Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy Monday...

It's Monday and it's 4 days work week! I love short work week, cause that means I have long weekend. Not that I am planning anything for this weekend. I'd be happy to just have some time to lounge around and make some cards or scrapbooking a bit.

Beside, I really could use the long weekend as it seems like this past weekend just flew by. Yesterday was my birthday and my dear friend Joy, threw me a bday party. Loved, loved her! My bday party was fun, except for the fact that at the end I got a bit sick.

Yeah, learned real quick, me and heat do not get along. What was the heat index?? 105?? I was only outside for 5 minutes and I just felt my head gets really hot and I had to excuse myself. Went inside and guessing from super hot and bright to the cold AC temp in the house, just shocked my body. Long story short, almost passed out and I ended have to keep pressing the cold 7up can to my face and neck just to keep me cool. So lame.... I know. :)

On the bright side, my other dear friend, Leslie, brought this awesome tiramisu cake from the Cheesecake Factory. OMG... sooo yummy. And on top of that, she surprised me by dedicating her blog to me for that weekend. She wrote the sweetest thing and made me cry. I am so thankful that I have such loving friends. They are kind of crazy (I am the mildest one in the group), but very loving and thoughtful. Love you guys...

Okay, enough story. How 'bout some cards? I bought some new stamps, haven't get a chance to play with them yet, but will do soon. For now, here's a simple card I made using QK Silhouette. Enjoy and thank you for stopping by. Stay cool...

Happy Monday,

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