Monday, October 4, 2010

Goodbye Coco

Sunday morning, I woke up and found my li'l hedgehog, Coco super sick. Well, honestly, I thought at first she was dead. I started crying & woke up hubby. Then, found out she's still alive. Barely. It's heartbreaking to see my cute baby suffer like that.

She's a rescue, so I really don't know how old she was when I got her. And I have her for almost 2 years now. Pretty much the whole Sunday morning, I nursed her, trying to make her comfortable, hoping she'd make it. She even made this soft whine sound that I never heard before. All I could do was stroking her face gently & be there for her. At the end, it was her time and hubby buried her on our backyard, and we plan on making a small flower bed for her.

We lost the smallest member of our household. I'll miss you my li'l Coco-ball.

Afterwards, I kind of feeling blah the rest of the day. I guess the down fall of having a pet is when you have to say goodbye. But, the joy they bring you ... priceless.

Anyway, on a brighter note, I do have a card to share that I made on Saturday. Here's my card inspired by Rae Barthel challenge.

I kind of at lost for words now. Don't know what to write. I guess, that's it for today. I'll be back tomorrow with new project from Digital Doodles. Hope you all have a great start to your week! Thank you for swinging by here.


Lin said...

Oh, Vera, I'm so sorry......your little Coco was a joy to all of us who have seen her pictures on your blog. Sending big hugs....

~amy~ said...

Oh Vera...I'm sooooo sorry about your sweet Coco....hang in there....

Your card is super sweet..the colors are divine..

When you have a chance, would you send me your snail mail?


Jaclyn Miller said...

Oh, Vera, it is so hard to lose a pet. I'm almost in tears just reading your story. {{{hugs}}} Coco will live on in your memories!

Ayu (MimiPipi Craft) said...

Vera aku jadi ikutan nangis, inget hamster2ku yg mati satu persatu. Aku ngerasa salah sama mereka, karena aku ga ngurusin mereka disaat2 terakhir mereka. Hiks..

Your card is beautiful ^^

Barb said...

Sending you a big hug, Vera! I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet little Coco!

Virginia L. said...

So sorry about Coco!! That's heartbreaking! Hope you remember the good times...I love this card- so crisp and beautiful!

Deirdre said...

Vera, sorry about Coco... amazing photo. Sending you hugs.

Kathy (krolski) said...

So sorry to hear about Coco, Vera. Sending you hugs.
Your card is so beautiful. Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog about the wedding photos.

Anita Rex said...

Oh no Vera! I am so very sorry for your Coco! She was so cute! Great card! Hope you feel better soon! :>

Yvette said...

So sorry to hear about the loss of Coco, Vera. Like you said they give so much happiness, but it's so sad when they are gone.

B said...

Sorry about Coco! Love the card though! So pretty!

Kathy Martin said...

I'm so sad to hear about Coco! What a sweet little baby! Audrey Pettit...on the DD team had a hedgehog? Sonic was his name and he died last December. She adored him sooooooo much! I loved him a ton too...he was just the sweetest thing!

Your winter card is so pretty!

Audrey Pettit said...

Oh, Vera! I am SO, SO sorry! I know just what it's like to have a sweet little hedgehog in your life and then lose them. Sonic was my best buddy, my little pal. I would sit with him in my lap every day. I only had him for a bit over 2 years, too, and he was often sick. I still miss him SO badly. He looked just exactly like your Coco.
Sending you huge hugs, my friend. ((((hugs))))

liana suwandi said...

Hi Vera! Nice to find your blog here. I'm so sorry to hear about Coco. You have a lovely cards!

Michele Gross said...

Oh Vera, I'm so sorry to hear about Coco. Losing a family member is never easy. Take care Hugs!!!

PinkPug,INK. said...

So sorry for your loss! :(

Anonymous said...

Oh no Vera, i'm sooo sorry for your loss. Coco was such a cutie. Sending you huge hugs

Andrea6760 said...

Oh Vera, Im so very sorry to hear of Coco's passing. It breaks my heart that you lost your little one. I wish I could be there to give you this *HUG*. Its so hard when you lose someone you love so much. You are right that although the loss hurts, the joy that they bring is more than worth the pain you feel right now.

Perhaps when the time is right for you, you might get another...they are so cute!

Keeping you in my thoughts,

Deirdre said...

I saw you won goodies on Moxie Fab World. Delighted for you.

Ayana Posadas said...

Sooo sorry for your loss again, Vera.
That's an adorable picture of Coco!
I'm sure she will never be forgotten.
Hopefully you will cheer up soon.
Hugs to you and your family!

Jóna said...

I'm soooo sorry for your loss, I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes, big hugs to you, Jóna

Trinh said...

I'm so sorry about Coco, Vera! Sending you lots of hugs!
Your card is beautiful - I love the pop of yellow against the blue.

papertrails leaver said...

Vera sincere condolences on Coco. It's heartbreaking to lose a beloved pet. Your card is gorgeous with the blue and yellow. I love the clean and simpleness of it.

Alice said...

awww.. so so so sorry to hear about this, Vera. sending you big hugs.
beautiful card, really sweet soft colors.

Brigida Alexandra Marcella said...

Gosh... this is really sad.. im so sorry about lil Coco...

*hugs to you*

Unknown said...

Oh Vera, I'm so sorry to hear of Coco's passing, what a cutie she was!
Your card is beautiful, thank you very much for playing along with my WCMD challenge. (((hugs)))

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