Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Celebrate Spring

Aah... spring. My favorite time of the year. The weather is just right. Not too cold, not too hot and flowers every where. Just cross fingers that the mosquitoes not coming out either with all the rain we've been getting lately. :)

Well, with spring here, SugarPea Designs challenge for this week... yep, you guess it, it's all about spring. Create any project that reflect spring. For my card, I went with the cute doggies from Hot Diggity Dog with the house and hill silhouette on the background. 

This card totally reflect how we enjoy spring at our home. Spring is the time of the year where I can sit outside with the dogs on the backyard and not melting from the heat. Especially, Abby, she's my outdoorsy girl. She loves running around the backyard, sunbathing on the grass and checking out the birds, squirrel, etc.

I don't let my dogs outside without supervision. I am very protective mommy to my doggies, so spring temperature is nice as we can all stay outside longer.

Hope you'll play along with this fun challenge and in a couple hours I'll be back with more fun challenge. :)


Kara Lynne said...

Super cute! There's even a dog house in your silhouette for those two, but I know they live in the real house, so we'll just call it their playhouse!

Stacey Schafer said...

super cute!

Lisa Lara said...

Adorable Vera. And I love where your mind went with this Theme.

Artsy Florals Cards

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