Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy Birthday To My Mom

Today, my dear, spunky, fun loving mom is celebrating her 74th birthday. So, I am dedicating today's post to my mom. No cards, nothing. It's more of a personal post. :)

Granted, growing up, my mom and I had our differences. Unfortunately for my mom, all her 3 kids have her stubbornness. So, of course, different opinions were plenty around. I also had my moments where I thought my mom was too strict. But now, looking  back, I am beyond thankful for all the discipline my parents taught us. It made me a better person.

She also taught us the value of one's word. She always keep her word. Whether it was a promise to spank us if we keep misbehaving or promise to be help us when we're in trouble, we know she means it. 

How we three turned out, we owed it to my parents. She and my dad truly starts from the very bottom. She never gives up. She supported our family while my dad went back to school to earned his master degree in law. Even though there were time where we barely make it, we never feel poor. My parents showered us with so much love, by making sure they have quality time with us, even when they both work full time.

Especially my mom. We know we can turn to her for anything. And, not just us. Most of our friends that met my mom, many ended up turning to her as well when they  needed advice. As kids, when we tell her we need to talk, she never say she's too busy. She'll stop whatever she's doing and listen. Really listen. A quality that I didn't appreciate till I became an adult myself. Even when I am in trouble, as much as I am scared I'd get disciplined, I'd still want to talk about it with her.

Thinking about it, I think that was one of the best thing she did as a parent. By really listening to us, even when we were just 5 years old asking mundane question, she showed that she valued us as a person. And, she never expected us to just accept her opinion. We were allowed to question her decision, we discuss the why, she taught us to form our own opinion, to be curious, to always want to learn thing.  By valuing our opinion, our curiosity, she earned our trust and that trust is a BIG thing. 

Trust is the foundation for so many things. We wanted to do good, because we don't want to break that trust. When we did something that disappoint her, we learned to own up to it. And, because of that trust, it create a strong family bond that on her own words she said,"I many not be rich, but I have a rich life through my children. I am thankful and proud that literally all 3 of my children consider me as their best friend. And, that all 3 of my children actually like to hang out with me. How many parents can say that?"

I think what's also important was the fact that she never show favoritism that I see happened with so many parents. She valued each of us individually with our own uniqueness. She accepted all our flaws and imperfection and she never compare us or make us feel less. 

And, I am grateful that from early on she taught us compassion and to always remember to look down. This way, we'll always be reminded that there are many people that less fortunate than us. It reminded us to give back when we can, to be grateful for what we have. Two of her advise that I carry with me:  1. Make sure the humanity part of you stay strong 2. God give us dream and he wake us up so we can make that dream come true.  

Well, I could go on and on about my mom. No, she's not perfect. Far from it, as no human is perfect. But, I can honestly say, everything good in me, everything strong in me, including my stubbornness, is because of her. My life is better because of her. I am a better person because of her. I can't imagine life without her.

So, to my mom, thank you for everything. Thank you for all your hard work, your dedication to your family, your  love, support, all the spanking, all the discipline, all the argument, all the lecture because they are simply priceless. I love you beyond words and may all  your wishes come true. Stay spunky!! Love from your one and only daughter, SIL, and grandpuppies Eli, Abby & Clyde. <3


Anonymous said...

A tribute to a mom is the love of her children!

D- said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful post. Hug her every chance you get. {My mom passed 25 years ago 5 days after I turned 30. I miss her everyday.}
Crafty hugs,

Shelly said...

What a beautiful post, Vera! Your mom sounds like a wonderful and caring person! Great pic, too! Thanks for sharing!

Carol L said...

This is such a lovely tribute to your mother! She's obviously been a great mom to raise such a thoughtful, caring and smart daughter :)

Miriam Prantner said...

What a sweet post! Happy Birthday to your Mama!

Carol H. said...

This is a beautiful tribute to your mom! I miss mine every day. Happy birthday to your mom! :)

Lori Kobular said...

Such a beautiful post about your Mom! Happy Birthday to your Mom!!

Deeps said...

Such a lovely tribute to your mom. Happy Birthday to her.

Celeste Goff said...

Awww, that is so sweet Vera! Happy birthday to your mom!

Mary-Anne V said...

happy birthday to your mom! such a loving post. truly blessed!

Mary Holshouser said...

Happy birthday, Mo

Patti J said...

What a wonderful post! Your mom sounds like a very special person. You are so blessed to still have her with you! Happy Birthday to a very beautiful lady!

Teresa Doyle said...

A wonderful tribute to your mom!
Happy Birthday, Vera,s MOM!

Maureen Hayes said...


I came here for the blog hop, but I had to read your lovely post and comment here first. Today is my birthday (Jan.4th) so I feel close to your mom just for that. . . Lol! I loved the tribute you wrote for her. I lost my Mom in June and it has been the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. Like you, I had a wonderful mother who taught me so many life lessons, who loved me unconditionally and who was an example of the person I would like to be. You helped show my wonderful mother love, when she was in a nursing home you helped me to get cards sent to her and some of the other residents with your wonderful Caring Hearts card drive, and I will always be grateful to you for that, and by extension grateful to your Mom for raising such a loving and compassionate woman. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and may God bless your Mom on her birthday and every day.


Chark said...

great pic and Happy Birthday to your mom!

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