Tuesday, August 28, 2018

A Little Update on Caring Hearts Card Drive

Hi peeps. I've been getting a bunch of email lately asking about Caring Hearts Card Drive. So, I thought I post here to answer everyone as well as mentioning some changes to the card drive.

Yes, I will hold the card drive again this year. This year, I am doing the card drive in honor & in memory of Sean Wilkerson. He's Christy Wilkerson's brother who passed away just this past week. If you remember, last year, Christy helped with collecting the cards for the card drive.

Sean's family requested that people do act of kindness to others in his memory, because Sean himself was a guy who did many kind things to others and I couldn't think of a better way to honor that request than by continuing this card drive in his memory.

The card drive will start in October. Not right now. This is just an update.

Now, I know many of you work in advance and I would like to mention that this year we requested that people limit the card they send to maximum 100 cards per person.

Before anyone get upset, please let me explain my reason. A couple months ago my one and only niece from my side of the family was diagnosed with Leukemia. She is only 5 years old & currently going through intensive chemo. I am planning to visit her in Singapore where she's being treated.

As you can imagine, this is devastating news for our family & we are rallying behind her to get her beat this.

Also, I have business trip that required me to go out of the country during the card drive. So, we decided to do this change to help keep things manageable and to keep my sanity. My niece well being and being with my family is my priority and yes, I have to maintain my full time job as well.

There are a lot of works behind the scene for the card drive and all my helpers are doing this voluntarily outside our full time job, etc. The only way we can continue is by making changes when necessary.

I hope you all understand. This would be our 9 years doing the card rive and I can't thank you enough for your continuous support. We have grown so much from our 1st year. From only 750 cards to over 64,000 cards.

Your contribution touch people lives whether we know them or not. Thank you for your understanding and stay tune for the card drive announcement on Oct. 1, 2018.

 "Together we can change the world, just one random act of kindness at a time. " Ron Hall


ajgood said...

Vera, If there is anyway I can help other than the usual delivery to the nursing home, please let me know. I am willing to help in any way that I can in order to make it all a little easier for you. I am keeping Shakira in my prayers. Love you <3

Shelly said...

Totally understand, Vera. And if you need anything at all, please reach out to me. Sending hugs to you my friend...<3

creatingincolors said...

Totally understand. Focus on your niece and family. You know there are so many of "us" who would respond to any call for help with the card drive. Praying for your niece, and also for the Wilkerson family.

sunshine said...

i am new to your site. i am unfamiliar with what the card drive is and would be intersted. where can i find out mre information?

also, i will be keeping you and your family in my prayers

Mary-Anne V said...

So sorry to hear about Sean and your niece. I will keep them and your families in my prayers. Thanks for the update about the drive...I am always glad to join you each year with this great cause.

Anonymous said...

Vera, my friends and I were just talking about the card drive and so I popped on to see if you had posted anything. I don't know how I missed this post because I get your blog via email...but just wanted to reach out and let you know that another "friend" is thinking of you and your niece and sending healing thoughts and prayers her way. Glad you will be able to go to her soon..I'm sure that will brighten her spirits during this difficult time.

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