Monday, May 9, 2011

A Tribute & Subscription Giveaway

Good morning all. To all the mommy out there, hope you had a wonderful mother's day. Since my mom is at the opposite side of the world, I didn't get to celebrate with her and besides in Indonesia, mother's day is in December. :)

However, I do want to take this moment to tell my mom how blessed I am to be her daughter. I  think every daughter that has close relationship with their mom, would say that their mom is the best. :) I definitely think my mom is the best and I love her dearly. She's my rock, compass, my light house, who always guide me through all the up and down of life.

And, she knows I love her with everything I have. I would be lost without her. If I ever become a mom, I hope I can be like her. To be a mom, who's strong yet gentle, someone whom all her kids can turn to. My mom once told me that her best achievement in life is being a mom to us. That it made her so proud and blessed to know that my brothers and I appreciate her, think she did a great job in raising us, and let her know all the time how much we love her.

For me, there's simply no words that can describe the depth of love that I feel for my mom. Mom, I love you so much and so thankful for you. You are the greatest blessing in my life.

Now, I start feeling homesick, cause I miss her. Before the water works start, how about a card that simply express my feeling? I made my card inspired by this Tuesday Trigger Polka Dots Hullabaloo.

I love the dots and especially love that pop of red. So, for my card, that's exactly what I did. A pop of red!

Oh, before I go, one more thing. How about a subscription giveaway? I am inspired by another sweet ard maker, Latisha Yoast,  who did this recently. I am due to renew my subscription for Scrapbooks, Etc. I don't know how many of you who follow me are scrapbookers as well. Anyway, when I renew, I can send 1 free year subscription to someone else. So, if you live in the States, let me know if you're interested. All you need to do is tell me what one nice random thing that you did for someone else recently. :) I will raffle all that enter and let you know who won the subscription by Friday, 5/13/11.  

Hope your week start of wonderfully! Hugs.


Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking Editor said...

Hey Vera! What a pretty approach to this week's Tuesday Trigger in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

~amy~ said...

Whatta fun take on the trigger!! I'd love the chance to win the sub:). I'm taking the gal that trained me in my job to lunch again tomorrow...she was so patient with me:)

Cassie_lu said...

what a beautiful card and take on the trigger. The give away is a great one too that I would love to earn :)

Kryssi said...

what a beauty!

ivy said...

i am surprising a friend with the paper crafts subscription offer! feels good to do something nice every now & then.
too bad your mom is sooooo far away. you 2 seem to have such a great relationship!

Jessica Wekenman said...

Beautiful card, Vera! I love the text in the polka dots and the lace ribbon! I would love to win the subscription...mine recently ran out, and I haven't been able to renew it. My RAK was for my coworker who is needing her gall bladder removed, and worried about her 3 girls. So, I offered to stay at her house and watch them, so she would have one less thing to worry about.

Christiana said...

This card is so neat! I love those polka dots with the text. Is that patterned paper or a stamp? I can't figure out how you did it! Very cool though.

And what a sweet idea to give away the gift subscription when you renew! I'm going to do that next time my Papercrafts subscription is up for renewal. What a lovely way to give back.

Hmmm, as for the nice thing, I usually don't like to talk about nice things I've done for people just because I don't do it for attention, you know? But I guess I can share that last night at work a lady came in looking for white chocolate melting wafers but all she could find was white mint. I lifted and unstacked every single heavy case of chocolate wafers we had in the store trying to find the kind she needed. Turns out we were sold out of them, but the lady thanked me several times for doing everything I could to try to get her what she needed. It's not really a big deal at all though. I just think this world could do with a little more kindness. I want to be someone who does what I can to help others have a little bit better day than they were having before they crossed paths with me. If I can do that, it's all good. :o)

Artsy Florals Cards

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