Friday, August 19, 2011

Nice vs Mean

Yesterday was one of those day. I am tired and frustrated of people who think the only way to be ahead in life is by running over other people. You want to be ahead in life then work hard, use your brain, be kind to others. Be ahead through an honest way, through a way that you can be proud of. Where's the pride of being ahead by being mean to others?

There's this story about Budha. He was meditating and this rude person walk by him and call him all kind of names and Budha just smile. Finally, the guy asked him why is he still smiling and not being insulted by the name calling and all. And Budha said, "Because none of them were true and your words have no power over me unless I let it be."

Some people are just plain mean and they will do anything and say things about you like this person did to me, just to be ahead. But we have the choice whether to let mean people has power over us or not. If anything, I feel sorry that this person must be so miserable that she feels the need to hurt others just to make herself feel better. I am frustrated by this person act, but you know what... this makes me determine to spread the message that KINDNESS RULES!! Be nice to others and let mean people see that being kind and nice matter more than being mean.

I believe in karma, what goes around comes around. I am just saying it's much better to be nicer than to be mean and you most likely get less wrinkles. Amen. :) 

Now that I vented off my frustration, let's share some pretty things shall we. Let's surrounded ourselves with good positive energy. Today, I have a couple cards to share using the new released from A Day For Daisies. As soon as I saw this cute owls image, I knew I want to use it right away. Love the look of hanging stars and to add texture, I hand-stitched them.

Distress the edges of frame with distress ink and for the moon glow, I rub chalks around the moon. The moon itself was colored with copic marker. I often mix and match different color medium on a card. Here's a close-up look of the layered image.

Next, is a super girly card. When I saw this image, I love the layered of her dress. It just looks so pretty & girly. I made this for ADFD "twine" challenge. For the background I stamped a music score 

I outlined the sash with Sakura glitter pen and here's a close up look. Hopefully you can see the pretty soft glitters on the sash. You can click on the pic to get a larger view.

Now... I am going to start my days by making someone's day brighter simply by giving them smile. One small act. A smile can trump over a frown. An act of kindness can trump meanness. Let's spread kindness all over the place so meanness have no place in our life.


Trina said...

Hopefully, everyone will remember their manners today and will behave properly! So sorry for whatever happened, but you've definitely got the right attitude to deal with it! :D

Lin said...

Sweet cards today, Vera, that reflect your sweetness inside. I'd love to meet you one of these days - you're a light in all the darkness around us! I believe in kindness, too, and there are so many more of us than the "meanies". Sending hugs!

Brenda said...

Love these cards Vera! Those owls are just so, so cute and I love how you stitched the hanging stars! Love the girly girl card in that very pretty dress! Sorry about your encounter yesterday, but like you, and Budha, I believe that only you can give power to words! However, it is a pity that there are people out there who need to be mean to deal with their own insecurities and issues! So glad you could vent! Now go on and have a fabulous day, or a Smurfilicious day (can you tell I took my daughter to see the movie Smurfs yesterday!) Smile!

Barb said...

Vera, I'm sorry you were on the other end of a mean person. I work with a lady that acts that way EVERYDAY. I've learned to totally ignore her and yes, there have been times when I have had to stand up to her and actually tell her to stop treating me so badly. You're right, these kinds of people are just plain miserable. I hope today is a better and happier day for you, sweet girl! Love both your cards! Hugs to you. . .

Nancy K said...

Your delightful cards always inspire me, sweet Vera! I'm working on one now with a Day for Daisies image and these pretty cards are such perfect inspiration...just letting the lovely images be the star, love 'em! I'm hoping you can put this unpleasant chapter behind you and keep spreading joy and kindness. Hugs!

Tanya said...

These are beautiful. Love the texture that the stitching adds. Sorry about your incident yesterday, love your attitude about it, though I know it is hard, it's so easy to be mean back, but it's not the right way. Have a good weekend. ~ hugs :)

Virginia L. said...

Delightful cards, Vera! Do not be discouraged by the means words that others say as it is not true. Do turn a blind eye to people like that and smother him/her in kindness. That's probably the best "revenge" :) HUGS

Kathy Martin said...

Oh such lovely cards!!!! :)

Pearl said...

I soooo hear you there!!!!! Just unbelievable some adults' behavious & speech!!!! I can't even begin to stop shaking my head still over some peeps I know who think (even worse) very presumptuously like they are my BFF! I dare say you and me are connecting way better even if this is my first visit to yr blog! Lol!

Trinh said...

You're right - kindness rules! The meanie will get what she deserves in due time and you are right to turn the other cheek. Not easy to do but better to take the high road. Hugs to you!

Both of your cards are adorable! I love how you trimmed out the little girl and set her against the music background.

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