Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bounce In My Steps

Yesterday was one of those great day.  All I can say, some of the stuff that happened to me yesterday totally restore my faith that things really do happen for a reason and great things do come to those who work hard.

As some of you know, I recently lost my job. Then yesterday, let just say something stupid happened that made me truly realized that hey, it's not me and this whole situation is truly a blessing. I wouldn't write what actually happened, let just say it open my eyes completely that I am not missing a thing. I had thought of quitting many times before, but always afraid of taking that step. And, I think God is saying enough with the stalling and all the stress and He opened the way for me. 

Now, I have time to pursue what I love. I no longer have crazy heart burn or stomach pain from stress (my health was going down the drain this past couple years) and I could so feel I am healthier physically & mentally. I get to bond with my niece & SIL more. I exercise more. I get to be a better wife because I am happier and more relax.

And..., a couple offers came out of the blue that were just an eye opening for me. :) I mean, even if the offer is not what I was looking for, just the fact it came out totally of the blue out of unexpected place, was enough to make me stop and look up to say a thank you prayers. I told hubby, I always believe my guardian angels watching over us and the saying, "When one door close, another will open" is so true. Like my SIL, Gina said, this is my chance to create new path & explore new things. :) 

I am excited for my future, for my next adventure. I am taking my time to figure out what's next as I really want to work in positive environment. I mean if we spent half of our life working, it better be in environment that enrich our life in every aspects, correct? :) 

With this happy note, let's move to card and let me share with you a card I created a happy card based on the Play Date Cafe Color Challenge.

I know on the inspiration color it shows light grey and I went with dark grey. Branch out a bit, but there's nothing wrong with that, right? That yummy background is using Market Street Stamp "Bit of Burlap".

Well, now I have a new bounce on my step and I embrace my new life. I wish you all a great day and may your day be filled with things that makes you bounce & skip!! :)


~amy~ said...

Such a fun card Vera:)

Good things will definitely be comin' your way...I do believe that things happen for a might just not know it at the time...I try to make everything a learning experience...

have a super day!

Kelly said...

so glad you have a bounce in your step! Keep on bouncin'! Cute card!

Isha Gupta said...

Vera, I am so happy for you and also to read your post. Keep up with the positive thinking and it sure does help.

Isha Gupta said...

Forgot to write...cute n adorable card:))

Lin said...

You have learned a lesson many people never learn, Vera! With your attitude, I know that you'll be finding a new place very the meantime, enjoy this time between. Best wishes and hugs to you! Your card is adorable!

Barb said...

Great post, Vera! I believe that's true too. We should all have a job that we truly enjoy, it's just too bad most people aren't able to make that happen. I'm one of the lucky few that love my job and I am so hoping you find something you'll love too! Darling card, today! Hugs! :)

chillin with Quillin said...

cute card,thanks for sharing your story, very inspiring,and wish you lots of happiness!!

Dotty Jo said...

Gorgeous card, and I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling so very happy and positive about the future! Jo x

Anita Rex said...

I am glad you had a great day and that you can see that it's good your not at that job anymore! :> Love your card today, it's sooo cute!

Lisa Petrella said...

Darling card! Totally makes me smile!!! So happy to hear about your positive outlook and new bounce in your step!!! Such a great attitude, girl!!!

Cassie_lu said...

super cute card and I'm glad to hear that you're looking at all of the positives.

Andrea6760 said...

Hi Vera!

I am SO happy to hear that you are bouncing again!! You go girl! You will have to fill me in on all you have been up to lately. Im not sure if it is my turn to write or not, but lets catch up soon!


Alex said...

Hello Cybersister, sooo glad to hear you have a bounce in your step and things are looking up for you! You totally deserve it and I can really relate as well. Things seem to be looking up at my home, too!
Wishing you all the best and that you have a brilliant year!
Oh, and the card is sweet, love the little scallops peeking out to the side!
Love, Alex

Angelica - Market Street Stamps said...

Vera, adorable card but I love your post even more!! It's true when one door closes, another one always opens. I am so happy to hear about the new opportunities presented to you and I wish you nothing but happiness and good fortune ahead! Love your card, the burlap background is a perfect element to tie your gorgeous CAS design together! Thanks for sharing your creations with us! :)

Jinny Newlin said...

You're absolutely right, Vera! Take your time! And hold the phone! Your take wasn't in our PDCC gallery! It's absolutely adorable, though! LOVE the texture you created with that background stamp and the row of grass blades under your sweet critter! Thanks so much for playing along! Hugs!

Trinh said...

Hi Vera! I agree with you about God taking things out of our hands when we need it. I have been in a similar situation before and it all worked out for the best. With your faith, things will work out for you and for the better! Your card is so cute; love that little gopher!

facebone said...

Interesting :)

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