Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sister Stamps "Yoichi"

Happy Easter, lovely peeps! Today, hubby and I are heading out to Galveston to celebrate Easter with his parents & siblings. 

But, I do have a card to share with you before I am heading out. I am please to help introduce another new stamp from Sister Stamps, this one called "Yoichi" who is a Taiko player. I love it that now I have more cute boy stamps to play with. I think my nephew would benefit from this. :)

Please stop by Sister Stamps blog and check out more fab sample of this new set. Enjoy your Easter and may your family always be blessed.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sister Stamps "Akira"

Happy weekend, everyone! This month I have the pleasure to help introducing a couple new stamps from Sister Stamps. The first one is an adorable li'l boy flying his kite. Peeps, meet Akira.

I don't make boys card often, so this is one of those rare occasion. It sure helps when you have cute boy stamps to work with. :)

Sister Stamps has many cute stamps. You can check out their blog HERE and see more gorgeous sample of this new stamp. Thank you for swinging by here and enjoy your weekend. Cheers....

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Phyllis Blog Hop Challenge

Our final day of Blog Hop Challenges, and we are introducing our second new artist: Wendy Leach! Wendy has the CUTEST style, and we are ALL in love with her new line of, don't forget, the new stamps go on sale on Saturday, March 30th at 11pmEST, so only a little bit of waiting left! For now, let's get to it!

Our second new artist, Wendy Leach, stole my heart the minute I saw her first sock goblin drawing…so. darn. fun. This month’s set, Phyllis, is just TOO cute!!

Phyllis is a 3x4 set that includes a total of 3 stamps and will sell for $9.00.

I think Phyllis is super cute & sweet with her polka dot accents. 

Would you like to win the new Phyllis  stamp set? Here is what you need to do- visit the Trendsetter’s blogs that are participating in each of the blog hop challenges below and comment on their creations as you go. One of the Trendsetter’s blogs (from each hop day) will be randomly chosen as the ‘it’ blog and a winner will be picked using a random number generator from the comments left on that Trendsetter’s Blog Hop Challenge post.

You will not know which blog has been chosen so the more you comment on the better your chances are of winning new stamps! The Blog Hop Challenges will be open until 5 PM EasternTime Saturday, March 30th with the winner being announced during the release party chat.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Penelope/Nutmeg/Journal Lines Blog Hop Challenge

This month we are introducing a BRAND new artist to ThereShe Goes, Megan Suarez!! She has started us out with three FABULOUS stamp sets, which we think you are going to love. Her style is a touch on the side of gothic, but so much fun. We can’t wait to see what’s next with this AMAZING designer!!

Penelope & Birdcage is a 3x4 set that includes a total of 4 stamps and will sell for $9.00.
Nutmeg is a 3x4 set that includes a total of 5 stamps and will sell for $9.00.
Journal lines is a 3x4 set that includes 1 stamp, and will sell for $9.00.

Here's my card to showcase the Journal Lines and Nutmeg. 

And, here's my card using the sweet Penelope image.

Would you like to win all three new stamp sets from Megan Suarez (Penelope&Birdcage / Nutmeg / Journal Lines)? Here is what you need to do- visit the Trendsetter’s blogs that are participating in each of the blog hop challenges below and comment on their creations as you go. One of the Trendsetter’s blogs (from each hop day) will be randomly chosen as the ‘it’ blog and a winner will be picked using a random number generator from the comments left on that Trendsetter’s Blog Hop Challenge post.

You will not know which blog has been chosen so the more you comment on the better your chances are of winning new stamps! The Blog Hop Challenges will be open until 5 PM Eastern Time Saturday, March 30th with the winner being announced during the release party chat.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Lucky Duck & Hooked on Quack Blog Hop Challenge

If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck…well, it’s probably a Lucky Duck!! Ok, that was corny, but this SUPER cute set by Torico for There She Goes will make you squeal with delight…could it get any cuter? Lots of ducks, and stamps to build the perfect scene, it’s so versatile.

Lucky Duck is a 4x8 set that includes a total of 24 stamps and will sell for $18.00. While brainstorming the sentiments for Lucky Duck, as always, we took a turn for the dark side…..what else can I say besides this set is ducking awesome. Hooked on Quack is a 3x4 set that includes a total of 7 stamps and will sell for $9.00.

From the moment I saw this set, I was immediately hooked on quack! Hm... cute image, check. Naughty sentiment, check. How could you resist naughty and cute?? First up, this cutie with the confused look. ;)

Then, I thought, let me do another one because I just had to make something with this cutie plop down on shallow pond. 

I love these duckies so much, I couldn't stop at 2 cards. Especially when there's a sentiment that say, "There's always one in the group..."

Yup, we  have one naughty ducky who decided to decorate itself with some paints. Cute, yes??

Would you like to win the new Lucky Duck /Hooked on Quack stamp sets? Here is what you need to do- visit the Trendsetter’s blogs that are participating in each of the blog hop challenges below and comment on their creations as you go. One of the Trendsetter’s blogs (from each hop day) will be randomly chosen as the ‘it’ blog and a winner will be picked using a random number generator from the comments left on that Trendsetter’s Blog Hop Challenge post.

You will not know which blog has been chosen so the more you comment on the better your chances are of winning new stamps! The Blog Hop Challenges will be open until 5 PM Eastern Time Saturday, March 30th with the winner being announced during the release party chat.

Paper Made Bakery

It's Tuesday and it's my day at Paper Made Bakery. Please check it out and if you could leave some love, I puffy heart you even more. :)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

SPARKS Picture Perfect

Good morning, lovely peeps. Hope you had a great weekend. Mine as usual was low key, spent most of it at home, but it's still enjoyable. I get to be productive which is always good and I get to unwind from the crazy work world. Still giddy over my achievement of re-doing my blog header on my own. Granted, it took me roughly half a day to figure out how I want it and then trying to get it done correctly, but love the sense of accomplishment. :)

And, speaking about accomplishment, I finished all my DT works for this week, including today's card for SPARKS picture perfect challenge.

From the inspiration pic, I took the idea of corner decor and the colors of course. I am loving this Paper Smooches Reflection sets right now. I know it's an older set, but it's pretty new to me. Taking a step away from my critters for some plants beauty.

I used to think I am a pastel color kind of girl, then find out that am actually a bright color kind of girl. But, now & then my pastel side do call to me and the result is a card with this soft colors.

You have one week to play along and you can check out what my SPARKS team mates has created for  this challenge HERE. Thank you for swinging by here. Please come back tomorrow as I have super fun & cute & ..... maybe a bit naughty new set to share with you. See you tomorrow.

Creative Weekend

Yesterday, my li'l guy wasn't too happy with me. LOL, it was time for his annual check up to the vet and he got a few shots and a poke. And, I think he knew the moment we step in, because he was bucking and refusing to follow the vet assistant to get weighed in. Normally he follow the assistant with no problem.

I guess he just knew that he will get shots. He got clean bill of health and the vet even said he got gorgeous teeth, because they're sparkling white! We made it up by taking him to the dog park right after. And, I am pretty sure he forgave us. Haha... He was glued to my lap all afternoon. I had to make sure I have all my craft supplies in front of me, so I don't have to keep moving around and he can continue sleeping on my lap. Yeah... he's not spoiled... at all. ;)

Today, I decided to change my blog header. As usual, I learned a lot from trial and error. I never took photoshop class. I do everything with the help of google and just pure trial and error. But, I end up with results that I am pretty happy with.

Since, I love design that involves bird, I stick with that design. What do you think of my blog header?

Then, since I am in full creative mode and I have a bunch of new Hero Arts goodies to play with, I decided to play along with this month Hero Arts spring challenge.

This color combo is definitely very springy. And I am glad that I actually make cards with flowers that turned out quite pretty. I always feel like I am struggling when I play with flower stamp. I simply stamped the whole background stamp and color it in with Copic markers.

Now, I think I will go and watch The Rise of The Guardians. I may have no kids, but I sure am love animations. :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend, peeps.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

What's Up Buttercup

Happy Friday! Today the Trendsetters at There She Goes Stamp are highlighting previously released stamp sets, ROFTL Tag Lines,  Dream A New Dream, and What's Up Buttercup.

I decided to play with the beautiful buttercup images from What's Up Buttercup and combine it with the sentiment from Dream A New Dream. Here's the result:

I love the way this card turned out. I think the white space really help in making the flowers pop. What do you think? And, you see that gorgeous chartreuse color ribbon? Isn't it gorgeous? It's the silk ribbon from May Arts. Puffy heart love it! :)

When I was deciding on which sentiment to use, this one kind of called out to me. It's a great reminder to surround myself with positive people. I do believe that tt does makes a big difference who you surround yourself with.

Make sure you check out what the other Trendsetters has created HERE and hopefully you find some fun inspirations. Enjoy your day!

You're Beautiful

A couple days ago, someone posted this question on FB, "Have you say a kind thing to someone today?". This question reminds me how a kind word can really makes a difference in someone's day. Many of us tend to be hard to ourselves. We struggle from self image to questioning our decision, etc. And to hear someone say something nice to you can totally make your day, right?

So, with that note I just want to say... "You're Beautiful". :)

I made this card for The Greeting Farm March newsletter to highlight their new stamp & dies set. 

Anyway, I think I will leave this card in random place for someone to find it and who knows it just something that that person needed to see. Maybe they'll pass the card along. Who knows.... :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Paper Made Bakery Day

Hello, hello... It's Tuesday, which means it's my turn to post at Paper Made Bakery blog.  Here's a sneak peek of my card.

You can see the full card at Paper Made Bakery. Please swing by there. Thank you so much!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Scent With Love

Good morning, lovely peeps. How was your weekend? My mojo was working well, so I took advantage of it by working ahead for most of my DT works and some submissions as well.

And, of course I took the time to pamper my baby boy, Eli by taking him to the dog park and I just love watching him having fun playing with all the other doggies. He got so giddy whenever we're getting ready to take him to the dog park. He'd make all kind of noise hurrying us up. :)

Let's take a look at one of the card that I made this past weekend, shall we. Here's my card that I made for There She Goes Stamp anything goes challenge.

Isn't he stinkin' cute? This guy come from Scent-sational set. What do you think of him? He reminds me of Pepe from Looney Tunes. :)

Hope your Monday starts off fabulously!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Flowers, Feather & Butterfly

Happy Friday! Let's start with some Grey's Anatomy love, shall we?? This show is pretty much the only show that I'd make sure I don't miss. I love this show a lot!

And, I know many of you DVR-ing the show and might not seen last night episode, yet. So, without revealing much, I just want to say that at the end of the show, the one thing that trigger me to cry was this simple written word "Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital". Sigh... I still miss Lexy & Mark. And, I love how Yang and Owen are back  together.

Okay, let's move on from my Grey's obsession. After the show, I was able to create just for fun for Moxie Fab Elegant Emerald challenge and A Blog Named Hero free style challenge. The inspiration picture from Moxie Fab is simply gorgeous and I really want to play along.

Love the color, the pattern on the dress, the feathers, the butterfly and the pop of red. As soon as I saw this pic, I have this idea swirling in my head and this is what I came up with:

Recently, I received a generous presents of Hero Arts goodies (thank you, Jennifer!) and one of them is this gorgeous flower background called "Flower Medley Background" that I think is simply stunning.  The sentiment is also from Hero Arts.

For this card, I stamped it with Versamark ink to duplicate the tone on tone pattern like the dress. Cut out a couple feathers that I colored with Luminarte twinkling H2O paint (so these feathers actually has gorgeous nice shimmer), add butterfly, and pop in some red pearls (well, it's actually white pearls colored with Copic marker). I decided to go with black sentiment to pull in the black color from  the wing of the butterfly as shown on the inspiration pic.

I am very happy with the way this card turned out. This card get my mojo going. I think I will have lots of fun creating this weekend. :) What about you? Any crafting plan this weekend?

Also, just a reminder, Google Reader will be discontinued soon. I have switched to Bloglovin and I'd love for you to continue to follow me trough Bloglovin. It also allow you to import all of your Google Reader content. Super easy & convenient. :)

Follow on Bloglovin

Thursday, March 14, 2013

From Google Reader to Bloglovin

Well, starting from July 1, 2013 Google Reader will be discontinued. I have signed up with Bloglovin. If you'd like to continue to follow my blog (which I appreciate it very much if you do) you can follow me through Bloglovin or sign up to subscribe through email (the sign  up box is on the right side bar). Thank you.

Follow Your Bliss

Hi peeps, peeping in to share this quick card I made for TSG different shades of green challenge. I used the sweet set called "Follow Your Bliss".

Love how the brick is so easy to line up and match to create a border.

You still have some time to play along. Check out all the details and enter your project HERE. Enjoy your Thursday. :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Just Because Gnome Said So

Hmm.. it's already Wednesday? And almost half of March has gone? 

Sharing another gnome card, this time from There She Goes Stamps. I have this card up on their blog last week, but I love this li'l fella very much, I thought he deserves to get an acknowledgement here as well. :)

And, another li'l person that I love is my li'l niece, Shakira. I love this picture below of her dad introducing her to nature. :) My brother and his wife both love nature and hoping she will share that love. 

I love seeing their bond. And... her chubby cheek & serene look... melt my heart. <3

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Stamp Fever/Lawn Fawn Birthday Mini Hop

Hi everyone and welcome to Stamp Fever / Lawn Fawn mini hop. Here's what the owner of Stamp Fever said about their shop:

"Stamp Fever is a charming little store in Orange, California. We carry all things related to the crafting hobbies of stamping, card-making and paper crafting.  We stock a variety of stamps, papers, inks and supplies and can also provide special orders for items you find online. We offer weekly stamping classes along with demos and make ‘n takes throughout the month. 

Stamp Fever participates in the Southern California Shop Hop! Our design team goes all out to deck our store in theme related finery and we always have a charming Photo Op to add to the memories of your Shop Hop experience."

This coming Saturday, Stamp Fever is hosting a Lawn Fawn 3rd Birthday celebration! The party is on Saturday March 16 from 1-4pm. If you are in the area, please stop in for a visit and to share some birthday cake with Kelly and Mike, owners of Lawn Fawn. Kelly will share a special Make ‘n Take featuring one of Lawn Fawn’s newest sets “Summertime Charm”. 

Now, to help spread the word, Stamp Fever has invited several designers to play along, including me. Thank you, Nancy, for the invitation. :)

And here' what I created for this hop:

This banner is one of my all time favorite Lawn Fawn stamp. I simply love it!

Now, there will be prize drawings at the party including for our blog readers. We will randomly choose one winner from those who comment at The Stamp Fever blog and one more random winner from comments on the Hop Participant blogs. To increase your chances of winning: Follow the Stamp Fever blog in a reader or by email subscription; sign up for our Newsletter; follow Stamp Fever on Facebook and leave us a comment there. Each winner will receive a Lawn Fawn Stamp set and coordinating Lawn Cuts Die set. 

Comment to enter prize drawing until 10:00 pm PDT on Friday March 15. The random drawing will take place at the party. The two winners will be announced Sunday, March 17 on the Stamp Fever blog.

Stamp Fever Mini Birthday Hop for Lawn Fawn list of Participants:

Nicole- Unify Handmade
Chari- MossyMade
Vera- Ling's Design Studio < ----You are here
Lynnette- Netter's Notables
Virginia- Yes, Virginia
Melissa- Love My Scraps
Annette- My Clever Creations 

Paper Made Bakery Day

It's my day at Paper Made Bakery. Here's a peek of my card from this month Symbol & Signs kit.

Please swing by to Paper Made Bakery to see the full card. Thanks so much for all your support. :)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

SPARKS Just A Note

Yesterday, hubby and I treat ourselves to Cirque du Soleil Quidam. Totally loving it. The show was awesome! This was my 4th Cirque du Soleil show and every time I enjoy it immensely. Besides that my weekend were filled lots of house cleaning duties & laundry. Hah...

Anyway, at Paper Smooches SPARKS we have a new designer draft challenge. Here's the sketch:

And... here's my interpretation of the sketch. I follow the flow of the rectangle and the square, but this time I free myself from doing an actual rectangle and square shape. Think outside the box, right? :)

Can you see that I am ready for spring? I can't wait for our jasmine to bloom and have our backyard smells awesome blossom. This card makes me happy. I love the color combo and the cheerfulness that it conveys.

How's the weather in your neck of the wood? Still snowing or already warm? Either way, I hope you have a fabulous Monday and please play along with us. Check out the fabulous inspiration from my team mates at Paper Smooches SPARKS. Happy Monday!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Laurel's Baby Girl Blog Hop

Through paper crafting I have met so many fun & sweet people & some have become such a dear friend to me. One of them is the tiny and spunky Laurel Beard. I have had the pleasure of spending some time with her at CHA and when she visits me in  Houston. I love this girl.

And, we are here today to celebrate her as she is welcoming her new baby girl, Lily. Lily came into this world a few weeks early and she had to stay at the hospital for awhile. But, with God's blessing she is now home and joining her mom, dad and proud big brother, Lucas.

So, several of us get together for long distance celebration. :) If you come here from Tamara's blog you are on the right track. In case you miss anyone, you can find the complete link on Chrissie Tobias blog HERE.

For my card I used this sweet image from A Day For Daisy. I simply love the big bow on the li'l duckling. I bet Laurel will just have a blast dressing up her own  li'l duckling.

To Laurel, congratulations sweetie! I am so excited for you and Christian. May your family always be blessed with many joy with your precious baby girl.

From here please hop on over to Yainea. Thanks so much for stopping by here. Enjoy your weekend.

PS: Today I am sharing a  layout at There She Goes Stamp. You can check it out HERE.

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Timelessly Odd Hop

Happy Friday to you, crafty friends!

The Twine-istas and the Odd Girls are happy to welcome you to their first collaborative BLOG HOP!
hop graphic

Some Odd Girl and Timeless Twine decided to get together for a little playdate, and we are SO pleased you’ve joined us!  We hope you’ll find plenty of inspiration as you make your way around to all of the designers’ personal blogs, and be sure to leave a little love at each stop along the way, because there are THREE gorgeous spools of Timeless Twine and one $25 gift certificate to Some Odd Girl up for grabs!

Our hop, now being lovingly referred to as “The Timelessly Odd Hop”, runs now through Sunday, March 17th at midnight EST, so you have plenty of time to make your way around the circuit.  It’s a big hop, ‘cuz we have TONS of amazing designers who were absolutely excited to combine their love for all things cute, quirky, clever, and crafty, so take your time and ENJOY YOUR JOURNEY!

I love my Preppy Pups set, so of course I have to use it for this hop. The smarty look on  this pup reminds  me of my own pug puppy, the smart, stubborn, and affectionate, Eli. Since I get to play with green twine, thought it would be perfect for grass. So I cut the twine into a bunch of tiny strings and lined the up to create the grass. 

Does your puppy like to eat grass? Mine do. Well, he actually like to eat everything. If it's fit in his mouth, he'll try it. We totally have to puppy proof our home.
Anyway, if you’ve just dropped by randomly and haven’t been hopping from the beginning, here’s the hop list:
Vera <----- you are here

You don’t have to visit everyone in order, but you do have to visit EVERYONE if you want to win the goodies!  And that’s your cue, friends!  Our winners will be announced on Monday, March 18th.  Happy hopping, and GOOD LUCK!

PS: Today I am sharing a non-card project on There She Goes Stamp blog. Check out the pillow gift box I created HERE.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

TSG Feather Trend

Hi peeps. Today I get to share my thought on trend on There She Goes Stamp and I chose to focus on feather trend. Here's a peek of my project. 

You can see the complete card and an extra card I made using feathers HERE. Thank you for swinging by here. And thank you to those of you who left some love for me yesterday on TSG. I really appreciate your kind words. :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Playing With Mama Elephant

Quick post to share a baby card I made just for fun. 

When it comes to making baby card, I have to say that this "Nursery Deco" set from Mama Elephant is one of my favorite. They're quick to color and pretty easy to fussy cut.

By the way, today There She Goes stamp is highlighting me as one of their new trendsetter on their BLOG. Would so love it and appreciate it if you would take a moment to check it out & leave some love. :)

Thank you for stopping by here. Hope you enjoy your quick visit here.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Paper Made Bakery Blog Hop

** For my There She Goes post please scroll down. **

Happy Monday and welcome to Paper Made Bakery March blog hop showcasing our Fresh Baked Kit. Let's take a look at this super fun kit:

The moment I saw the bright colors, I know I am going to have so much fun playing with this kit. And, here's my 1st project using this kit:

The stamp set in this kit has many fun images and one of my favorite is of course the birdies.

Of course no new release & hop is complete without a giveaway. PMB is giving away a prize pack filled many super fun goodies. You have all week to earn multiple entries. Winner will be announced on PMB blog, Facebook & Twitter.

Here's a complete list for the hop and may your week starts off wonderfully. :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, March 3, 2013

TSG 197 Challenge

Woot... woot... today is my first time posting for There She Goes stamp. I get to start with the challenge post. This week it'all about black layering.

And, here's my card using the cute sheep from Poultry In Motion set.

For extra texture I added liquid applique to the sheep. I love watching the liquid applique turned into a soft bumps as I heated it up. And yep, I finally decided to give sequins a chance and add it for some extra color.

I hope  you will play along. You can find the challenge and the prize detail HERE.

This week will be a busy week for me. I have several post scheduled for TSG. I am excited and I hope you will check them out. Thanks for stopping by here everyone.

Shine Bright

Hi friends. I want to share a couple cards I made using Spellbinders Layered Shine Bright Stencil & Shine Bright Etched Dies . For my f...