Saturday, February 28, 2015

Friends Are Like Flower

It's official. I am joining the Crafter's Companion DT and my 1st tutorial on how to make this card is up on Crafter's Companion UK Blog.

Enjoy your weekend.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Love Letters

TGIF! I am so ready for the weekend. I have quite a few assignments to finish, so hoping that this weekend I can accomplish that.

For today, I want to share this love letters card I made using SugarPea Designs Special Delivery set and Sugar Cuts Notched Heart Journal Card.

For a bit of glitter, I added a dab of Diamond sticklers to the hearts on the envelopes. Super quick & simple. SugarPea Designs new release will starts on March 9, so stay tune as we'll be releasing lots of amazing dies & super cute stamp sets. You don't want to miss it.

Let's close this post with a fun announcement. Starting in March, I am joining the amazing Crafter's Companion DT. I am still pinching myself that they asked me to join.You can see the announcement on HERE. I am excited and nervous at the same time. Crafter's Companion is a pretty big company. And, whenever a company inviting me to design for them, I often feel there's more pressure or expectation to do great compare to if I apply for it. Hopefully, I meet that expectation. Here's to new adventure. :)

Thursday, February 26, 2015

MFT Color Challenge 16

Happy Thursday, peeps. Today, we have new MFT color challenge. 

I have to admit, I kind of struggle with this color challenge a bit. Finally, I decided to approach it from coloring aspect, instead of from the cardstock color. And, yep, it' another card showing my love for bunnies. Seriously, Torico is fabulous at designing adorable sets.

BTW, hint... hint... Torico has designed some fabulous, super cute set for MFT March release. Stay tune and make sure you follow MFT blog and on Facebook, so you won't miss March festivities!!

Here's a peek of my card for Color Challenge 16. Simply click on the link to see the full view of the card.

That's all from me today. Tomorrow I'll be sharing some SugarPea Designs love. See you then.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Bunny & Tulips

I am definitely not made for cold weather. Hah... I am a wimp when it comes to cold weather. You know, winter in Texas is nothing compare to winter in the North East. But, for this girl who came from a tropical country, our Texas winter is cold enough. ;)

And, yep, all those chilly weather makes me yearn for spring, for pretty colors. And, cute bunnies. I don't know about you, but I associate bunnies with spring. Jut for fun, I made this "Shake It Off" shaker card.

I am a big fan of Taylor Swift and yes, I love her Shake It Off song. I thought this bunny showing her cutie patootie tail totally perfect for the message. :)

And, like I told you, I am in a roll for spring. Before I show a peek of my super springy card, here's a look at the new MFT sketch.

And..... here's a peek of my card for this sketch. To see the full card please go to MFT Card Challenges Blog. BTW, I am pretty darn proud of my interpretation of the sketch.

Thank you for swinging by here and I hope these cards brings some spring cheers to your day.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Birthday Bakery

What I love about my family is how we support each other. A few years back, my SIL in Indonesia who worked at big corporation, took a leap of faith by quitting her job and pursue her passion. She loves baking and making cookies, cake, etc.

Well, long story short, everybody pitched in on this effort. Her hubby, Jeff, who's my older brother, provided the appliances, my younger brother, Jerry designed her logo, business supplies, etc. My mom help with packaging, etc. My other SIL help with promotion. Oh yes, they also have the job of being taster/food critique. A job that I am very jealous of. Hah! As for me, I provide the cards for all her order.

I love the fact that my cards being put to good use all the way on the other side of the world. Every time someone goes back home, I'd packed in a bundle of cards for my SIL.

So, I am always on the look out for fun stamp, especially those with cupcake or bakery related item. Like this stamp from Purple Onion Designs. I knew I have to have it just for my SIL.

This card is totally CAS, but I just love the way it turned out. It feels very modern because of all the white space.

Wanna see a sample of cupcake that my talented SIL made? Here's my birthday cupcakes from last year. Yep, I took them back all  the way from Indonesia. LOL, I couldn't bear to eat the pug topping. I ate the cupcake, but save these topping. So, yeah... my pug collection including 2 cupcake topping in the freezer. 

Eli, the model for the cupcake. ;)

Well, that's a peek into our family dynamic. Hope you enjoy today's post. I'll see you tomorrow with new MFT sketch challenge!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Cleaning Mode

Hi folks. Happy Monday. My Monday starts with dreary weather, but hey, I am not complaining. At least I am not snow in and freezing.I'll take gloomy over freezing. Hubby always joke that I won't survive living in Michigan (where he used to live) and I always say that's why I live in Texas and not in Michigan. :)

Yesterday,we actually have a pretty weather that we decided to treat the doggies by taking them to the dog park. They had a blast as lucky for us there were 3 super playful big puppies when we were there and a bunch of other dogs. The big puppies are so adorable, that now hubby thinks we should get a big dog as well. Hm... yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen, considering our yard size.

Anyway, besides entertaining the doggies, I did finished several cards. Lately, I am slowly getting back into watercoloring. Like this card I made for Purple Onion Designs.

I have lots of coloring practice to do. Whether it's watercoloring, marker or pencil coloring. And, considering the amount of assignments I have ahead of me, I don't think I will have any shortage of stuff to practice on. 

By the way, another thing that I am super excited about, I found this new Norwex, chemical free cleaning products. I know, who would have thought I could be excited over cleaning stuff! But, seriously, I am over the moon by the fact that I can clean well using a special cloth & water (no more gag inducing cleaning spray). I literally walk around my house trying to find more stuff to clean since my order came in.

If you have followed me for a while, you know I've been making my own cleaning stuff. But, this is so much easier and cleans really well. I am currently hosting an online Norwex party. If you'd like to check it out, you can click here: Vera's Norwex Online Party or I could send you the invitation through FB. If you join my FB party, you could also win freebies. So, leave me a comment here and let me know if you're interested. Thanks so much!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Happy Belated Chinese New Year

Hello there. Whoopsy, things were piling up on me a bit and I missed blogging for a few days. And, to all my family and friends that celebrated the Chinese New Year, happy belated New Year! I celebrated long distance by face timing with my mom, brother & SIL.

In case you didn't know, this past Thursday we enter year of the goat. Random fact. ;) I have to say that besides Christmas and birthdays, I miss celebrating the Chinese New Year. I miss the  tradition of going to the temple with my family in the morning of the new year. I miss the midnight prayer. I have always love those moments and now that I am older, I appreciate those moments even more.

On the new year day itself, I went out to lunch with my cousin and that's about it. No big celebration. Sigh... The downfall of being away from my main family. However, my family always make sure I don't feel left out and they sent me quite a few pictures. Gahhh... my niece... she melts my heart. Here's some pics of her doing the greeting for the new year.


The Wirianta's family.

And, yes, on this side of the world, on that day I was wearing red as well. Here's to a prosperous year filled with good health and many blessings. :)

Now, let's get on to card shall we. I have this card for i {heart} papers that I want to share.
i {heart} papers supplies: Wplus9 Spring Blooms,
Technique Tuesday AE Loving Words

As you know the store is closing and Saturday, February 28th would be the final day. Everything in the store is 65% off and whatever not sold, Kate will donate the to charity. There's still a few stamps and misc. items left. Hurry if you want to score some good deals before it all goes away. I will totally miss ihp.

Well, that's all for me for this Sunday. Hoping to catch a movie and watch the Oscar  later today. Enjoy your Sunday.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Somebunny Is Sending You Hug

** This is my 2nd post for today. For SugarPea Designs post please scroll down or click HERE. **

I am back! What can I say, I have more cuteness to share with you all. Elephant, penguin, and now bunnies, I love them all. Told you, I love cute stuff. Hah!

I love practicing no line coloring with these sweet bunnies. And, I am glad I got this clip board dies (it's from MFT Background #15).

Isn't the clip board look is so fun? Now, with it being Wednesday, you know it... we also have a new MFT sketch challenge. Here's the sketch:

And, here's a peek of my card. To see the full card please check out MFT Card Challenge Blog

Looking forward to checking out your project for this challenge!

SugarPea Shake That Thing

Right now, shaker card popularity is well on the rise. And, I have to admit, they are pretty fun to make! Besides, who doesn't love getting card that they can shake for fun, right? So, for SugarPea Designs latest challenge we want you to get into the shaker trend as well.

Here's my shaker card:

And, here's the close up of the penguin. 

I've been a bit obsessed with this cutie patootie, haven't I? Don't you worry, come March, I'll have new obsession, because hint... hint... SugarPea new release for March is full of cuteness! Let just say, I squeal big time when I saw them. New obsession coming up! So, stay tune and you'll see what I mean. :)

I hope you will play along with us. You can enter your card HERE. Be back a bit later with new MFT challenge.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Elephant Love

I grew up in a family that loves animals. My brother had a collection of encyclopedia that teach about animals. I remember that I love browsing and reading about them and in fact as a kid, I never got into dolls, I always to this day prefer cuddly, cute stuff animals. 

That love for animals still continue to this day. I support all kind of animal rescue group and I also love collecting animal related knick knacks. I have weaknesses toward those. My favorites are the giraffe, bunnies and elephant. I think my Pinterest board also reflect that. 

So, needless to say when I saw Wplus9 Unforgettable set featuring some super cute elephant, it was love at first sight! I really wish I could do watercolor the way Dawn Woleslagle do. The way she does her cards are simply amazing.

I think I spent more time looking at this set than actually playing with it. Hah... I was having some creative moment trouble. Sometime we all just went through that creative slump, huh. I only manage 1 card so far with this set, but I can tell you that this set has become one of my favorite set because of it's cuteness.

I love elephant. I think they are very smart, family oriented animals. The way they protect one another and the way they protect their babies totally amaze me. I love elephant. Wait... I said that already, right? 

Well, that's it for me today. Be back tomorrow with new MFT sketch challenge. Stay tune!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Bloom & Be Happy

Today's weather is so gloomy these past couple of days in my neck of the wood. Everything looks gray. I like gloomy day only when I get to stay at home, cause then it's the perfect weather to snuggle with the doggies and enjoy a good book with a good cup of coffee.

Alas, no such luck for me. Can't stay at home, I have to be at work. So, I figure why not cheer myself up with a simple but cute & cheerful card. This card totally makes me thing of beautiful, sunshiny day.

Actually, this weekend, hubby and I bought a bunch of flowers to spruce up our flower bed and bring some colors to our backyard. This time I am going with red, orange, yellow color theme. I am ready for some happy, bright colors of spring. Lucky for us in Texas, winter isn't too bad here, that we already can start with some planting.

BTW, did you watch the SNL 40th celebration last night? How awesome was that? Who's your favorite character? I have to say for me, Stephan is my favorite! But, I also love the Celebrity Jeopardy, Weekend Update and of course, Jimmy & Justin. They're always so good together! I totally enjoy last night show.

Well, I hope no matter what the weather is like in your neck of the wood, you'll find something in the day that bring cheers to your day. Make today a great day. :)

Friday, February 13, 2015

I Dig You

Happy Friday, peeps! I want to share this adorable puppy card with you all. I can't believe that I totally forgot about this Paper Smooches Woofers & Tweeters set. After all, this set have a pug on it!

So, of course I have to fix that mistake and use the pug for my card.

i {heart} papers supplies: Paper Smooches Woofers & Tweeters

And, don't forget that EVERYTHING on i {heart} papers store is 65% off!! Sorry for the super short post. But, Friday is usually kind of a crazy day for me.  Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

MFT Color Challenge 15

It's the second Thursday of the month, which means time for new MFT Color Challenge! At first, I wasn't sure what to make, but then, once I decide to play with Die-namics Blueprints 15 dies, things start to shape up pretty darn good. I ended up with a card that I am very happy with.

Here's a peek of my card. To see the full view of the card please go HERE.

You have 2 weeks to play along, so I hope you will join us. Can't wait to see your creations!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Somebunny & MFT Sketch # 215

Hi ya'll! When I saw My Favorite Things new releases for February, one of the set that caught my attention right away was BB Somebunny set. Girls, you know me and cute animal sets. I can't resist them. 

And, since I am into practicing my no line coloring technique, this bunny is perfect for that soft look.

I am so thrilled with the way it came out. Reminds me of old school children book drawing. And, the open circle background, yep, I'm loving it as well. I am pretty sure you'll see me using this background a lot. It's perfect to add subtle background to a plain cardstock.

Now, if my 1st card is about cuteness, my 2nd card is about sweetness! First, let me show you the sketch for MFT sketch challenge 215.

And, here's a sneak peek of my card. To see the full card please go to MFT Card Challenges Blog or simply click on the pic below.

Hope you enjoy today's cuteness & sweetness. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Filled With Gratitude

Good morning, peeps! How was your weekend?  I had a great one. I spent my Saturday hanging out with my girlfriend, Lori, who I haven't seen for a while. It was so good to catch up. But, that's not the only great thing. While we were having lunch, suddenly the waiter told us that the people on the booth next to us had paid for our lunch.

We both were  very surprise and of course, thankful. Then, we came home, only to realize that I have left my I-phone at the restaurant. Feeling slightly panic, I had hubby called the restaurant immediately & luckily, the waitress had turned the phone to the manager, so I'm able to get my phone back.

That evening as I reflect back on the day, I am filled with so much gratitude. I am thankful for good, loyal friend. For kind strangers random act of kindness (and I plan on paying it forward), for the honest people that keep my phone safe. I mean, I truly look at that day as a reminder to always be grateful. 

I like to think that this Saturday was the result of this new habit that hubby and I started practicing this past week. Every night before we go to sleep we tell each others what's the best thing that happened to him/me for that day. By doing this, it teach us the habit to see the good things in daily life. 

I'd like to encourage you to try this as well. My mom always teach me that when you're grateful, good things happen. :)

Now, that I share that, let's get on to card, shall we. After all, we do have new sketch challenge from SugarPea Designs.

Here's my card:

SugarPea Designs supplies: Fairy Sweet set,
SugarCuts Heart Journal Card

I used the watercolor technique on this fairy and end up with this beautiful, soft coloring. I hope you will play along with us. To see all the challenge & prize detail please go to SugarPea Designs Blog.

Also, I want to give reminder that i {heart} papers is closing. Everything in the store is now 65% off and they also offering a mystery box filled with tons of ribbons/trims. Check out the store for some awesome deals.

Friday, February 6, 2015

SugarPea Sweet 2 Repeat Blog Hop

Recap time for SugarPea Designs! Today, we're highlighting all the sets that were released this past January.

And, of course, I have to go with my favorite penguin, using no line coloring technique. I totally dig this look. I still have to practice more, but not too bad for 1st attempt.

You know, when I have something this cute, my childish imagination totally come to life. Imagination that wish  this penguin would come alive and be as cute & sweet as can be & I can chat with him all day long. Hah! I used to wish for my cute stuff animals to come alive. I guess, that's why I love the movie Night At The Museum. It totally capture my wish for my cute collection. ;)

Okay, I wonder around a bit there. Back to earth, back to card. For my next card, I repeat a design on THIS fox card with the penguin (again!).

What can I say, can't resist this CAS design.

Now, are you ready for more amazing projects? Check out what the other Peas has created for this hop. Seriously, they're a talented bunch that I am so grateful to work with. So, check them out and fill your Friday with cuteness and awesomesauce projects. And... psst... simply by visiting each blog & leave comment, you could win a $20GC to SPD store. Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

A Snail & A Bunny

Yay for Thursday. I love Thursday. It's one of my favorite day. And, for my favorite day I have this cute Purple Onion Designs card to share.

For this card, I colored the main images with Copic and use watercolor to achieve the background soft look. I love working with cute stamp. They make me happy.

This card totally makes me think of spring. I can't wait for spring. Everything just seems so much prettier in spring, don't you agree?

That's all for today. Tomorrow, we have SugarPea Designs Sweet 2 Repeat Blog Hop, so come back & join us, will you. Ciao for now. :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Birthday Tulips & MFT Sketch 214

Have you seen all the new release from My Favorite Things for this month? So much goodness! One of the set that I received in my package is the gorgeous LJD Spring Tulips set.

I played with the set this past weekend and made this lovely card. 

I truly love the way this card turned out. From the soft colors on the tulips to the green card base with circle background. Tulips are so gorgeous, aren't they? On my travel bucket list would be to visit Holland one of this day when the tulips are blooming. I think it'll be quite an amazing view to experience.

I'll be playing with this set quite a bit. So, stay tune for more tulip goodness. Am also entering this card to Simon Says Stamp All Things Bright & Beautiful challenge.

Now, I actually have 2 MFT card to share today. Here's a peek into my 2nd card, which I made for MFT sketch challenge # 14. Venturing out to the wild side!


Here's the sketch. 

You can see the full view of my card at MFT Challenge Blog. Hope you'll play along. Cheers.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Best Friend Forever

You know, when I look at my stash of stamp, there's a few company that stands out. Meaning, I have a lot of their sets.

My top 5 (in the order of the amount of sets I have) are Papertrey Ink, Wplus9, Mama Elephant, Technique Tuesday and Avery Elle. And, currently, growing rapidly are my stash from My Favorite Thing & SugarPea Designs.

For my card today, I combined 2 of my favorites. Papertrey Ink & Mama Elephant. I actually made this card sometime last year & totally forgot about it. 

Yep, I was cleaning up  my folder and realized that I have quite a few cards that I haven't share here. So, I'll be sharing those cards slowly or use them as back up for post when I don't have time to craft.

Be back tomorrow with new MFT sketch challenge!

Monday, February 2, 2015

You Are My Happy

Hi ya'll. How was your Super Bowl Sunday? I honestly not one to care about football. So, for me, it was a Sunday just like any other Sunday. I did watch the half time. Hah... My whole time in the States, this was only the 2nd time I ever catch the half time.

I did spend some time in my craft room and working on some DT works. I am trying hard to get things done in advance instead of waiting last minute. And, I am also trying to be better at using supplies that I have in hand instead of just letting it sit there.

For example, this butterfly stamp from Altenew.

I can't believe this Painted Butterfly set been sitting there waiting to be used. I wanted this set the moment I saw the sneak peek, so I  was kind of surprise myself that I didn't use it right away. Sometime, things just came up.

I've been trying to balance my time better. Paper crafting is a big part of my life, but at the same time I don't want it to consume all my free time. :)

That's all for me today. May your week starts off wonderfully.

Shine Bright

Hi friends. I want to share a couple cards I made using Spellbinders Layered Shine Bright Stencil & Shine Bright Etched Dies . For my f...