Thursday, March 8, 2012

You Make My World Brighter

Slowly but surely I am adjusting back to US time. The first few days at work, come noon I started to feel very sleepy. I couldn't help it as the past 3 weeks, noon means 1 a.m. in Jakarta, time where I am deeply asleep! I had to drink 2 cups of coffee a day just so I can function at work.

As for my appetite, it will takes a while before I am adjusting back to the food here. After 3 weeks of some super yummy food that were made with so many different spices, Western food kind of become blah for me.  I know, I got spoiled. :) And also, because I still feel tired a lot, it affects my appetite as well. LOL, my body prefer sleep than food at the moment.

Anyway, I was able to whip out some cards. Today, I am continue with Some Odd Girl Spring Release and I'd like to introduce you to Summery Mae who looks so sweet & makes me think of sunshiny day. I am making this card for my SIL & my big brother who's been so generous in spoiling me with a Bali & girl only Singapore trip, where my mom, my SIL, and I had a blast doing some sightseeing & shopping at Bugis (Singapore best place for bargain shopping). They definitely make my world that much brighter. :)

Check out more samples from the DT gals at Some Odd Girl blog.

This next card is a card I made awhile back, just haven't share it here. Am making this card using paper scraps to create the confetti that I used for the owl's chest. And, I used my paper crimper that I haven't use for years. That thing is just so bulky, so I tend to just hide it in a drawer then forget about it.

Tomorrow, hopefully I'll be back with some fun non-wedding pics from my recent trip. Thanks so much for stopping by here and I'll see you tomorrow. Cheers....


Annette Allen said...

awesome cards Vera...that owl is just too cute..

Virginia L. said...

Beautiful cards! The 2nd one is darling, Vera! Congrats on the CREATE Blog feature!HUGS!

Anita Rex said...

Soooo sooo cute! Love that owl! :> And what a sweet card with the odd girl stamp! :> Do you ever cook food from back home? Could you find everything you need to do it? :> Hope you catch up on your sleep! It gets so much harder to handle jet lag and time changes! :>

Susan said...

Sweet cards. I especially love the use of scraps on the owl.

Cathy said...

love the little cute!

Brenda said...

I always love what you do with the Some Odd Girls stamps!

Artsy Florals Cards

Hi friends. This year, I am determine to use more and more of older sets that I have on my stash. After all, in current economy, we all bein...