Thursday, January 3, 2013

To A Special Woman In My Life

Today, my mom is turning 71. So, today's post is dedicated to her. :) 

My mom is one of the strongest person I know. She went through several life hurdles, yet she always have the gratitude attitude. She always told me when things is rough look down and you could see many other people who have it worse, so be grateful for what you do have.

As I went through some bad life experience, she is always there giving me support and told me not to ever let bad experience makes me bitter because when you're being bitter, you're wasting life. 

We don't always see eye to eye. Trust me, she has 3 stubborn kids that she raised to stand for what we believe in and to speak our mind. Once, I asked her how does she feel when we argue with her or when we told her she is wrong. And she said well, I might not like it, but I raised you to speak your mind and parents is also human, they make mistake.

Yep, especially growing up in Eastern culture where there's tendency to just obey your parents, my mom is definitely different. I definitely don't know many parents who can accept it when their kids say they are wrong. My mom, she would ask for our reason to say so, she'd listen, and then we discuss it.

And, my sweet mom, she still doesn't get it  the impact she has on people that know her or on us her kids. When my brother published a book that highlighted women's beauty & strength and dedicated the book to her, she asked why her. 

My mommy & me on her last visit to the States.

My mom is not perfect. But she is perfect for me. She understand my stubbornness, my mood swing, and she loves me unconditionally even when I did things she doesn't agree or understand. I think of all her kids, I am the one most different from her in the way of thinking. I have tendency to think with my heart and she has to remind me to use my head. She taught me the value of family, of kindness, of being fair and just.

To my mom, thank you for raising me the way you did. You gave me solid foundation. I appreciate my root, where I come from. Thank you for raising me in mix culture, so I can appreciate both the Eastern and the Western culture and take the best of both world. 

BTW, my mom is now officially a grandma to a real grandchild. LOL, all these times her grandkids are the 4-legged kind. Hah... So, to my mom who is one cool and funky grandma, happy birthday. I love you and glad that I am your daughter.

This card is for her. Simple and yet it says it all for me.

Gahh... I got all sappy and crying writing this post. Well, if you're reading all the way to the bottom, thank you . Help me wish my mom happy birthday, will you. Hugs to you all.


Unknown said...

Wishing your beautiful Mother a wonderful birthday!

Ann R. said...

What a lovely way to honor your mom. I'm weepy, too! My mom has been gone six years and I really miss her, so I'm glad you still get to make cards for yours.

JuliaP said...

Beautiful post! Brought tears to my eyes especially since I no longer have a mom to talk/write to. Always treasure your moments with your loved ones!

chillin with Quillin said...

so sweet, Happy Birthday to your Mom , it makes me think of my mom and I when she was still around, she was 52 when she passed, but good memories!!

Melinda said...

Happy Birthday to your mom! Blessings to you both!

Jocelyn said...

Happy Happy Birthday Vera's Mommy. I hope you had a wonderful day ^_^ I love your post Vera - I must go tell my mom right now how much I love her. Thank-you.

Trinh said...

Happy birthday to your wonderful mom! Your words and photo are beautiful. What a lovely tribute to her!

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful entry. Happy Birthday to your Mom!

Kerry M said...

Happy Birthday to your mom!! I have many similar feelings about my own mother, so I can totally relate!!!

Your post was so inspiring, that I feel the need to create a card for my mom... Just because.. :)

pcm said...

Happy birthday to your mom!

slbt17 said...

Happy Birthday Mom!

Lovely blog ....
Sandra ltb

Shelly said...

What a lovely post! You brought tears to my eyes!! Very touching. Your card is perfect, I love it! :) Thank you for sharing.

Ann said...

What a touching tribute to your beautiful mother! She sounds like a lovely person inside and out! Your card for her is exquisite. Happy Birthday and Happy New Year to you both!

Susan F. said...

A very happy birthday wish to your dear mother from me! I think you are both beautiful, very special ladies.

Diane said...

Loved reading your post, my Mom is 85, will be 86 in May and feel so blessed to have her, we talk everyday once or it! Happy happy birthday to your Mom!!

Vicki Dutcher said...

How wonderful for your mom to read this - how wonderful for you to write it! Happy bday Mom! :)

Andrea6760 said...

Wishing your Mom a very happy birthday and sending her Thanks for having raised such a wonderful daughter that I can call my friend. Wishing you both a fantastic 2013 !!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Vera's amazing mom! Job well done, I'd say. Hope you have a wonderful day!

Ravengirl said...

Please wish your mother a very Happy Birthday! She sounds like an amazing woman!

mtscrapgal said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom, Vera. She sounds like a great mom and a wonderful role model for you and your siblings.

Loly Borda said...

Happy birthday to an amazing woman, there's no doubt she taught you well.
Hugs to both of you Vera.

Anonymous said...

She looks too young for 71, what's her secret? Happy Birthday to that young looking lady. May God bless with a healthy life !:)
Claudia N.

Laurie in MN said...

Happy Birthday to your very special Mom. Your Mom sounds very wise. I am sure some of your friends have also learned from listening to your Mom and seeing the kind of Mom she was to you and your siblings.

It must be hard for you to be separated from your Mom on her birthday. I hope you have Skype so you can "see" each other while talking.

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