Let me just warn you right away. This is going to be a long post. Lots of personal feeling here. By now, I am sure many of you my fellow card maker have heard the news that Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking is closing down. February 2015 will be their last issue.
When I found out this afternoon, I was speechless. I was like, no it couldn't be!! It's a joke! I mean, this is what in my opinion is the best card making magazine out there. They are one of the reason I like to make cards. They make me challenge myself to create better, to be more creative and they gave me the confidence that I needed when I started my creative journey.
I used to think I wasn't creative enough. My younger brother said once that he thinks I should pursue career in graphic design and I balked at the idea, because I didn't think I was creative enough. But, when I made it to Paper Crafts Gallery Idol back in 2010 and soon after have my cards accepted regularly for publication and made it to other PC contest, I finally see what my brother sees in me.
Then, I met the PC team. They are so warm, encouraging & so positive. Susan, always the cheerleader, help me believe in myself. I am so grateful that I get to hang out with some of them at CHA. These moments are short, but I cherish them. Most of all what Paper Crafts means to me beside being an amazing creative outlet: they means friendship.
Because of PC, I got interested to attend CHA and that has opened so many friendship doors that I otherwise would have missed. Priceless, priceless memory. Lots of amazing girls that I just adore. Many I met and many I have not, but feels like I know them through blogging, chatting online, etc.

This pic below was from one of the most memorable night at CHA for me. We all just kicking it back, laughing hard, sharing story. This was the CHA that brought some amazing girls to my path, who become so dear to me.
I honestly have no idea where my post going with this. I feel such loss. I know, some people will probably just say, oh it just a magazine. But to me, they are more than that. They are friends, amazing people. My heart hurt for the people that loss their job. My heart also hurt for the loss that our community is now experience.
All I can say is that I hope the friendship I gained through the door that PC opened, will continue to flourish despite this setback. I plan on maintaining the friendship and I pray that all the PC team will find new jobs.
With that in mind, I want to share this card that was accepted for Card Creations Vol. 13 that now we sadly won't see.
We all, at one point of our lives facing changes, the unknown. I know I did and will face more as it is part of live. Each time, I got scared. And, my mom always said have faith that things will work out the way they should be.
Tonight I mourned my loss, our loss. It's okay to mourn. Any loss is hard to accept. Sometime they are hard to digest. But, like I told Susan, sometimes bad thing must happen, so bigger, better thing could happen. We just have to allow faith to be our guide...
Thank you Jennifer, Susan, Stacey, Holly, and everyone at PC for the fun journey, for the friendship, support and joy you have brought us paper crafters. Just thank you. <3
We met because of Paper Crafts and for that I will always be grateful.
What a truly sad day. It's tough to lose things that mean so much.
Sad indeed...Personally, I had to reread things though out the day, many times because it was something I just couldn't believe. They too, gave me one of my first ever publications and opened many new doors for me. Certainly, they will be missed.
Well said! I'm bummed that my card won't be published with yours in CC13.
My heart breaks for all those effected by PC&S closing. Thanks for sharing such a sweet paper pieced card.
Yep! Hugs. (And my bundle of Christmas cards for Caring Hearts is on its way to you today ;) The cardmaking world is a wonderful one thanks to sweeties like you.
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