Saturday, July 30, 2011

Wee Memories Dare to Color

Yesterday, I was telling hubby how I've been craving some desserts. I do have sweet tooth. Not necessarily for candy, although I do like sweetarts and chocolate. Howvere, what I am craving right now are good desserts, like cheesecake, tiramisu, strawberry shortcake, and a bunch of Indonesian desserts that I don't have the translation in English.

I've been debating whether I should make some, but then that would means I have to eat most of it myself since hubby not big into sweet. Sigh... so far, I am resisting the temptation.

Speaking about sweet, I received this super sweet image from Kristy at Some Odd Girl and I just had to color it immediately. Which is perfect for the new Wee Memories challenge "Dare to Color" (use at least 4 different colors on your card). For this challenge we are sponsored by Unity Stamps who offered 1 free set of stamp to one lucky winner. 

And, what do you know... this cute Baker Tia is holding a cupcake. Lucky for me, I am not into cupcake, surprisingly, so still able to resist temptation.... or maybe not. LOL, we'll see how this weekend goes.

Go, check out the fabulous inspirations from the other DT girls HERE. You have 2 weeks to play and join us. Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, July 29, 2011

ADFD Christmas in July

Yay it's Friday! Today, A Day For Daisies is celebrating Christmas in July. The DT get to choose Christmas images to play with and of course, it's like unleashing a kid at a candy store. :)

My first card is using Elves at Work. Found this printed digital paper in my pile of scrap papers and decided to use it. If I am not wrong this paper is not Christmas paper, but the color still  works, so why not?

Craft Your Passion - Christmas in July

Then my 2nd card is actually a mini card 3x3. The top of the stocking is covered with glitter. The green dot border is fabric tape from Love My Tapes. I use them quite a bit lately, because they are simply gorgeous (I was lucky to receive quite a few as freebies after helping them at their booth at CHA).

Crafty Creations - #129 Christmas

Oh my gosh, as I am typing this, Tiffany is singing "I Think We're Alone Now" on Good Morning America. and it sure brings back those 80's memories. I did love this song growing up. Well, I want to enjoy the song and jamming to it. LOL. Great way to start my morning. Thanks for swinging by here and enjoy your Friday. Cheers... :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Warm Thoughts

Hi peeps! How are you surviving the summer heat? Seriously, before I move To Texas, never in a million years I ever thought that the weather in the States could be hotter that Indonesia. I figure Indonesia is a tropical country and I guess I always thought the States with the four seasons wouldn't be as hot as any tropical country. Boy... was I wrong.

I am very diligent on putting the  windshield screen nowadays. If I don't do that, I won't be able to touch  the steering wheel.

With summer in my mind, how about a summery card? I recently got this cute Summer Mae from Some Odd Girl and had so much fun coloring her.

And, I decided to try on the flowery fabric tape that I got from Love My Tapes. I was working on their booth on the last day of CHA and was the lucky recipient of a bunch of fabric and lace tape. They have gorgeous lace tape. The lace is made of good quality lace, not the stiff kind.Check out their shop to see it.

The fabric tape has kind of a vintage look to it, but I  think it works pretty well with this image. Know, what I am most proud of about coloring this cute image? I gave her eye shadow. LOL, I am still learning on advancing my coloring skills and many time it's trial and error or simply looking at other people coloring method. Well, this is the first time I ever add that kind of detail and I am thrilled with the result. Here's a close-up. Can you see the soft pink eye shadow?

Thank you so much for stopping by. Have a great Wednesday. :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Giveaway Winner

First, I want to thank all of you who chose to follow my blog. I really appreciate it. Now, the winner of my 300 followers giveaway is..... drum roll.... :)

The lucky person is... JUDY1223. Judy, please email me (link on my side bar) to claim you prize & send me you mailing address. Thank you again to all that entered. Hugs.

CHA 2011 Final Report

 While at CHA, I did manage to take 3 classes. I took Copic, ZIG, and book binding with Echo Park. Have to say, book binding is not my thing. I'll stick to scrapbooking & card making. I have enough stuff in my craft room and for me those small books are clutters. It  just me, though.

At the ZIG class, I did find some more fun stuff to use for coloring. They have this new Clean Brushable pens, that works kind of like coloring pencil. Your can brush your stamp with it, then using watercolor brush brush along the lines to pull or spread the colors for watercolor effect. Super cool. I ordered a 12 set and  they gave me some samples as well. Will make a post for this technique as soon as I can.

They also have alcohol ink and the price are definitely more reasonable than Copic, but since I already have a Copic collection, I'll stick with Copic.

Then, let's see, more fun pics. LOL, are you tired yet looking at tons of pics? Well, today is my last CHA post. First up, is the Amy Tangerine collection at American Crafts booth. So fun & lots of pretty texture.

Amy Tangerine collection for American Crafts. Yummie-licious.

I don't share many scrapbook layouts on my blog here, but I do love scrapbooking. I have quite a few scrapbooking idols. One of  them is the fabulous Kelly Purkey. I love her fun style and not only that, I also love following her travel adventures. She also has moved States more often than anybody I know and I admire that. I often want to try living in other States, but so far hasn't been able to do so. So thrilled that I finally get to meet her.

With Kelly Purkey.

Kelly is also has very good taste in fashion 9if you follow her blog, you know what I am talking about) and I was so honored when she commented on how she loves my outfit. The rare occasion I wear a skirt and being all stylish. Later she even repeat the compliment on FB because she couldn't remember whether she mentioned that to me or not. Hah... sorry, I am gushing here..., but seriously to be complimented on my fashion choice by Kelly is a big deal. :)

Well, there I went all over the place. Earth to Vera, back to CHA. While I was at Studio Calico booth chatting with Kelly, I also took quite a few pic of layouts that they have One of my favorite is this one, made by the talented Susan Weinroth.

Layout sample at Studio Calico booth by Susan Weinroth. I adore that blue pattern paper.

Next, I found La-La Land Crafts booth. I recognize some of their images, but I am not too familiar with this line. They do have cute stamps, though.

Samples galore at La-La land Crafts booth. Cute stamps!
 What I love about  meeting blog friends is that even though you don't see them often, when you do it's like you see each other all the time. I met Lynette last year at CHA Super Show. She's a member of Lawn Fawn DT and Lawnscaping DT. So happy I get to catch up with her again and to work with her on Lawnscaping.
With my Lawnscaping team mate, the fabulous Lynette

On the last day, I actually ended up working at Love My Tapes booth. The owner remembered me from last year Super Show and asked me if I could help out working on the booth on the last day. Since I do use their products and pretty familiar with their stuff, I thought why not. Brush up on my sales skill here. :) And, silly me, I forgot to take pics of the booth. This is the only pic I manage to get, with Shemaine (she on My Little Show Box) who also used to work for Love My Tapes.

With Shemaine whom I met through Gallery Idol 2010.

I also manage to swing by to CHA Super show for an hour. it was nothing like last year super show at all. I only stop by to say hi to Paulina at Denami booth and got a few dies from My Favorite Things. CHA was lots of fun, but by Friday, I was ready to go home to hubby and my babies. When I arrived in Chicago I was greeted by heat wave and when I was ready to go home, it was pouring cats and dogs. My flight was delayed for over 3 hours. At least, I was grateful that the flight didn't get cancelled.

Anyway, now that we are through with CHA, it's time to go back to card making. I can't remember whether I have shared this card or not, but here's my card for today. :)

 And, I have a fun announcement next week. Can't share it yet, but let just say I have a fun new adventure waiting. There will be lots of cuteness and it makes me practice coloring even more. Stay tune and stay cool!

Monday, July 25, 2011

CHA 2011 Report Part 2

I am still trying to to catch up with stuff on my end here. It's amazing how a few days off can get you behind. Anyway, let's continue with our CHA report.

This CHA was my first one and I have to say I was a bit overwhelmed at first. Me... surrounded by pretty papers and stamps, just like kids in candy store. Then some people said that the winter CHA is like 4-5 times bigger than this one. Needless to say, I want to go to the winter one. Cross fingers that if everything goes smoothly I can go to  that one. :)

On the first day, Paper Crafts booth held their meet & greet event, which was  lots of fun as I get to meet up and catchup with some blogging friends. I cannot believe that I missed a couple people that I've been wanting to meet. I missed Valerie Mangan and Christina Kowalczyk. Christina emailed me that she was there, but I didn't get the email till way late.

 Kelly, me, my team mate at May Arts Latrice Murphy
& PC go-to-gal Windy Robinson. Yep, I'm the shortest one. :)

 Find my match in being vertically challenge in the talented 
Julie Renae. She's so sweet!

Next, are some of my favorite products. When it comes to paper, I love Bella Blvd, Jillibean Soup, and October Afternoon.

I just love, love, love Bella Blvd collection. So pretty.
From Jillibean Soup, I love this kraft set. 
The wood grain on kraft, must have.

Another Jillibean Soup collection. Love those cute penguins.

Now, how pretty is this! From October Afternoon.

One of the highlight of my trip was definitely meeting the super talented and super sweet Jennifer McGuire. She's so warm & friendly. Really, one of my favorite people! I had follow her works since way back when Creating Keepsakes just started, when she did mainly scrapbooking, and I just love her work and continue admiring her works as she does more and more card making. And when you meet her, you can't help but love her personality. And, that cutie patootie she's holding is Latrice's baby Kaeden. He's sooo adorable & such a sweet baby.

With Jennifer & baby Kaeden.

With Shari Carroll.

Besides Jennifer, at the Hero Arts booth I also get to meet Shari Carroll. She's just awesome. Love her! I know I said that a lot. But, seriously this industry is filled with  lots of nice peeps. And, of course, the super fun Lisa Spangler, my fellow Texans. When I started chatted with her, we just keep going on and on. Love, love, love her! My favorite company + my favorite people = awesome!! :)

My fellow Texans, Lisa Spangler.

Well, that's it for today. I have tons of things to do today. Will come back tomorrow to share more CHA pics. Thank you so much for stopping by and for sharing my excitement over my trip. :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

CHA Report Part 1

Hi'ya peeps! How are you all doing? I am back from CHA and there's a lot of catching up to do. I promise you report of my first CHA experience and let's start shall we.

My CHA day started way too early. I was awake probably by 2am and on my way to the airport by 3.30am. The airport is about 45 minutes from my house and my flight was 6am. Arrived in Chicago and was welcome by the heatwave. Drop my bag at the hotel, meet up with my MIL and her sister, and went straight to the convention.

I know right away I am in trouble when I saw Inkadinkado stuff. You know me, I cannot resist cuteness and that's what they have. Lookie, lookie here at their new Christmas stamps. Sorry about the shadow, booth lighting makes it quite hard to get good pic.

You can always click on the pic to make it bigger. That li'l daschund... I {heart} it. And that puppy peeking out of the stocking.. so cute! Then, I saw Susan and Cath at the Paper Craft booth, so went to say hi to them and of course, picture time!!

With miss fashionable, Susan.

The moxie fab Cath.

There were over 200 booths, so there was lots of walking!! Lots of make and take as well. One of my favorite booth is definitely Penny Black booth, where I found Kathy Racoosin. She's so sweet and nice. Love her and love her works. And, of course, I love Penny Black stamps. Lots of cute new stamps coming out!

The coloring queen Kathy Racoosin

The fabulous card samples at Penny Black booth. My favorite is
the bottom right corner one.

I could just stand there and admiring all their cards. The images are soooo cute and the coloring on these cards are simply amazing!!  Next, is the adorable booth of Doodlebug Design. I love how cute & cheerful their booth was. With Santa and elves peeking, makes you want to come in and join the fun.

Of course, besides seeeing all the new products, the fun parts of the show was seeing old and new blog friends. I was so thrilled that I was able to catch up quite a bit with the always smiling Kelly Marie from Lawn Fawn and the super sweet Tiffany who's there teaching at Faber Castell booth. I got some hints from Kelly that the new releases from Lawn Fawn going to be fabulous. More cute critters!! Can't wait!

Me & Kelly.

Me & Tiff. Isn't she just the cutest?

At the Faber Castell booth, I finally had a chance playing with their gelatos and brush pens... sigh... love them! It's fun seeing and trying all the new & cool stuff, but boy... it's going to be hard on the wallet when they come out. Christmas still 6 months away. :)

Okay, that's already a pretty long post today. I'll continue tomorrow with more stories. I can tell you though, that by the time the show end, my feet felt like they're on fire. I was so happy when I finally get to lay on the bed.

One more thing... I have an announcement to make. I'll be joining LAWNSCAPING as their new DT member. Yay!! Thank you Laurel for inviting me to join the team. You can check out the announcement HERE. Have a great Sunday everyone.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Off to CHA

Hi peeps! As this post go up, I'll be at the airport waiting for  my plane to CHA. Yeah, I really should have fly out the night before instead of going there today so early in  the morning, but hey at least I'll be saving money on hotel. :)

My MIL and her sister will meet me directly at the hotel and then off we go across the street to CHA! I am so ready to meet up with my blogging friends and take a bunch of pictures.

I am not taking my laptop with me. When it comes to travel by  myself, I like to keep things simple. No carrying big luggage. Carry on only! So, I won't be posting anything this week. But, once I come back, I promise I'll share loads of pics from CHA.

Well, let's hope I can nap on my way to Chicago. Hugs and see you when I come back.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Wee Memories: CAS

Hi all! It's weekend already and in a few days I'll be in Chicago attending my first CHA!! Last year, I went only for the Super Show part that open to public. But, this year, thanks to my MIL, I get to attend the trade show part. I'm super excited and I hope it'll be as awesome as I imagine it would be. Any of you going? Please let me know as I would love to meet up! :)

Now, onto card. It's time for new Wee Memories challenge and our theme is CAS!!! It's soooo my style.  And we are sponsored by The Stamps of Life. Remember, during the summer months, the challenge will run for 2 weeks, thus give you plenty of time to play.


Here's my CAS card.

Are you tired yet of seeing me using this set again?? Sorry, but I can resist playing with this set. Besides when it call for CAS, this set is IT! Also entering this card for Simon Says Stamp Challenge anything goes. Check out what the rest of the DT create HERE.

Today I'll be seeing Harry Potter. Part of me so excited to see the final, the other part is kind of sad that it finally reach the end. I just love, love, love Harry Potter. Seriously, in my whole life, the only time I ever waited at midnight to get a new release book was for Harry Potter book. From the preview, the special effect on the movie looks amazing!!

Hope you all have a great weekend and I'll be enjoying a visit to Hogwarts world. :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Star Light Star Bright

Yay... it's Friday! How are you all doing? Today, I have a dreamy card to share with you using image courtesy of A Day For Daisies. Actually, besides being a card, I think this actually would make a sweet baby room decor as well. Simply put it inside a frame. What do you think?

For this card, I am using my old but trusty chalk set. I have this chalk set for almost 10 years, if not more. It last forever and they're perfect to create soft colors. Actually, on this card, I used chalks for the background, hammock, and tree, then copic markers for the li'l girl, blanket, & flower, and color pencils for the moon & stars.

I did color outside the moon a bit  on purpose to create the glowing look.

Hope you enjoy your visit here and don't forget that I do have a giveaway going on till July 25 to celebrate my 300 followers!! Click HERE for details. Have a great Friday everyone!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

May Arts

Finally, I get to unveil my first works as May Arts DT member. This week May Arts is teaming up with Stampendous and I get to play with some cool stamps. Here's a look at the cards that I am sharing at May Arts blog (you can find full post and instruction for these cards HERE).


And they're doing some fabulous giveaway. How to enter? Simple. Just leave comments on any of the May Arts blog post during this week and I'd so appreciate it if you leave some love on my blog post there. Thanks so much for stopping by.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How's that for my post title? I was humming to Old McDonald song. Not quite sure how am I supposed to write that part of the song, so I just write it the way I thought it sound.

You probably wonder why I was humming to Old McDonal song, no... I haven't go bananas.. LOL. I've been playing with the super cute set "Critters on the Farm" from Lawn Fawn, which you all know is one of my favorite company. Here's what I made:

I thought it'd be fun to stack all the animals. Lots of fussy cut on this card. For the sheep, if you look on the set, it actually facing left. To make it facing right, I stamped on a piece of tissue paper (the ink will bleed to the other side), then glue the correct side to a piece of white cardstock to make it sturdy, and you'll end up with the sheep facing to the right.

I am making this card for Moxie Fab World Stamp It! Cards week challenge and Lawnscaping Don't Forget the Inside challenge. And here's the inside. Kind of hard to show it with white on white, but you can kind of see that it's a pop-up.

Thank you all so much for stopping by. Hope you have a super duper great Wednesday. Adios amigos. :)

Just Because

Yesterday, I came home to a nice little surprise from my family. My brother's girlfriend had a show to perform in Washington, DC last week, so she and my brother were here in the States all the way from Jakarta. I was sad that I couldn't meet up with them. It was last minute trip and we didn't get a chance to plan anything. But, to my surprise, my family knew how much I want to see them and to cheer me up and as a surprise belated birthday present, they sent me some goodies!!

Usually, with Indonesia mailing system, we just don't mailing things except letters or cards, cause the chance of you not getting your package is pretty big and the cost! But, since they're here, they just mailed the package from Washington and lucky me... get to be the surprise recipient of a neat package. Thank you Mom, Jeff, Gina, Jerry, & Dena for the presents. Me likey very much! :)

Another exciting thing, a week from now I'll be in Chicago to attend CHA!! This will be my first time attending the trade show (last year I went to CHA Super Show) and I can't wait to seeing some blogging friends that I met last year and meeting new blogging friends. If you're going, let me know, I would love to meet up.

Today, I have another CAS card to share with you. This time I am using Market Street Stamps. If you never heard of them before, check them out. They have wonderful quality stamps and superb customer service. I am making this card for their Color Cue Challenge # 4.

By the way, this week is the start of May Arts new DT. And yours truly is one of them. :) May Arts is teaming up with Stampendous, so not only we get to play with gorgeous ribbons, we also get to play with some fabby stamps. Karen Baker already started the week with fabulous project. And... there's giveaway, too. Check it out at May Arts blog HERE.

Thank you all for stopping by! Have a great day & if you live in super hot area like TX, stay cool!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Stamp It! Cards Challenge

I have another card today using Papertrey Ink Gracious Vases again. :) I am so in love with this set. The image is gorgeous and the sentiment design is fabulous.

Here's my CAS card and I am making this card for Moxie Fab World Stamp It! Cards Week Challenge.

I love that the sentiments comes in 2 different fonts and they each come separate, so you can mix and match and style it anyway you want. Here, I used "for your graciousness" as the base for the vases to ground the overall design. At first, I thought of putting the "Thanks" on the side of it instead of on top, but it didn't seem quite right.

Hm... I think my next try I will do bright colors. Hope you don't get  bored with these vases cards as I am sure I'll share a few more cards using this set. :)

300 Followers Giveaway

Yay... over this weekend, my blog followers has surpassed 300! Thank you to all of you who follow my blog. I want you to know that I do appreciate you. Your visits and your thoughtful comments means a lot to me.

And, since we reach 300, how about we celebrate with a giveaway? I've been cleaning my scrapbook room slowly but surely.  So, by the time the giveaway close, don't be surprise if you end up with more stuff than what you see here.

So far, what's included are at least 200 pieces of 6x6 papers from various manufacturers, including Basic Grey, American Crafts, Making Memories, We R Memory Keepers, Heidy Grace Designs, EK Success, etc., some ribbons, a Hero Arts stamp, a stamping tray to catch your glitters or embossing powders, embellishments, and a Cuttlebug embossing folder. Also included, but not in the pic are Prima flowers and sea shell shapes buttons. I'll be adding more to the package as I sort out more stuff.

So, how to enter the giveaway? Easy peasy. Simply post about this giveaway on your blog and let me know that you did so. It could be on blog post or on your blog side bar. Either way count. And, it's not a requirement to follow my blog, but if you do choose to follow, I sure appreciate it. :)

This giveaway open for anyone including international followers and will be open for 2 weeks till Monday, July 25. Winner will be announced on Tuesday, August 26. Thanks again for everything and I am grateful for you all! Cheers....

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Skype Moment

Yesterday, I finally get to skype with my mom. Seriously, I don't know why we didn't get it set up sooner. It was so much fun to be able to talk to her and see her at the same time. LOL, and we're so dorky, we had to bring the dogs in for the chat as well. My mom has a pug as well and it was cute to see her online. Hah. :)

Now, that my mom all set up and know how to use skype we can chat and see each other more often. Yay!! Moment like that makes me so thankful for technology. I remember when I first moved to the States, besides phone call, our fastest way of communication was through fax. And phone call back then cost a fortune. Then we upgraded to email. And now besides email, we send text to each other for quick news and I can see her online eventhough she's on the other side of the world!

Now, as much as I love technology, I also appreciate low tech, like actual card instead of e-card. With that, let's share a card, shall we? I think Papertrey Ink Gracious Vases set is my favorite set for the moment. I just love the design of the set. I made my card for this Moxie Fab Tuesday Trigger.

This inspiration card is by Tina Fussel straight from Stamp It! Cards magazine. I love the clean look of the card. For me, this card kind of contemporary and a bit retro at the same time.  For my card, I want to capture that clean and contemporary design and by rounding the corner of the strip and using the green tone colors for the vases, I am hoping that it also gives a bit of retro feeling to it.

Have you got Stamp It! Cards, yet? If not, you really should get it. So many fabulous and fun inspirations in there. I have mine marked with sticky notes all over the place. Well, hope you like the card and thank you for visiting.

Friday, July 8, 2011

ADFD Blog Hop

Hi peeps, how are you all doing? Sorry, I am such a slacker in blogging this week. Just have bunch of things on my plate this week. Anyway, today I'd like to welcome you to A Day For Daisies blog hop! For this hop, the DT gals were asked to create 3 different projects using some fun cupcake images.

Of course, to make it more fun, there are freebies and prizes!! You have a week to hop, and to be qualified for the door prize, you must leave a comment at each designer's blog. The grand prize for the hop commenting is the July Club release. And, Tammy, who designed all the images at ADFD is providing 2 freebies for the participants to play along with for their 3 projects. The winner of that gets a $12 gift certificate for the shop.

Here's my 3 projects. First one is a mini card. Give me great excuse to use up my scrap papers. :) Been loving the aqua color a lot lately. They're just so pretty.

Next project is a cheerful tag. On purpose, I didn't put any ribbon or twine on this tag. No special reason, just don't feel like it at the moment. Heh...

And the last project. A cupcake paper gift bag. Let me tell ya'... this bag is red, red! I don't want to put too much and decided to use this gorgeous lace ribbon from May Arts to help tone down the red a bit.

There you go. 3 projects. I hope this help make up for the time I am not blogging this week.  I haven't had a good night sleep this past few days, then I started a new exercise schedule that just make me feel whooped by the end of the day, so not  much energy left. Fingers crossed it'll change soon.

From here, please hope on over to our DT coordinator Arielle.  And here's a complete list of the DT blogs. Thanks so much for joining us and I hope you enjoy the hop.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Happy 4th of July, everyone! Thank you to our troops and the family who made it possible for us to enjoy the freedom we have.

This weekend, I've been spending my time on the computer a lot and playing in my craft room a lot. I do have good excuse. It's so darn hot outside. :)

Anyway, one of my favorite site to browse is Pinterest. Best source for inspirations. If you're not familiar with it, it's kind of like virtual pin board. See something you like on any website, you can pin it to your board. Like clipping a pic from a magazine and pin it to your cork board. You can check out my board HERE.

My favorite things to pin are travel pictures and pretty things, including wedding related stuff, just because they're so feminine and girlie. And... the wedding cake. and inspiring. With that, I was inspired to do a congratulations card.

I love, love the dimension on this card. The whole decoration kind of come up accidentally. At first, I was going to use lace ribbon, but it didn't seem quite right. Then, I was looking at my printed digital paper that has this aqua flowers and paisleys  with a bit of red that match the cake.

Luckily, I was crazy enough to fussy cut, intricate image. I stick with straight border for the cake as well, so it has a bit more contemporary feeling, which I like. This card will definitely go to someone special. Here's a close - up of the 3D effect.

Yep, you guess it, I am entering this card for Paper Crafts 2011 Gallery Idol. Last entry. :)

Hope you enjoy your visit here and thank you for stopping by. Have a fun and safe "Independence Day!"

Artsy Florals Cards

Hi friends. This year, I am determine to use more and more of older sets that I have on my stash. After all, in current economy, we all bein...