Monday, September 19, 2011

Getting Texty

Oye... where did the weekend go? I am not ready for the weekend to be over. Sigh... so many things to do and not enough time. This weekend I completed an 8x8 album for my in-laws. They requested this right before we left for vacation and yep, it needed to be mailed back  to them by this coming Wednesday.

They are into history and all, and the house they live in is part of the historical place and they're having a historic tour going on that including  their house. So, for historical purpose, they sent me all  these old pictures & story from the very first owner of the place back in 1886 to now. Needless  to say, I had to work in record breaking speed as I wasn't able to start the album till this Saturday. 2 days to be exact and this morning the album is being ship back to Galena, IL.

Now, how's your weekend? :) 

And now it is time for the latest Lawnscaping challenge sponsored by Lawn Fawn. Create any project using text.

                                      Small Challenge #18 Badge - 200px

For my background, I typed several sentiments about friends and repeat it several times, then printed it in gray. I skipped putting anything on my snowman except for the heart as I think the card already have more than enough stuff on it. This card actually didn't quite come out the way I want it, but I ran out of time.  :)

I've been working on our vacation picture as well & sorting through them. Between hubby and I we took almost 1000 pics. Crazy!! Weeding them down and I will post a few of my favorite soon. 

Don't forget to check out the Lawnscaping DT fabulous creations for this challenge HERE. Hope your week start off  fabulously. 


Jeanette M. said...

Beautiful card, Vera. I really like how you used the softer colours - works well with your 'friends warm the heart' sentiment.

~amy~ said...

soooooo sweet vera!

Sonia said...

I love this doesn't need anything else :)

Christiana said...

I think this card is SO adorable, Vera! Great job! So cute.

Anonymous said...

That's a brilliant idea for me to how to make a beautiful hand-made cards and arrange the color schemes ........
discount card printing
custom gift cards
plastic card
Scratch Card

Ashley Newell said...

This is FABULOUS!! I love the text background!

Artsy Florals Cards

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