Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Moxie Fab Hello from Bali

Hi my lovely peeps! I just want to say a quick hi from Bali, Indonesia where I am attending my li'l brother's wedding. All I can say, it's the most beautiful and most memorable, awesome wedding, ever!!

Part of the whole wedding that I treasure the most besides getting a new sister, is getting to know my cousins! One I haven't seen over 2 decades and some I met for the first times. Our family so scattered all over the world, so it's beyond awesome to finally meet them!

Here's a pic of my new SIL, my brother, my cousin Julia, me & my cousin Teri who lives in Gold Coast, Australia.

I will share plenty of pictures soon.

Meanwhile, I also want to quickly share this happy news that I won Moxie Fab World Cutting Tool challenge. See the card and the announcement HERE. I am so excited for this as this is my first Moxie Fab winning. Yay!!

That's all the update for now. More coming soon!!


Barb said...

Congrats on the Moxie Fab win, Vera! So glad to hear you are enjoying all that wonderful family time! Hugs! :)

~amy~ said...

Congrats Vera and have a FAB vacation!!!

Trinh said...

Hi Vera! I was so happy & excited when I saw your adorable card on the MF blog this morning. Enjoy your time with your family; can't wait to see more pics!

Virginia L. said...

Congrats on your win, Vera! Your family photos are precious! Enjoy!

Brenda said...

Congrats on your win Vera! I love seeing how much your family means to you! I am so glad to be rejoining mine soon!

Artsy Florals Cards

Hi friends. This year, I am determine to use more and more of older sets that I have on my stash. After all, in current economy, we all bein...