful reminder to be thankful every day for our blessings; I agree with all of them, but love #6 (I would substitute chocolate for cheesecake, though)! Your owl card is very cute!

Regina Mangum said...

Hi Vera! I liked your list of things to be grateful for. I'm grateful to have met you through the Top 20! Cute card!!

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