Sunday, August 16, 2009

49th Anniversary...

This Thursday, my in-laws are celebrating their 49th wedding anniversary. Wow... 49 YEARS!! That's so awesome and I am in awe of them. Seems like in this day and age not that many couple go this far. I can only hope that my own marriage will follow their example.

My in-laws are very loving, thoughtful, and wonderful. I am actually excited whenever we get to see them. I am very blessed that both my husband and I love each other in-laws. Hehe... my husband even thought that I should get my mom move from Indonesia and live with us.

Well, during dinner last week, my father-in-law whispered to me and asked me to make an anniversary card for him. Hah... on top of it he said if his wife ask me to make a card, too, to say no that I don't have time. Sneaky, LOL. :) The card below is what I came up with.

So, today's blog is dedicated to my awesome parent-in-laws. Together they have raised 5 children, have 6 grandchildren (plus 1 coming soon), and now they're just enjoying life. I am definitely thankful to them for my husband. My husband is one of the most loving, thoughtful person I know. Thanks Mom, Dad for raising such a kind, loving son. I am so blessed to be part of their family.

The card was so much fun to make. Did you see the grass? Yep, I glued the fibers one by one. And to create the dew look, I put some stickles glitter randomly on the grass. Funny, how I could be so impatient on certain things, but I can patiently glue tiny stuff for cards and actually enjoy the process. The card with the adorable hedgehog is our card for my in-laws. My husband and I have an African pigmy hedgehog as a pet, so I love using hedgehog stamp (Penny Black has awesome line of hedgehog stamps).

Mom, Dad, if you're reading this (which I know you would, since I told you so.. hehe..), HAPPY ANNIVERSARY with lots of love...

That's all folks, may your relationship with your other half be as happy and fulfilling...



Diana said...

Lovely cards. Very nice blog. Met you on Hero Arts.

Fika said...

Hi Vera.. i'm a fan of your cards.. especially this anniversary card.. ;) simply elegant card.. :) ~Fika from Jakarta~

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