Friday, February 17, 2012

The Most Amazing Wedding

Hi everyone! It's time to share some pictures from my brother's wedding to the love of his life, Denada. The wedding was AMAZING! Everything turned out so well and it truly was the most beautiful, lovely, and FUN wedding I've ever attended. The bride looked so gorgeous and my brother looked so handsome.

BTW, you can also read about the wedding from my brother's own view on his blog: JERRY AURUM

The whole wedding party stay at Khayangan Estate in Uluwatu, Bali a super gorgeous place. There are 6 villas in the property, 3 for the bride side and 3 for the groom side.

The wedding festivities start the say before with what we called "Flower shower". The whole purpose is for the whole family giving their blessing and cleansing the bride and groom, so may they start their marriage with clean heart & soul. For me, the whole tradition is very touching.

Both, the father from the bride and groom side already passed away, so you can just imagine that every time either name was mentioned we all get teary eyed. The dads were missed, but we all believe in our hearts that both of them were there giving them their blessings.

This first pic below is from the flower shower ceremony. The wrap around the bride's shoulder was made of jasmine flowers. It's so beautiful, delicate, & smells amazing.

Denada at the flower shower ceremony.

Afterwards, there's more traditional event. I cannot quite translate the wording, but it was a fun event and my brother get to dress up in this Javanese dress. And, you can see from the pic, what kind of guy my brother is. He's so fun & loving. There's no boring moment with him.

My silly brother.

This wedding truly a combination of a few traditions. We did several different ceremony to honor Denada's Batak & Javanese heritage, and our own Chinese heritage. Our family is a combination of many different culture and religions, yet we respect each of them. Our love for each other comes first. 

Then, the festivities continue the next day. THE WEDDING DAY. The moment Jerry saw Denada walked down the step, he immediately get teary eyed and so am I. I kept thinking how happy I am for him and how I wish my dad was there and that for my dad to give his blessings. We are a very close family, so it's hard when one or more is missing.

The gorgeous couple. Love their smiles.
And here they are, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Aurum Wirianta. Look at how happy they are. My SIL is so beautiful inside, out. I know my brother truly found the girl that's perfect for him. They compliment each other so well. Both are thoughtful, loving, fun, silly, and very family oriented.

I love this couple beyond words.

The wedding reception was held later in the evening. Here's our family picture. The bride was getting ready at her villa.

Me, the groom, Jerry, my mom, my SIL Regina, and my brother, Jeffrey.

I don't want to post way too many pictures, but let just say that is the best wedding ever. This couple sure love to surprise each other. Jerry surprised Denada with a short but funny video clip and Denada surprise Jerry by having the singer of Jerry's favorite song sang the song for him. I found a clip on YouTube and you can hear the song here:

This song definitely get the party started in full blast!! Nothing like hearing a reggae song to get people in the mood to start dancing. :)

The wedding reception.

The Wirianta's Family!!!

Well, I hope you enjoy this little post. Hopefully over the next few days I can post a bit more. 

To Jerry & Denada, congratulations. Dena, welcome to the family. I love you and you make our family complete. Boy (hmm.. this is Jerr's nickname), I am so happy for you and you know I love you beyond words and would do anything for you. Congrats again and may your marriage always be blessed with joy, love, respect, support, & happiness. Love you.


Barb said...

Beautiful, beautiful photos, Vera! Wow! Amazing wedding - thanks for sharing! :)

Trina said...

You all look so happy! Your mom is absolutely gorgeous!

Mimi said...

WOW! Thanks for sharing such gorgeous pictures! You have a beautiful family Vera! ;)

Julie C. said...

WOW! These photos are beautiful! Lovely wedding, they are amazing!

~amy~ said...

Vera, thank you for sharing your pictures....such a gorgeous couple and check you out look FABulous!!!!

abdhy said...

Congratulation for boy (jerry), salam buat ling2

Ayu (MimiPipi Craft) said...

Vera, aku mencari2 dirimu setiap ada liputan Dena & Jerry's wedding. Hihihihi... Siapa tau ke shoot. :)

Brenda said...

Thank you for sharing these most amazing photos Vera! Oh wow, it makes me want to get married to my hubby all over again! Such happy pictures!

Alice said...

that is a beautiful wedding. thanks for sharing all the amazing photos, Vera! looking forward to seeing more!

Ali said...

Wao, it is interested world amazing wedding ceremonies. I like you post very much.
wedding party dress

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