Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

To all. :)

Quick announcement... In 2 days we'll have Caring Hearts Blog Hop with amazing prizes from Bella Blvd, Hero Arts, Two Peas In A Bucket, Some Odd Girl, Lawn Fawn, etc. Please join us and if you have any extra holiday cards please send them in. Every single card counts. For details, please check Caring Hearts badge on the top right corner of my blog.

Thank you all for stopping by here and have a fun and safe Halloween. To those that get affected by Sandy, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Thinking of you, Becky Oehlers & Ren-Yi!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Very Merry Season

Hi everyone! As Caring Hearts Card Dive continue, so is my attempt to make as many holiday card as possible. Slowly, package of cards are rolling in. And, I know with November coming, more cards will coming as well.

Today, I am here to share a holiday card I made using Avocado Arts "Very Merry Season" set. I combined this set with the snowman from Brrr! and the Nerdy Snow Peeps.

My snowman is not afraid of fire. :) Hah... My snowman is like me. We like the warmth that radiate from fireplace. Being in Texas we don't get to use our fireplace that often, but when we do I enjoy it very much.

The Pit Crew has created some more eye candy for you, so please check out their creations. 

Psst..., did you see THIS? I am so thrilled to see that my vintage Christmas card is up on Paper Crafts magazine blog today. LOL, I remember how the PC peeps were surprised when  they found out that's my card (they do blind judging for submission, so they only see the name after the cards being selected) as that's so NOT my typical CAS & cute. Trust me, I was shock, too. 

Now, that's a way  to start a day in a cheerful note. Happy & blessed. :)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Treat Box

Yesterday, our town center had their annual Halloween celebration. I love watching the kids dressed up all cute & funny. But, I do not like creepy, scary, gory stuff. Not liking it a single drop. I am a chicken when it comes to scary stuff. I don't even watch horror movie. Not even the preview.

Sorry, I'll pass for all of the creepy stuff. I like my dream to be sweet dreams and not scary one. Yep, Halloween is not one of my favorite holiday, just because of the scary stuff. I hate going to a store and suddenly being greeted by creepy voice that make me jump. Or on one case, here I was browsing FB before bed and suddenly a scary zombie face pop up on one of my friend's pic that almost make me throw my laptop to the floor. Ughh....

Okay, enough whining from me. Only 2 more days and then we can all move on from Halloween. I don't mind doing Halloween project though, as long as they are in minimum quantity. Hah...

Here's my Halloween project that I made using my all time favorite machine, Silhouette a.k.a Mister Q.

For the web, I used wax paper on the inside and I stamped the sentiment before I put together the box. Beside using it as a treat box, you can also hang this on your door know. I think it'll be a sweet surprise for any kid to find candy hanging on their door, right?

I am entering this to The Cameo Spotlight Halloween challenge. Have a blessed day everyone!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Witchy House

Hi'ya folks. Today I am sharing  my spooky witch house that was published on Paper Crafts September October digital edition.

I tend to stick to cards, but during that submission time, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and actually make a 3D kind of project and the result is this witch house.

The house is courtesy of Mister Q, of course. Oh yes... I do love my Mister Q. ;)

Those tiny characters are from PSA Essentials Halloween set colored with Copic markers. They're are just the perfect size for this house. To make the witch into a sitting position, I scored a couple lines on the witch, fold it and then adhere it to the roof. She is ready to party!! Count Dracula and a happy ghost are ready to welcome guest along with the smiley skeleton. 

I know, the house is not super spooky. What can I say, I do not like anything that looks scary. I am a cutesy lover. So, my witch house is cute with a hint of spookiness. LOL, is there even a hint? 

For extra fun, I am entering this project for Designed To Color "Horribly Haunting" week. Hope you like my non-card project. Are you dressing up this Halloween? Please share what you're dressing up as. :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

PTI Blog Hop


I am excited that I get to join this month PTI blog hop. Things been so hectic the past few months that I kept missing the hop. Luckily, to my delight, last night I did have some mojo & time to create a card for this month non-traditional holiday color scheme challenge hop. I chose to use this combination.

And, here's my Christmas card. I have to say the sentiment from Stylish Sentiments Holiday set is my favorite  to use for holiday card. I simply color the sentiment with my ZIG & American Crafts marker to get this look. Yep... my old ZIG marker from my early scrapbooking day works well with stamping. They're oldie but goody (some of them I have for over 10 years now).

I don't have Aqua Mist color, so I use Mememento Blue Sky instead. I kind of surprise with the refreshing color result of this combo. Might have to try this combo again. :)

I know you have lots of blog to hop to, so I am keeping this short. Oh, just in case, if you're looking for a place to send your holiday cards, please consider to send in your card to Caring Hearts Card Drive. I am collecting holiday cards for the elderly that lives in nursing homes. You can find all the details HERE.

Have a  fantastic day everyone!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bonjour from Maui

Bonjour, peeps. Last night I spent some time on my craft desk and slowly finding some inspiration trickling in. Slowly. I often find myself just start doing a bunch of fussy cutting when I don't feel like I have a mojo. And, that's exactly what I did last night.

The cutting allow my mind to just chill and wonder and allow my mojo to sneaking back in. One of the card that I made is this one using the super cute tea cup from Becky Oehler's You Say Goodbye I Say' Ello set. And that background is my favorite of the moment. :)

BTW, this set comes in both clear and rubber stamp. And matching cut file. 

Now, as I promised, I am back with more vacation pictures. We spent 2 nights in Honolulu and spent the rest of our vacation time in Maui. I love the laid back atmosphere of Maui and its gorgeous scenic view.

Of course, being in Hawai'i, we have to see the luau. And I was so proud of myself when I was able to catch this fire dance. Love it!

The fire dance at the luau.

Then after a night at the luau, we spent the next day snorkling at the famous Molokini crater. Hubby took this pic.

Snorkling at the Molokini crater.

From Molokini we cruise by to Turtle town and to my delight we were able to watch quite a few turtle swim by. I have soft spot for animals and turtle is one of them. To watch them in their own habitat is amazing. It did get annoying though when some people wouldn't listen to the warning not to swim too close or not to touch them. Haven't they know they could just zoom in with their camera??

We were lucky to see several turtles swimming close by us.

The next day we went up to the Haleakala summit. Hubby loves it whenever we get to go somewhere high above sea level. This one the summit is about 10,000 feet above sea level. LOL, originally hubby thought of watching sunrise there, which mean we have to leave around 4 in the morning. Let just say the alarm went off and I simply ask, "Later?" and the answer that I expected came out. Yep... we didn't make it for the sunrise trip.

On the way up to Haleakala Summit. Such a gorgeous view!

And, I am glad we did the trip during the day as otherwise we would have missed the many gorgeous view along the way. The variations of blue of the sky and the ocean combine with the green of the mountain are simply breathtaking. And the unique landscape of Haleakala is pretty stunning to see.

At the amazing Haleakala Summit with my mom.

Also, in the past couple years I've been into taking jumping pic during vacation. Of course, when I saw this amazing spot, I had to do one. I called this careful jumping as this rocky hill simply drop to rocky pile, so I had to make sure I land on the same safe spot. :) 

One of my favorite pic from the vacation. :)

Hope you enjoy the pics. I know many of you come here for card, but I hope you also enjoy seeing some pictures. :)

Thank you all for stopping by here and have a blessed day.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Saying Hello

Hi'ya everyone! Yep, yep... this blog still exist. So sorry for the lack of post lately. I was away on vacation for a week and it took me longer to recuperate from it than what I expected. LOL, I need a vacation from the vacation. Does it  make any sense?

I literally had to come in to work straight from the airport to help my boss with some urgent stuff. Yep, I came in with flip flop and all. Then, dealing with jetlag. But, I am happy to report that I am back. Well, kinda. Hah... my work is still kind of crazy and I still want to spend as much time as possible with my mom while she's here, so not much crafting happening lately.

Good thing for publication rejects!! I have quite a few and they work nicely to fill in the blog. :) Including this birdie card. I love using bird image on my card. And, I notice the color gray kind of grow on me lately. I may have or not shared this card. I really can't remember. Sorry, if it's a repeat.

Now, since this blog also my way to keep in touch with my siblings that live in Indoesia, hope you don't mind if I am sharing some vacation pics & story. :)

We started with 8 hours flight from Houston to Honolulu. My hubby is tall, so he definitely couldn't wait for the plane to land. No fun being cramped in the small seat. The day we arrived we just took it easy. But, for the next day we booked a tour that picked us up at 7 am and dropped us off at 10.30 pm!!

Crazy  schedule. We had loads of fun as we went to visit so many place including Pearl Harbor, Dole Plantation, North Shore beach, and the Polynesian Cultural Center. The tour ended with an amazing show at the Polynesian Center, but I think almost half of the tour people were fighting sleep by then even though it was a 7 pm show because many of us just arrived the day before & dealing with jetlag. I was struggling to keep my eyes open to watch the show because I was sooo tired. But all in all we enjoyed our stay in Honolulu.

Here's some pic from our stay in Honolulu. 

With Pearl Harbor survivor Alfred B.K. Rodriguez.
Bought his book about Pearl Harbor.

With my mom at Hanauma Bay.

Hanauma Bay. The color... L.O.V.E!!

At Pali Lookout. It was so windy that you can pretty
much forget about good hair day. Am hiding behind my hair. :)

Our fabulous tour guide. Showing off our Fiji "tattoo". ;)

BTW, I was never a hat kind of girl, until I found this fedora. I am in love with this hat! LOL, when I met up with the super sweet Joscelyne Cutchens at the airport, she just saw me from the back,  but she recognized my hat! (I had posted a pic wearing the fedora on FB). Joscie is just super sweet. She made the trip to the airport just so we can meet before I leave for Maui. Her boy took our pic. LOL, he took better pic of us than hubby. Thank you, Joscie for taking the time to meet me. I love meeting you!!

Pic courtesy of Joscie.

Tomorrow or Wednesday, I'll share some pics from Maui. And, I notice quite a few new followers to my simple blog. I want to say thank you and welcome. I appreciate your visits here very much. Mahalo. :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mama Elephant Grand Opening Stampede!

Hi everyone and welcome to Mama Elephant Grand Opening.  If you arrive here from the fabulous Joy Taylor then you're on the right track or to make sure you don't miss any link, you can start at Mama Elephant blog.

You probably wonder who or what is Mama Elephant. A bit about them: Mama Elephant is owned and operated by two childhood friends from NYC. We are so happy to bring the collaboration of our aesthetics to Mama Elephant! Our stamps are designed with card makers and scrapbookers in mind! Our stamps are carefully curated to provide optimal versatility with a wide variety of styles - cute, whimsical, bold, graphic, and  fun!

When Kryssi told me about this new adventure of hers, I am so excited for her. I adore Kryssi's style and consider her as one of my favorite card maker. So, of course, when she ask if I'd like to join the grand opening, I didn't even have to think my answer! A big YES came out right away. And, when she shared sneak peek of the stamp sets, oh my word... I just love it. Mama Elephant designs totally capture my heart.

Here's my cards using the adorable images from Nursery Deco.

Since, I am going to be an aunt soon, making baby card is definitely on my list. And, this set is so my style. I mean, when you're looking at Mama Elephant's set they have that clean line style and cute images. The kind of combination that makes my heart pitter patter. 

To get you better acquainted with Mama Elephant's stuff please continue to hop along. From here please hop on to Alice Wertz blog (she has mad coloring skill!). 

And... how about a little enabling. To celebrate their grand opening, they offer a 10% discount of the whole store using the coupon GRANDOPEN for 2 days only starting today. 

Thank you so much for stopping by here. As this post go up I'll be up on my way to Hawaii for a vacation time with hubby and my mom. Since, this is most likely my mom's last trip to the States, I want her to have a fab vacation. So, I'll see you when I come back. Aloha.... :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Happy Owl-ween

Super short as I am super swamp. Check out this uber cute Owl set from Some Odd Girl clear release.

Sorry peep, my head is buried in papers right now. Not the pretty kind, but work paper. ;)

Monday, October 8, 2012

You Are My Sunshine

I guess, I am kind of famous for being last minute when it comes to entering challenge. This past couple months, my family comes first, so I am a bit behind in card making activity. :)

I love this chickies & rooster from There She Goes Poultry In Motion set. They are just too cute. The sentiment is from Hero Arts/Studio Calico Heyday Sentiment. I love this sentiment, because it reminds me of my puppy, Eli. I love singing You Are My Sunshine to him, because whenever he hears it he'd tilted his head left and right. Probably begging me to stop singing, LOL, cause I can't sing!!

I just love cutesy card. :)

SOG Fall Fun

Hello there lovely peeps. How's the weather at your neck of the wood? Ours is gorgeous!! Just perfect. Which I think is pretty rare to have cooler weather by early October in Houston area. Usually it's still pretty darn hot, but this time we actually have fall weather and I can wear my boots! LOL.

This weather make it perfect for me to introduce this latest set from Some Odd Girl, cause this set is called Fall Fun.

And, here's my card using this set. Honestly, I am not very happy with this card. I find working with fall colors is very hard for me. Hah... I guess because I love bright, cheerful colors very much and the orange, brown, yellow just not quite do it for me. Maybe I'll re-do this card and make it into non-fall card. Heh...

But for now, it will do. You can see better samples using this set from my team mates HERE.

I have 2 more days of working before I am off for a much needed vacation time. Although my boss still makes me take my laptop so I can squeeze in a little bit of work in between. I don't mind, cause soon hubby, my mom, and I will be in tropical paradise. :)

Now, I better get busy and finish all my works. Thanks for stopping by here and have a fabulous Monday everyone.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Woodland Creature

Making a last minute entry for Paper Smooches Sparks challenge.


Here's my interpretation of this challenge.

Short post as I am enjoying spending time with my mom. Thanks so much for stopping by here.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Believe In Your Dreams

A quick post to share a cards that I made using Market Street Stamps Dreamcatcher set for their October block party. I got this set because I am in love with the feathers. And I chose to do CAS card as you know me, I love to make my favorite stamps shine.

I read it somewhere a while back that saying your dreams are yours. You don't have to explain it to anybody. It's yours to aim for, to reach. :)

Happy WCMD

* For Caring Hearts Card Drive post please scroll down. *

World Card Making Day 2012

Hi all and happy WCMD! How are you celebrating this special day?

For me, to kick off the celebration, I start with Caring Hearts Card Drive post (please scroll down or click on  the link). It's a cause that's close to my heart, which is to bring smile and joy to the elderly who lives in nursing homes. I hope you will consider to participate or if you have a nursing home in mind who you think could benefit from this, please let me know.

Now, when I do the card drive I am not merely collecting cards. I make as many cards as possible myself. I guess I always want to make sure I have enough cards to send as each year, I just never know how many cards people will send. And with every package that come in, I always feel amazed and grateful.

So, here's 2 holiday cards for starter. :)

And, I have something else  to celebrate!! Yesterday, I got my Paper Crafts Nov/December edition and this page makes me want to dance:

As published on Paper Crafts 2012 Nov/Dec issue.

Can you spot me? This is my first experience of have my face published on magazine due to my creations. The other times it was because of my brother, so I don't really count that. :) Let just say I am still pinching myself.

And, here's a look at the card that land me this honor. Hah... I do so love stacking my critters. :)

What made this even more special? I get to share this with my mom who is here with me at the moment. That is priceless.

I am so looking forward to celebrate WCMD! I am sure I will find many fabulous inspirations in blog land today! Let the celebration continue.  :)

Caring Hearts Card Drive

Hi all. It's almost holiday time again and I am back for the 3rd year for my annual Caring Hearts Card Drive to collect holiday cards for the elderly that lives in nursing homes. Last year I teamed up with the fabulous Jennifer McGuire and we were able to send card to quite a few nursing homes.

This year, since Jennifer just had a new baby, I am back to running it again by myself. I hope that many of you will join and help me to reach as many nursing homes as possible and continue to spread more joy.

The holidays are about family, about kindness, and joy. During this time many of the elderly who lives in nursing homes would really feel the loneliness or missing their family. Wouldn't it be so awesome if we can bring a smile to their face & brighten their holiday season simply by sharing our love of card making? A simple gesture to let them know that they are not forgotten.

We all love making cards and what’s better than knowing our creations can bring a smile to others? I hope that many of you will help out in the effort to spread joy & cheer.

We have some people that already agree to help us deliver the cards to selected nursing homes.

A few important details:

  • This card drive will be going on till November 30, 2012. I will need to receive your cards by November 30, 2012.
  •  Please make the cards for Christmas or Holiday Wishes. Anyone can send a card, your children, church group, scout troops, etc.
  • All cards need to have a message in it (can be stamped or handwritten or both).  
  • Please sign your name and where you are from. 
  • Please don't seal the envelope.
  • Please stick to just cards (all size welcome)
  • And please don't use any pins (safety reason).
  • You can mail the cards to:
                        Vera Yates
                        P.O Box 19158
      Sugar Land, TX 77496

  • In each package, PLEASE include a piece of paper with your name, address, email address and how many cards you sent.  This helps me in keeping track for prizes! For each card you send, you will get a chance.  So the more cards you send, the better your chances. 

To thank you for your generosity in supporting this drive, I have several PRIZES ready for several winners. There will be many winners and remember… the more cards you send the better your chances. :)

I'll update the prize list as more prizes coming in. And huge thank you to all the fabulous companies who support this card drive by donating awesome prizes.

Avery Elle - $20 GC

You Say Goodbye and I Say Ello- CLEAR

Hero Arts - 4 cling stamp of your choice


Lawn Fawn - $30 GC

May Arts - 3 rolls of ribbon of your choice

Neat & Tangled - $30 GC

From Jennifer McGuire - Online Card Classes - 2 classes of your choice

Paper Crafts Magazine - 5 Special Edition

Some Odd Girl - $25 GC

Paper Smooches - $25 GC

Penny Black - 1 clear & 1 cling set

Two Peas in A Bucket - Free Workshop of your choice $25 value

Wplus9 - $20 GC

                                                             Simon Says Stamp

I will update the prize list as I get more. :) Please feel free to share about this card drive. I really appreciate your support & kindness. Let's rock this card drive and bring Christmas joy to as many nursing homes as we can!! Thank you. 

Shine Bright

Hi friends. I want to share a couple cards I made using Spellbinders Layered Shine Bright Stencil & Shine Bright Etched Dies . For my f...