Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Seasons Givings Blog Hop

Hi'ya everyone! Happy 2020!! I wish you all a very happy New Year and may this year be a blessed, fantastic year for all of us filled with good health, prosperity and many things that makes you happy.

Welcome to the 8th annual Seasons Givings Blog Hop. What's fun & unique about this hop is every single blog that participate has giveaways. So, grab your cup of coffee or tea and browse around. Stick around and you'll see my giveaways on the bottom of  my post. :) And, big thank you to my dear friend, Latisha Yoast who organize this hop.

2019 had been quite a year for me. Creativity wise, I continue designing for SugarPea Designs, The Ton Stamps & Honey Bee Designs. I love designing for these companies & am very blessed that I get to work with them. And, thanks to Sugarpea, I had my very first illustration being made into a stamp set. You can check it out HERE. Yay!! Now, I am totally slacking in my goal to practice more on my floral watercolor. Hoping that I get to do this more in 2020.  

Caring Hearts Card Drive reached 10 year milestone & had another successful year as we collected 33,345 cards and send to over 350 nursing homes throughout the US, Canada & Australia. To some people, delivering cards for Caring Hearts has become part of their family tradition & I am so honored and humble for this.

Personally, 2019 was quite a rocky year. Hubby and I went for a vacation in May and came home to news that rock our world. The moment we landed our phone was filled with messages. My MIL had cardiac arrest and was in the ICU. And after a month battle, she passed away. This was a shock for the whole family as she was healthy and just went in for knee surgery. Wasn't expecting any of this.

Great update on my niece, Shakira, who was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia back in 2018. She's been doing better. She's still going through treatment and we're optimistic that hopefully by mid 2020 she can finish her treatment. Her hair starts to grow back and she can't wait to have her long hair back. I love that she interact with me more and more, though. Every time we video call, I treasure these moments. And, I love that she has such a unique name for me. 

There are many other stuff going on as well, but hey that's life, right?

My plan for 2020? I have no major goal. I just want things to be normal, to be able to find gratitude every day. Learn something new whenever possible and just enjoy & continue loving on my family.

Now, as we started the new  year, I look back and want to share my favorite projects from 2019. Seems to me that I didn't craft as much as the previous years, but that's okay. I am trying to be better at balancing family time, work and crafting time. :) 


I love purging through my stash. I've been trying to be more selective in adding to my collection and try my hardest not to hoarding craft supplies because I have limited space. So, this past month I've been cleaning up my stash and I have 2 packages to give away. One is a SugarPea Designs package and the other one is a mix package. Granted the SugarPea ones been gently used, but as you can see they still look great and works great. 

To enter the giveaway, simply follow me on Instagram HERE and comment below that you've done so. If you're already a follower, thank you and you could just mention it. And, since I love doing random act of kindness, I'd love to know what random act of kindness have you done for others lately. I feel like we all can  use some good news. :)

SuagrPea Designs Package

Mix Companies Package

Well peeps, that's all from me today. As this post go up, I would be in Jakarta visiting my mom and enjoying some much needed family time. I will be back in the States on January 9, so please bear with me. I will announce the winners on January 5, 2020, but won't be able to ship them till I come back.  
Edited to add: my trip was cancelled as I got turned around when I was trying to check in for my flight. Apparently since my passport going to expire in less than 6 months I’d get denied entry. So, had to cancel my trip for another date. Saddened by this, then I found out Jakarta is experiencing one of the worst flooding in history. Maybe this is divine intervention. I am praying for everyone that got affected by this massive flooding.

Now, grab your favorite drink and hop along. Thank you for stopping by here and I wish you all the best for 2020. May the coming year brings you luck, joy, good health and prosperity. Cheers....

Queen & Company 
you are here --> Vera Yates <-- you are here


Karenladd said...

I follow you on IG, and always love seeing your beautiful cards. My most recent random act of kindness was dropping off a huge packet of handmade holiday cards to one of our local nursing homes. I hope it put a smile on at least a few faces. Have a wonderful trip, and happy New Year!

A Soul's Heartbeat said...

Yes, I’m a follower. So sorry about the loss of your MIL. It reminds us all, life is fragile and not immortal and to try not to take it for granted. Patti

Isabel Z said...

I have been following you for a while now--lucky me!
My condolences on the loss of your MIL. I hope that with time the pain will ease a bit and you can remember her more with joy of the moments shared than with tears.

Fikreta said...

Happy New Year!
these are super nice cards!
I also lost my MIL...
Im happy your niece is better!
Im already a follower.
I donate old clothes from daughter to ones who needs it.

Linda S. said...

Happy New Year. I hope 2020 brings healing, happiness and joy to you and all your family. I follow your blog post but I don't follow anyone on Instagram, just not enough hours in the day and I prefer to spend my free time on the blogs and YouTube videos. Thanks for all your posts this year.

Debbie said...

I am now following you on IG. Love your cards. Happy New Year!

Pbonawitz said...

I am new to your site and your cards are lovely. Just followed you on IG

Tami Grant said...

Happy New Year and thank you for the opportunity to win this great prize. I’m new to your site and am now a follower. Thanks for all of the inspiration.

Macimbalo said...

Happy New Year! Great prizes.......for RAK, I like to pay for the person behind me in a drive through or stand up line.

MadeByMeghanK said...

I am already a follower and thank your for sharing a little about you ! Glad to hear your niece is on the mend! Thank you for al your beautiful inspiration! Happy New Year!

~amy~ said...

Vera, I'm so sorry about the loss of your Mother In Law. My heart goes out to you and your family.
I'm so glad to hear that your niece is doing better!
So excited for you and your pug stamp set!
I've been following you on iG.
Happy New Year Vera!

Fabiola said...

Quelle magnifique façon de débuter l'année, une magnifique carte et un magnifique prix à gagner. Bonne et heureuse année à tous.

Judy Inukai said...

I just signed up to follow you on IG. As for RAK, people have been so kind to me over the years, I always try to pay it forward.

Margaret said...

I follow you on IG and thank you for participating in this blog hop. I pray that you and your family will be blest in 2020. I participated in a coat drive to provide winter apparel for children in the mountains of West Virgina.

Tami said...

I follow you on Instagram!! I love sending cards to people who don't expect it and for no particular reason other than to say I'm thinking of you!!

Debby2206 said...

I started following you on Instagram. Looking forward to you talents

Laura said...

Thank you for sharing your talents. Here’s to 2020!!

Tammy Nyenhuis said...

I have been a follower on IG for awhile. I think 2019 was rough for a lot of people and I'm so sorry for your loss! At work, when I see people do an excellent job, I love to send notes to their bosses and let them know how awesome they are. It makes them and me feel good!

Natalie said...

I wish you a Happy New Year's and I am already a follower of yours on Instagram.

KGBaird said...

I already follow you on IG. I pray next year is kinder to you and your family. One recent act of kindness was paying for a Lyft ride for a stranger. I don’t like to talk about the acts I do because I feel like it takes away from them:)

wimom said...

Following on IG, and I always try to pay for the person behind me in the coffee drive thru

SLMPetersen said...

I started Following today. Happy New Year!

Lindarub said...

I follow on Instagram. Hope this is a great year for your niece! I send cards to children that need a card to brighten up there day.

Lagene said...

Oh my goodness, FUN creations and what a great giveaway! Perfect way to start off 2020! I now follow yon on Instagram.

Helen said...

I've been following you for a year now and enjoy seeing your beautiful creations. My most recent random act of kindness was grocery shopping for an elderly senior citizen--so rewarding. Thanks for offering your giveaway goodies.

Susanm said...

I'm now a follower on IG. Looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful creations. My random act of kindness was cleaning snow off my neighbour's car. He's away and we had about 6 inches of snow earlier this week, plus freezing rain, so it was a big job. However, when he gets home, he'll have one less thing to worry about.

Patti J said...

Thanks for taking part in this wonderful hop! Happy New Year!

Jean Maxwell said...

Hi Vera, I have been following you on Instagram since last years season of giving. Thank you so much for the caring hearts card drive. I love leaving little gifts I made on coworkers desk

Avra Williams said...

I am an Instagram follower!

Georgann said...

I followed you on IG. Looking forward to all that’s new in 2020! My random act of kindness was to give away a gently used washing machine to the local women’s shelter for a single mom who’d moved out on her own.

Teresa Doyle said...

Vera all of your cards are stunning, I am a huge fan of florals and you definitely know how to make them come to life.
I am very sorry for the loss of your MIL. As I read it, I couldn’t believe the similarities of our year. My husband and I went on our first real vacation ever in April to celebrate our 40th Ann. By the end of that month his mom ended up in ICU for over a week with heart issues.we were blessed to have her until mid Sept. when she passed but we had the blessing of time to say goodbye.
I am thrilled to hear that your niece is doing better, I have been praying for her since you first shared this. However, I couldn’t remember her actual name (only yours.) I will continue to pray for Shakira and your family.
I am so looking forward to getting back to my card making and quilting in the new year. Something I enjoy a lot.
Enjoy your time with your Mom and have a wonderful New Year Vera.

I follow you on IG, my handle there is handmadebyteresa

Dana M said...

I wish you and your family health and happiness in 2020! The staff at my local Hobby Lobby are always so friendly and helpful. A few months ago following an especially pleasant experience I went straight out and bought a gift bag, card (gasp - a purchased card) and about 6 packages of cookies. I delivered the package to the store manager and complimented the staff and asked if there was a break room in which the goodies could be shared by all. I am already a follower on Instagram.

Natalie said...

Your cards are so cute! I am now an IG follower! Happy New Year!

Nancy said...

New follower. Great cards

nbde2020 said...

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Lauri Bacalzo said...

Blessings for the new year!
Prayers to you and your family for the loss of your MIL.
I was happy to hear your niece is doing a bit better. I follow Jennifer McGuire and read her story.
Congratulations on your new stamp you must be beyond thrilled.
I’m following you in instagram and can’t wait to see your posts.
Thank you for sharing your talents!

Rhonda Miller said...

I love your beautiful creations. Happy New Year. I've been trying to let people go in front of me in line and in the parking lot.

Bunny said...

If we don't have Instagram are we disqualified from winning?

Also, I'd like to know what your grand niece calls you. Prayers for you family.

christi said...

I don't play on ig but I love to do rak's. especially if no one knows until I leave.

Beverly Perdue said...

I am a follower on Instagram! The random act of kindness that comes to mind is I made a special gift for my daughter-in-law's grandmother when her daughter passed away. She was very touched. Hope you have a blessed and happy 2020!

Cynthia Clark said...

Already a follower. My handle is cynthiad.clark

Jessica Pascarella said...

Happy New Year! May 2020 be filled with joyous memories! Cannot wait to see how you inspire us this year!

Jeanne Beam said...

I follow you on Instagram! I’m looking forward to a great year of crafting, being with my family and staying healthy.
Thanks so much for sharing. Happy New Year.

Jean said...

Happy New YEar. Following on ig. This is such an amazing hop! I like to do small things like share a shopping cart at Aldi's or return carts for an elderly person. I also send thank you cards to people who are not expecting them.

karenajo said...

So many beautiful cards - thanks for the inspiration. I donated some cards to the Caring Heart Drive and it was such a great feeling knowing how they were to be used! Thanks for all you do!

Neva Cole said...

I have followed you on IG for a few years now. Lovely cards, with so many pretty colors. I am sorry to hear that medical issues have plagued your family so just having normal is understandable. I too can relate to the 6 month rule for a passport, I encountered this issue before I went to Germany 3 years ago . . . I was only 11 days short from the required date! I very long drive from home to the Seattle passport office in one day (13 hours) and I had a new passport in hand and was able to make the trip minus one day. Very thankful for an understanding ticket agent at our local regional airport.

Anneleise said...

I have begun following you via blogger - I do not have Instagram. Your creations are beautiful. Here is to a good year in 2020.

Denise Bryant said...

Gorgeous cards! I'm already a follower on Instagram.
One random act of kindness that I do frequently is to let someone behind me in line at the grocery store go ahead of me, when I see they have just a few items.
Enjoying the Seasons Givings blog hop, and wishing everyone a happy and healthy new year!

New Creations said...

What a wonderful collections! I love your work!
Happy new year! Thanks for the chance to win this kind giveaway! Already a follower on IG!

Karen Ondes said...

Already a follower! Love your stuff, you are very talented.

Cheriese said...

So glad to hear your niece is doing better, hugs to her xo
I follow on Insta!

Kim Klinkovsky.My Kraft Kloset said...

I have followed you for a while here and on IG. So sorry your trip was cancelled. That is hard when we worry about loved ones. My random act of kindness came this holiday season when I made baked goods and shared them with friends and family afar and good neighbors too. Thank you for sharing your beautiful creations, your talent, and generosity. And your new pug set is adorable and hope you create more stamps. Happy New Year!

Visionlady said...

Signed up to follow your insta gram. Today I had listed some furniture to sell and when coupLe showed up to buy my furniture they were telling me their moving troubles. Their,u-haul truck was broken into and items stolen, so I gave them the furniture for free, welcomed them to the neighborhood and told them to pay it forward when they could.she was also interested in joining our paper craft club so hopefully made a new friend to share love of crafting,

Arlene A said...

Happy new year! Thank you I am now a IG follower.

Surekha Galagoda said...

Dear Vera
Wish you and your family a fantastic new year filled with good health and happiness.
I became a follower on IG. I simply love your coloring and will stop by again and again to learn from you.
I am a journalist by profession and now work online. So i hv to go at 4 in teh morning to buy the papers. The roads are very lonely and prayers to Jesus simply protect me. At that time there are ladies on the road i dont know what to call them. Let me tell you in the oldest profession on earth. Pls dont get me wrong. No body talks to them but i do. everybody scolds me but i dont mind as they are so happy talking to me. Some tell that i might be judged as one of them. As long as my Jesus knows that i dont do anything wrong I am fine.I talk to them and also pray for them. This is something i do and my heart aches when i see them going with men of all sorts daily. But this is life.
with loads of love and gratitude

Anonymous said...

Your cards are so beautiful, Vera! I am sorry to hear that your mother-in-law passed away. My mother-in-law passed away, too, on Dec. 6 and it was also a bit of a shock. Thinking of you and your sweet niece, too, as she continues her courageous battle. Prayers for a better year for you!

Jules said...

Happy New Year! New follower. I have same goals as you shared for this year. May 2020 bring you many blessings!

Sue D said...

I already follow you on IG as waterlily57. Goal this year is use up supplies since I am moving. Most recent RAK was helping an elderly lady in a store.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com

Jo Malicoat said...

I'm following you on IG as jomalicoat. I love your cards and creations, I have been following your blog for quite awhile now. I love RAK also, and always try to compliment people on something they are wearing, I find that quite often brings a nice smile. Also, there is an elderly lady that uses the same vet I do, and I overheard her trying to make payment arrangements, so when she left I just paid her bill and asked the staff to keep it anonymous.

Gail Davidson said...

Following on IG as gagapapercrafts. Your stamp set is adorable btw. My most recent act of kindness was making an advent (tree) calendar for my work colleagues; we all did kind things for each other! Happy New Year!

Melanie Hungerford said...

Flowering you on IG. Spreading kindness with small paper craft gifts donated to an older friend's senior living center, they love them (especially the little chocolates inside!)

Keiren Dunfee said...

Lost my MIL this year--it is a big hole in our lives. Trying to keep positive and spread handmade kindness!

Andrea Murdock said...

followed you on instagram- can't wait to see more of your crafty inspiration. Sorry your trip was cancelled and that you had a rough year. Here's to good health to your family especially your niece and to a calm year.

Karthikha said...

Happy New Year :) Thank you for the giveaway, I'm already a follower on Instagram. One random act of kindness this year was a card and some gifts I gave to my neighbour on thanksgiving, with whom we have never spoken, but just exchanged smiles :) And she surprised us with Christmas gifts too! :)

Basement Stamper said...

praying for your family's safety with the flooding. I just paid for a family's breakfast the other day as I knew it was the Dads birthday.

Happy New Year!

Isabelle said...

Happy New Year and thank you for the generous giveaway !
I've clicked on the follow button of your Instagram account and seeing your cards, I know I will find plenty inspiration with your creations ! Your fur-babies are adorable !

Barb said...

follow on IG

stratton24 said...

Just followed you on Instagram- #stephaniegiha
Sorry your trip was canceled, prayers to you family and everyone effected by the flooding. Latest kindness was donating 50 cards and seven bags of clothing to our public school “closet”, helping students in the city.

Holly AKA KopyKat said...

I am following you on instagram. Love your cards. Thank you for the chance to win. Happy New Year. I hope 2020 will be a year of great things. I too had a rough 2019, although it sounds like yours was far worse than mine.

NatQuebec said...

I am a follower. Wish you the best for 2020.

Mary-Anne V said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beverly S. said...

Here is hoping 2020 will be a kinder year to all of us. :) I'm already a followers on Instagram (@bevscreativepath). Happy happy New Year!

Beverly S. said...

Ooops, forgot to tell you my random act of kindness. I make "killer" homemade rolls and like to surprise my friends, etc. with them. :)

CandyraeT said...

I'm a new follower and can't wait to see more of your ideas!

Michele K. Henderson said...

You have been SO inspirational to me for such a long time! I am so sorry that you've had a rough 2019! Every thing we love is on the other side of fear, we just have to keep walking through it until we're out. have a beautiful year ahead and a much better 2020!
Crafty Hugs!
Michele K. Henderson

coolcowsmoo said...

Wishing you a New Year filled with joy!

Debbie said...

Following you on Instagram

Susan Richter said...

Hi Vera - just followed you on instagram. Thank you for sharing your projects and your generous giveaway.


Mary-Anne V said...

Oh my what a rollercoaster year you've had. So sorry about your MIL. Praying 2020 is filled with great memories. I already follow you on IG. For random acts of kindness...I love baking and sharing those goodies as little treats at work.

Marie Bingaman said...

I already follow you on IG, and love seeing all of your sweet creations! :)

Wendy Lambert said...

I'm already following you on IG. I'm so sorry for your family's loss.

Ceal said...

I am already a follower on Instagram. Happy new Year Vera! praying that 2020 is a much better year

Kimmers said...

Happy New Year! I'm always working on my random acts of kindness! I try to be a nicer driver by letting people merge and enter the flow of traffic.

Lisa Byers said...

So sorry to hear your trip was cancelled. But everything happens for a reason. I always work on my acts of kindness. Opening doors for seniors, helping people when they can’t reach something in the store, entertaining children while in line somewhere, etc. I would love to volunteer but my health doesn’t guarantee I can go in each day.

Dawn S. said...

I started following you on Instagram! Sorry to hear about your MIL, but happy to hear about your niece. One never knows what the year will bring. I try to help other people when I can, like paying for someone's coffee. Thanks for showing some of your beautiful cards!

Kailash said...

I’m already a follower! My random acts of kindness was the following: I saw a lady with her young daughter standing out in the cold just before Christmas with a sign asking for help. I took her grocery shopping and then handed her daughter some cash. I also donated blood which is always needed and I think is a form of RAK.

BobbisTreasure said...

I guess I am an old fart - I don't do Instagram :(. But still love your projects! We lost my FIL in October. I don't think anyone is ever prepared to lose a parent.

Lauryne Cunningham said...

I love making things for friends and family, just because. I love your cards!

cghundley said...

I already follow
you on Instagram.
Hoping this year
will be better for
you. I gave my
niece a Cricut
machine this year.
Carla from Utah

Wendy said...

I’m so sorry to hear about your MIL. I’m glad that your niece is doing better. I make cards for kids in the hospital. I started following you on IG

MJ's Kraze said...

Lovely cards, I love how airy they feel. I am an old IG follower.

SHartl said...

When I read your blog post I began to worry because I saw the terrible flooding in Jakarta on TV, so I'm so glad your trip was postponed and you weren't in danger. I am also so sorry to hear about the loss of your MIL. What a blow it must have been to lose her like that.
Thank you so much for the chance to win one of these prize packages. My stash is still pretty small so these assortments make me smile.
My most recent act of kindness was seeing an elderly woman standing on the sidewalk with two heavy bags of groceries. She looked exhausted and cold so I asked if I could give her a ride home. It turned out that she lives only 3 blocks from my house so it was no trouble at all. She was so grateful, and it gave me a great feeling all day long.
Hope that 2020 is good to you Vera, and that your niece continues to do well. Oh, and I already follow you on IG

Unknown said...

New Instagram follower! (adventuresoftandj)

Heike said...

I am a follower on instagram. Happy New year.

Brenda in IN said...

Congratulations on your darling stamp set! What a great accomplishment for you. This is my first time here and I am following you on instagram now. Thanks for sharing the Christmas lights in your city, that is beautiful. Love your giveaway too. I Hope you can go visit your mom soon and everyone is okay from the flooding.

Cynthia Cole said...

Wishing you a brighter year! I already follow you on IG. Your cards are always so lovely.

Betty McDougal said...

I am an Instagram follower

Natalie Winterstein said...

Vera, I am so sorry that your trip was disrupted but as you said maybe it is divine intervention! I have been following you on Instagram for a while! :) Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful creations with us. 2019 was a tough year in a lot of ways for me but it brought me a wonderful new friend. She is making a lot of sacrifices to stay home with a special needs son, so I got her something for Christmas that I knew she wanted but most likely wouldn't splurge on for herself. It feels so good to give to others, we all need to find ways to give or do for other people! :) Here's to a happier and healthier 2020!

Teresa Godines #6857 said...

I'm so sorry to hear about you MIL. I know how a loosing a parent feels. It surly changes your world. I too have not bee crafting too much. I missed your card drive this year because other life needs. But this year I feel that I can make much more time for crafting.. YAY. I do follow you on Instagram...
I wish for you a wonderful and healing year. Thanks for the chance

Dee Earnshaw said...

I follow you:)
So glad that your trip got cancelled and you did not have to deal with the flooding - Some things happens for a reason??
HNY, Vera

Terri W said...

I follow you on Instagram Ü I'm so sorry your trip got delayed. Happy New Year!

Kathleen said...

I follow you on instagram already! Love your work. Not sure if sending out handmade cards count as random acts of kindness, since it isn't always so random, but I do love to send them out when they are not expected!

DisenosdelCorazon said...

Hello Vera. I follow you on IG and am glad to meet you through this blog hop.
Not so random, but I noticed one of my third grade students had “painted” her nails with white-out so I bought her a bottle of nail polish in soft pink.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Jen P said...

I am a new follower. I enjoyed reading the snippets about your life and seeing the beautiful cards you have created. Wishing you the very best in 2020

Arianna Barbara said...

Happy New Year!!! 
Love all your adorable cards!!!
I'm sorry for your trip in Jakarta but I agree with you that was a divine intervention. I hope your mum is well and safe!
I already follow you on IG as raggiodiluc3.


Andre M. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andre M. said...

Happy new year to you, so unfortunate that you had to cancel your trip. We're hardly prepared for the passing of a loved one, and I pray that your hearts are healing. Congrats on the launch of your first stamp set, I'm already an Instagram follower and enjoy seeing your beautiful projects. A recent RAK was helping an elderly gentleman on the streets who was feeling unwell. I stood with him and waited until a taxi that was going to his area passed and assisted him to get into the car. I'm already following you on IG.

Nora Noll said...

I am sorry your trip was canceled. Stinks when plans are foiled and you are looking forward to it.

I already follow you on IG as hobbit noll.

As for random acts of kindness-I created a stash of cards for a co-worker to give her and used her charity tag line as the sentiment. I designed each card around that sentiment.

Thank you for the giveaway!!

Cheryl H said...

I'm an instagram follower <3 So sorry to hear your trip got cancelled...hopefully you can make it up soon!

PrairieChick73 said...

Happy New Year and thank you for the great giveaway! I'm sorry to hear about the passing of your MIL, but happy to hear of your good news as well. I am a new follower of your IG page. My latest random act of kindness was to leave an encouraging card with homemade treats in a local coffee shop, telling the staff how much I appreciate their wonderful and friendly service.

DorothyA said...

Wonderful to meet you on Instagram. Love your cards, especially with the 4 legged friends! It does seem to be divine intervention that you stayed home, but seems strange about the passport denial- lesson learned by all of us! Who knew?
Random act of kindness- perhaps not so random, but there is a man (homeless? needy?) who sells a newspaper outside the grocery store. I appreciate his politeness. I don't ever read the newspaper, so I just give him the $2 (sometimes more) and he doesn't have to pay for that paper.

Rhonda said...

I follow. My condolegences and I pray you have a better, more joyful coming new year.

Jennifer said...

I am now following you on Instagram. Looking forward to seeing all your amazing cards.

Joan K said...

Thank you for the giveaways and all the inspiration. Following you now on Instagram. RAK: sharing some craft supplies with young girls from my church and family. Happy New Year!!

jordanbev5@yahoo.com said...

God bless you and your husband with your loss and missing your trip. Love that you are grateful for staying at home. And am one of your many followers and really enjoy your inspiration. IG: @jordanbev5
Beverly Jordan

Jess K said...

Happy new year, I've been following your beautiful projects on IG. I'm so sorry to hear about your MIL, and your trip cancellation. I hope you can make a visit to your mom soon. Wishing you the best in 2020.

V. K. said...

Your cards are so beautiful and creative. Sorry for the loss of your MIL. Hoping for a better year in 2020 for you. I found out a local animal shelter needed help so I rounded up my neighbours to donate goods to be sold, food, litter and basic supplies. I then went on our local social network "Nextdoor" and went into the FREE STUFF and asked them to give to the shelter, which they did. It was a team effort and helped them so much.

Carol McCready said...

You have had a rocky year. I hope 2020 turns out to be a stellar year for you.
I did subscribe to your Instagram page. And now I am a blog follower as well.

I did help my next door neighbor get shoveled out of her house. I suppose that qualifies as a random act of kindness.

Jessie said...

I am following you and am new. A random act of kindness was I sent out a Christmas package to one of my sons friends that doesn't have anyone to get her presents.

Indy's Designs said...

May your 2020 be less rocky and full of happiness. My random act of kindness was to give a friend's 12 year old daughter a new stamp set.
I follow you on IG (indys_designs).

Pricousins said...

I follow on IG as pricousins

Pam Weiss said...

Happy New Year Crafters! I am new to the whole blog & Instagram thing, I guess I'm still old school. lol So this puts me out of the running but I wish the lucky winner lots of fun creating. I love your use of color in your cards.

Nancy K said...

Thank you! My random acts of kindness are anonymous things I like to do - paying for coffee for the car behind me , that is so fun~ cuz you KNOW they are going to be surprised. I like to do stuff like that just to say... be kind .. show more kindness and maybe that will come back in time to the world ;) thank you for your kindness for the prize whoo hoo , I love stamping and at 60 yr old, i'm just getting into the new way of creating :)

Paula said...

Happy New Year - I'm new to your blog and love it! Your Pugs and Kisses card had me all smiles!

I've followed you on IG and I'm gonna read the comments to see everyone's RAK's. One of my RAK's this year is to increase the # of times I pay for whatever the person behind me in a drive-thru ordered. It's a feel-good, small thing that I hope brightens someone's day.

Renee VanEpps said...

So sorry about your MIL, we suffered the same loss several years back and it was devastating for everyone. Your cards are absolutely gorgeous, definitely following you on Instagram now. Best wishes to you for 2020!!! Thanks for the generous giveaway!

Leslie L. said...

I am a new follower on instagram. My most recent RAK is spontaneously taking in breakfast for my coworkers (we are an office of 50).

Sandi said...

I just subscribed to you IG feed....can't believe that I was not following you before this, Vera. A recent RAK I did was mail a couple of cards with gift cards to the children of a struggling family.

Gab said...

Happy Happy New Year to you Vera. I loved seeing your cards. I follow you on IG

Kaylene said...

Following along this blog hop has helped me find so many more amazing designers and crafters to follow on Instagram. I use Instagram and Pinterest all the time for my crafty inspiration, so I definitely followed you on Instagram. Your cards are so beautiful, especially the butterfly ones.
Last week while going for a walk with my children, we stopped to help a little old lady wheel her electric scooter up a little hill, as the ground was icy, and she was trying to push it up herself. She was very grateful for the extra help getting up the hill.

Lauren Z. said...

Following you on instagram. Happy New Year. Thanks for sharing your inspiration.

Annette Reed said...

Your cards are lovely. That floral butterfly is amazing! Thanks for being a sponsor of the Season of Giving hop!

Artsy Florals Cards

Hi friends. This year, I am determine to use more and more of older sets that I have on my stash. After all, in current economy, we all bein...