Sunday, July 24, 2011

CHA Report Part 1

Hi'ya peeps! How are you all doing? I am back from CHA and there's a lot of catching up to do. I promise you report of my first CHA experience and let's start shall we.

My CHA day started way too early. I was awake probably by 2am and on my way to the airport by 3.30am. The airport is about 45 minutes from my house and my flight was 6am. Arrived in Chicago and was welcome by the heatwave. Drop my bag at the hotel, meet up with my MIL and her sister, and went straight to the convention.

I know right away I am in trouble when I saw Inkadinkado stuff. You know me, I cannot resist cuteness and that's what they have. Lookie, lookie here at their new Christmas stamps. Sorry about the shadow, booth lighting makes it quite hard to get good pic.

You can always click on the pic to make it bigger. That li'l daschund... I {heart} it. And that puppy peeking out of the stocking.. so cute! Then, I saw Susan and Cath at the Paper Craft booth, so went to say hi to them and of course, picture time!!

With miss fashionable, Susan.

The moxie fab Cath.

There were over 200 booths, so there was lots of walking!! Lots of make and take as well. One of my favorite booth is definitely Penny Black booth, where I found Kathy Racoosin. She's so sweet and nice. Love her and love her works. And, of course, I love Penny Black stamps. Lots of cute new stamps coming out!

The coloring queen Kathy Racoosin

The fabulous card samples at Penny Black booth. My favorite is
the bottom right corner one.

I could just stand there and admiring all their cards. The images are soooo cute and the coloring on these cards are simply amazing!!  Next, is the adorable booth of Doodlebug Design. I love how cute & cheerful their booth was. With Santa and elves peeking, makes you want to come in and join the fun.

Of course, besides seeeing all the new products, the fun parts of the show was seeing old and new blog friends. I was so thrilled that I was able to catch up quite a bit with the always smiling Kelly Marie from Lawn Fawn and the super sweet Tiffany who's there teaching at Faber Castell booth. I got some hints from Kelly that the new releases from Lawn Fawn going to be fabulous. More cute critters!! Can't wait!

Me & Kelly.

Me & Tiff. Isn't she just the cutest?

At the Faber Castell booth, I finally had a chance playing with their gelatos and brush pens... sigh... love them! It's fun seeing and trying all the new & cool stuff, but boy... it's going to be hard on the wallet when they come out. Christmas still 6 months away. :)

Okay, that's already a pretty long post today. I'll continue tomorrow with more stories. I can tell you though, that by the time the show end, my feet felt like they're on fire. I was so happy when I finally get to lay on the bed.

One more thing... I have an announcement to make. I'll be joining LAWNSCAPING as their new DT member. Yay!! Thank you Laurel for inviting me to join the team. You can check out the announcement HERE. Have a great Sunday everyone.


Isha Gupta said...

What a post Vera. TFS all the photos.
Also a huuuge Congrats...looking forward to your creations at happy for you;))

Tanya said...

So awesome, would love to have gone, thanks for sharing!! congrats on your dt position! :)

Ren-Yi said...

congrats on your lawnscaping gig! and thanks for giving us a lil tour of the CHA. so sad I couldn't make it this year!

Kelly Booth said...

How Fun.....Congrats on your DT position!! You will make those stamps come to life...Big Hugs!

Kathy Martin said...

What fabulous products are coming out! LOVE those inkadinkadoo stamps! :)

Tiff said...

CONGRATS to you and your Lawnscaping DT gig!!! It was SOOOO nice seeing you and chatting with you!

Barb said...

Such a great post, Vera! Love all the products you shared and the photos of you with all these talented ladies are so fun!

Laurel Beard said...

Thanks for this post... I am so sad I missed CHA so seeing posts like these makes me feel a little better! AND WELCOME TO THE TEAM!!!!!! Can't wait for you to get started!

~amy~ said...

love the CHA pics:) Congrats on the new DT!!!

Kathy said...

Sweet Vera it was soooo awesome meeting you at CHA!! You are so beautiful and love your genuine and happy smile. I hope next time we can spend more time together. I hope you know that I really admire your work too and it's so great to put a face with your art..that's not
Many hugs, Kathy

Artsy Florals Cards

Hi friends. This year, I am determine to use more and more of older sets that I have on my stash. After all, in current economy, we all bein...