Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jakarta Trip Part 1

I was already back at work the day after I came back from Indonesia. And, boy... came 2pm, the jet lag started to hit me. I was sooo sleepy. 2pm here in Houston is 3am in Jakarta, time where I usually deep asleep. It didn't help that emotionally, I am still sad about having to leave my family after 2 weeks of amazing time.

Anyhoo, I tried to get back on the swing of things here. Back to card making. Here's my first card for this year. Lesson learn, when you're sleepy it's better to go to sleep than trying to make card. :) The banners didn't line up quite right, but I just didn't have the energy to re-do it right then and there. Made this card based on the sketch from Lucy Sketch Week - Day 1.

Now, that I get the card posted, I want to share some pics from my trip. The first pic is of my sister-in-law Regina and me spending one evening making my favorite cookies called Snow Princess Cookies. Well, she made it and I just helped shaping the cookies. I do have a very thoughtful SIL, she spoiled me so much and she always remember what I like and do her best to make or get them for me whenever she can. Growing up, every Chinese New Year, my mom would get a couple boxes of this cookies, one box for people who visited our house, and another one just for me. :)

Hmm... yeah, we weren't planning to have our picture taken, LOL, so sorry for the messy appearance.

Next picture was from our Christmas eve family dinner. My uncle and my foster brother and his wife joined us as well. That night was the first time in a long time where all of us together and it was such a blast. We kept cracking up jokes and had laugh till you cry kind of laugh. I enjoyed this evening so much and to hear my mom said how happy she was to hear all her kids laughter at the dinner table again was priceless.

I wanted time to stood still when I hear my mom saying that. I said a quick thank you prayer to God for this beautiful moment and for the chance to be with my family.

Besides visit with my family, I also had the chance to catch up with some old friend. Here's pic of me with my best friend from high school, Eva (in the blue dress) and her sister, Cherny. Whenever I go back to Indonesia, Eva is always one of  my friend that I try to see at least once. It's always fun catching up with old friends that know you from way back when, when you were still just an awkward teenager. :)

More stories from my trip on next post. Thank you all for stopping by and thank you so much to everyone for the warm welcome back. I miss reading your blogs and already started visiting as many as I could yesterday. Hugs! 


Barb said...

Hi Vera! Love your sweet card! Pretty, pastel colors on the flags and it looks straight to me! Love hearing about your trip! The photos are wonderful to see!

Tiffany Ervin said...

I LOVE the sweet simplicity of your card! Great share of the photos of you and your family, I'm sure you will have so many to treasure from!

Anita Rex said...

What a pretty card, great take on the sketch! And love seeing photos from your trip! :>

Kryssi said...

Oh sweet card. Welcome back, babes!! I love Indonesia!!!!!!!!! Please post some more pics! :)

Alice said...

fabulous take on Lucy's sketch, Vera! love your sweet card! thanks for sharing your trip with us, too. love seeing these photos! =)

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