Monday, June 18, 2012

Lawnscaping & Household Stuff

Are you ready for a new Lawnscaping challenge? This time the challenge is to create a project with a color splash and we are sponsored by Lawn Fawn.

Challenge Badge

And, here's my card with a splash of turquoise color. Who said koala bear has to be gray? I often have to remind myself this that when I am creating to not limit myself to the standard color. It's okay to use non traditional color. Go ahead and color a tree red, purple, whatever instead of the standard green. Color your sky pink. Let your imagination go wild. :)

Please check out the DT samples at Lawnscaping. And, in case you missed it, yesterday we just announced the girls that are joining  our team. Check it out HERE.

Now, random stuff. I love Pinterest. For me, it's a source for lots of cuteness (I pinned lots of cute animals on my Animal World board), inspiration for my future vision board (a girl can always dream to have a house by the lake or on the beach),  and a source for many DIY cleaning stuff.

As someone that's environmentally conscious I am trying to be more green and try to start making my own stuff. I mean, after all that time pinning stuff, I should at least try them, too right? And, less chemical to use... even better!

So far, I have tried to make my own bathroom cleaner. Now, we buy distilled vinegar in a gallon since there's so many use for this. Granted it doesn't smell the best, but vinegar works wonder to clean your mirror. No streak. Mixed it with Dawn liquid and you can clean your shower door from any soap scum. Mixed it with baking soda and rinse it with hot water and you get sparkling clean sink in no time.

Then, yesterday I made my first batch of home made laundry softener. I used the recipe from The Frugal Girl HERE. Again, simply by mixing hot water, distilled vinegar and your choice of hair conditioner. Now, instead of the standard fresh laundry smell, our laundry come out smell even better, like my favorite hair conditioner.

Have you made anything from the stuff you pin on Pinterest? Please share and if you have more cleaning tips, I'd love to hear it. Have a blessed day everyone!


Virginia L. said...

SUPER cute, Vera! I really like kola bear in turquoise (never thought of that!). Good for you for DIY laundry softener! MUST spend more time over Pinterest :)

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

love it! Just the cutest!

Kara Lynne said...

Silly me, I looked at the card and wondered what color was not standard! Yes, I see it now, I just thought it worked so well I guess. I have no cleaning ideas other than vinegar, but I should try to change that.

Alice said...

awwww.... i NEED this set! we love koalas and this set is must have! =) love love your fab card, Vera!

~amy~ said... very that splash of color. Can I bother you for the measurements of vinegar/dawn soap for the shower door? You have a miracle cleaner for the bath tub...other than a cleaning lady:)

Anonymous said...

Cute card & love the advise to use not standard colors. I found a cleaner for laminate wood flooring from Heloise...mix about 4 tablespoons of isopropyl rubbing alcohol (91%) to one gallon of water. Use an only slightly damp cloth mop to wipe the floor, doing one small area at a time. Much, much cheaper! Will have to try your finds also. Thanks, Vicki R

Annette Allen said...

vera this is just so perfect...

Bethany Stellpflug said...

so sweet Vera! I love the little look so cute in turquoise. :)

Sherri Everett Thompson said...

This is just too cute, Vera! I just received this set-I can't wait to try this for a friend that's expecting a little boy next month! I am also going to have to check out the homemade fabric softener. I would love to have my clothes smell as good as my hair, lol!

Artsy Florals Cards

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