Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

Hi all! As we close 2010, I'd like to wish you all a very happy New Year! May 2011 be a great year for you filled with many great things that brings you joy and happiness.

I am enjoying my last weekend here in Jakarta. I had a wonderful Christmas with my family. Christmas eve, my mom cooked a wonderful steamboat dinner, and my uncle also get to join us. It was awesome! My brothers and I kept joking around and we just laughed so hard teasing each other and sharing memories.

At one point, my mom was sniffling due to runny nose and my brother jokingly said, mom, why are you crying. My mom's replied had me stopped for a second. She said, "I am teary eyed because it's so wonderful to hear the laughter of all my kids at the dinner table again." I think at that moment, all of us felt such gratefulness.

I don't take anything for granted. I savor every moment, every laugh, every hugs, jokes, etc. I want to remember it all. This Christmas trip means the world to me. My family totally spoiled me. My older brother commented how his siblings (me and my younger brother) could be so independent, yet as soon as we're by our mom, we could be like a baby again. LOL. I had to laugh. That's so true. :)

Anyway, more stories later. Again, have a blessed New Year and my this coming year brings you health, prosperity, happiness, and joy. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!!! Cheers....


Barb said...

I've been missing you, Vera! So glad you're enjoying this special time with your family! Happy New Year, my friend! :)

stampingandstitching said...

Vera, I'm delighted to hear you're having such a fantatic time with your family! Enjoy the rest of your time there and all the best for 2011!

Cassie_lu said...

it's great that your enjoying every moment and what a great gift to have. Enjoy the rest of your time and my the new year bring even more happiness and peace

Kathy Martin said...

HNY Vera!

Nancy said...

I'm so happy you are enjoying your time with your family, Vera...thanks for sharing those sweet moments with us. Many blessings to you in the new year!

Joy said...

Happy New Year Vera! It sounds like right now you are in the perfect place where you should be, right there with you family, have a wonderful time and savor the moment, hugs!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Vera! Sooo nice to hear you are having a wonderful holiday with your family - treasure every moment :) I hope your 2011 is filled with lots of love and happiness :)

Winter said...

Happy New Year Vera! I hope you can join me for a St. Jude Valentine Card Drive over at my blog.

Alice said...

so glad to hear that you are having a great time with family. enjoy the rest of your trip! Happy New Year! All the best wishes to you and yours!

Tiffany Ervin said...

Happy New Year to you!! Hope it brings you much joy and success this year!

Brenda said...

Happy New Year to you too Vera! Missing you, but spending quality time with family is so important and it sounds like that is exactly what you are doing! Enjoy!

Dwita said...

Happy New Year to you, Vera. Sadly we can't meet each other this time. Perhaps some other time. Happy birthday for you lovely Mom, too...

Deirdre said...

Thrilled to hear that you are enjoying every moment. Hugs to you, and wishing you and yours a wonderful new year and all good things for 2011.

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