Friday, March 20, 2015

Dog vs Cat

I am an animal lover in general. But, if you ask me whether I am a cat person or dog person, no doubt about it I am very much a dog person. I grew up having dogs all my life, so cat just never enter the equation, since most of my dogs weren't cat friendly. 

My pugs are probably the most cat friendly dogs I have. When my friend, Karen used to watch Ollie, she pretty much just ignore the cat and it irritated the cat, that I remember laughing hearing the story how her cat out of the blue just smacked on Ollie's head to get reaction from her. Eli, he thinks everyone is a play mate.

Now, Abby (not a pug), would go crazy and want to chase cat if she sees one. She went crazy when she saw a cat walked on our fence.

With that said, I surprise myself with how much I play with the cat stamps from My Favorite Thing I Knead You set.  

Hah... The cats in this set are so sweet & adorable, that I can't resist using this set quite a bit. I love animal sets with cute smiling face. Never ever thought I'd love a cat stamp set. This set is a first. 

So, are you a cat or a dog lover? Does it influence your stamp choice? Well, that's my question for the day. I hope you have a fantastic Friday. :)


June K said...

I'm a dog person. I've never had a cat in the family. I have a few dog sets but do own a couple cat sets since I have friends who love their cats. This cat set from MFT is very cute. I recently bought the Furry Friends from Avery Elle since it has both dogs and cats. Love your coloring on your card.

Shelly said...

Oh, this is super CUTE! Love it!
I like both dogs and cats! Though, it doesn't really influence my stamp choices...I just go with whatever I thinks cute! ;) Happy Friday and Happy Spring, Vera!

Miriam Prantner said...

So cute, but the answer is obvious....DOG!

Lisa Lara said...

I love your design Vera with the animals in the heart. And love the soft coloring.

Teresa Doyle said...

Hi Vera, Your card is great! I am a cat person. We have a cat a little over 20 years old! My son (he was 9 at the time), wanted to get his sister (then, 12) something for Christmas that she really wanted! A 3 month old kitten was it. They have since grown, moved, married and started their own families and the cat is STILL with us. He is slowing down but still a happy cat! LOL

Celeste Goff said...

How adorable Vera!

Artsy Florals Cards

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